Thanks Alina :wave
Here is the continuation - published four days ago: "
I would be happy to see come comments, feedback, questions.
Hi Aharon, Here's some feedback:
"Confidence comes from having all the elements in place."
It nice to know your surroundings and yourself are ready for the dive, but at the same time it should provide comfort it also fuels expectations.
"Detachment is very difficult to achieve in a state of chaos."
I had some of those experiences, and ones that may look contrary to this statement. Chaos helps tremendously to drop all your expectations.
I think it's very good you mentioned the importance of sleep. Something I should do more. In my experience I had some great results from taking a 30min nap before a dive. It indeed appears to relax and clean up the body and mind very much. On tip is when you wake up is to try to retain the slowness until you resurface from your dive.
In my experience I found it very helpful to forfeit the numeric goal in the run up to your dive completely. Looking back to my best dive experience I notice that during and before the dive I had small short term goals to focus on, helping me NOT to see the numeric goal.
For this evening for instance I would like to do a 75m+ dnf empty lungs. With a pb of 111m dnf full lungs, the 75 empty appears amazing to me. A week ago I was very surprised to do 62m with perceived incredible ease. That's the numeric goal, which I now need to abandon to shift my attention to the small steps in between. For instance have a nap now, drink enough, safe energy. And in the pool I'm going to have a slow muscle warm up, and take it slow. At a given time I'll ask my buddies to safety me, while I focus on my relaxation preparation. During which I seek to relax every fibre and rational thought. Than the total exhale and fall to the deep end of the pool. I stand, relax and just feel my body and mind slow down and relax. After a while a soft contraction appears and slowly start to swim dnf. Here usually my body signals that it's going to be short. A few very lazy, non streamlined swim strokes later I notice how clear my mind is and how the vascular constriction feels and continue swimming being amazed how clear my mind remains. Swim glide, swim glide, another turn, push glide, swim glide, check - OMG what is my mind clear -, well this is going too easy, let's not do to much and come up.
This time I'll try to add some subconscious swimming in the first two lanes.
That is my goal while swimming these lanes, after that it's maintaining hydrodynamics and 'speed' and check for low O2 signals.
In deepdiving I also have intermediate goals, such as relaxing parts, streamline, equalisation, static fall, streamline, small strokes, relax, strait legs, grab high, hookbreath, focus, surface protocol.
These short term goals help me much to stay in 'the moment' and prevent me from making rational O2 consuming calculations, weighing and judgements.
All of my pb's are done at moments that where NOT optimal, in fact could be considered adverse to the goal. The uniting thing is that these bad omens had me surrender all my expectations, allowing me to be without judgement and stress in the moment.
On the other hand I need steep goals to motivate me to focus in training and preparation.
I hope my experience are helpful to you.
Love, Courage and Water,