I'm telling about bending them after production of fiberplastic sheet using heat, chemicals or something like this. I mean that
we cannot make the cross-cut U-form of the blade without loosing the relability.
So they're plain.
To the bending in process of work of the blade they're extra-resistant as no other blades in the World. You can fasten till 100 miles it'll not crack this way.
Nobody ever had such a problem in 10 years.
The property of fiberplastic is that's extra-resistant to bending, time-fatique, has amazing performance and so on, but cannot have other form than plain. Yet, I hope. WaterWay is working on it, but problem is really serious.
The rail are made by 3 reasons:
1. to prevent the (in fact monos don't need them the situation for them is opposite - it's only for long bi-fins) water laminar flom from falling aside in the time of kicking - it increases performance
2. to prevent you or neibor swimmer from cuttig y the adge when you snap. It cut's suits quite well. I've tried
It's dirty trick in competitions (so as livesaving) to cut (not seriously of cource) a leg of your neighbor by the adge of fiberplastic fin (all serious sportsmen use fibers) 'in strong snapping'. The rails in form of tube or rubber rails prevent this bad staff.
3. You meen Tanya Streteer?
She has tubes on the sides of her Model1 mono. If she didn't remove them.
So the sides are with rubber rails - to fit the foot pocket.
all the best,