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Vertical Blue 2008

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.

Perhaps in the absence of the regulars here in welly, the Seals could hold a CWJ comp? The harbour should be deep enough, but not quite as blue as Deans...

Looking forward to more results. Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day, I'm sure! I hope somebody's getting some good footage of all this...
Sounds as though all are enjoying the event. Dave especially(working on his tan):t
I predict all the kiwis will achieve PB's and more than one world record....

Ryuzo sounds like he is really making a huge leap in proficiency - not to mention already being amongst the most proficent in the world. Well done!

Will, I have thoroughly enjoyed your athlete profiles. The question about entry to Dean's Blue Hole via the 10 metre drop; How do YOU enter? (I would be happy to try head first, but maybe not the back flip:naughty)

Have a blast all! You can all be sure of much moral support:thankyou
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WOW, I'm so excited about this competition, I even dreamed about it last night - Nat pulled a beautiful 57m CNF out of the bag and was sooooo happy! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for her, so much so, that I just made a bet with a friend here that she'll make it before the comp is over - come on, Nat, I've got a box on chocolates riding on you now!!!

Good luck to all the competitors, particularly all those of you that I know personally - the Wills, Dave, Ryuzo, Nat, Megumi, Leo... And of course hoping to meet everyone else soon too, somewhere...!

Can't wait to see the update for today - feet first CNF (can't quite picture it), and the FRC dives - fascinating developments!!!


Big hugs, GO GUYS!

OOPS! Almost forgot - WILL, awesome updates, keep them coming, you've made it a great spectator sport, which is SOOO nice to see! Not easy, but well done. Some more photos would be VERY welcome too!

Good luck for your own dives, mate! In your home waters, where you dive best!

Cheers, Guillaume, forgot you were there too! Nice pics - now I'm even more jealous I'm not there!

Was that a picture of Winram with SHORT HAIR?!?!? Surely not, his golden locks gone?? How will he dive without them??

Dive on!

New update just posted at William Trubridge News

Regarding cliff entry into the Blue Hole, I don't mind jumping off high things, but I have no aerial coordination, and I found this out midway through a head-first dive from about 7m in Corsica. I also broke my nose in LA doing this.
Go Karol and good luck for the rest of the comp!:)

Best wishes from Hungary,
Hey, looks windy and grey out there! Thumbs up to everyone diving inspite of these conditions. Great updates Will, I am waiting for more! Shame I could not be there - good luck to everyone, we are expecting to hear about some amazing dives.

xx Anna
A big day in Deans Blue hole today, or should I say a DEEP day.. official results not out yet. stay tuned on William Trubridge News


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Reactions: H.Balázs
Hi Azapa,

I thought that the suunto d4 measure the depth untill 100 meters!? If this is true, how could it be that Dave wore it???:t

Wow! Congrats to Ryuzo and Mullins on the new NR's. Thanks for the pics as well as the updates. Fallen records tomorrow? :-X
Hey Bennie,
Aren't you going to lay claim to all the fabulous kiwis who are smashing records day by day?
Wal - where are you mate? We are missing you.
Don't worry Fran, i'm keeping a list. But at this rate I might have to come over the pond myself! Call me Binny :D

This is fantastic reading all the results, I wish I was out there!

I'm a bit confused with the Kathryn's results on the Vertical Blue site - in the dialogue it says she did 44m NR today but in the tabled results it says 41m today and going for 44m tomorrow. What did she do?

Best of luck for tomorrow for everyone!!
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