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Whats your Dream fish to catch for the 2010 Season

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2007
With the season looking like its going to be a little later starting this year because the colder weather,it gives us chance to think of that fish we all dream of catching.
My ambition or dream is to get myself a double figured Turbot.
What are my chances?
Whats your Dream Catch for 2010.
Lets look back at this December 20010 and see if anybody got there Dream Catch.
Reactions: Spear0Joe
well with 09 being my first full season i was over the moon with what gt i had an 8,7 1/2,5.10and 2 4.6lb bass they were the biggest of ther year and all far beyond what i expected what i hope for this season is a flatfish of any kind and a bream.

roll on the season . i smelt the conditioner i use for lube and it took me right back to the height of the season 09
My God Dan you not supposed to sniff the stuff roflroflrofl

My Dream fish has too be a double figure bass closely followed by a 14lb+ pollack.
Reactions: budleigh spearo
Shiny a 10lb turbot is difficult but do-able. If you tried and succeeded I would be impressed.

If I had to pick a target for this season that might be mine. For me locally a gilthead bream would be a good target as I've never caught one but they are around. Trouble for me is locally they hang around the sewer pipes (mainly) as they like the fresh water. So I'll give that a miss.

10lb pollack would also be a good local target but they are rare here and unfortunately mainly deep so again not for me. A big angler (over 20lb) would be a possible target but they have got very rare since the price went up and the beamers slaughtered them during the last 10 years. Anyway, been there, done that etc... Did look a couple or times last year though but just confirmed that's going to be a lucky one if it happens.

How about pushing the boat out and going for A PORGY. Sure they are somewhat rare even endangered but it's legal and they are damn good eating. Even more impressive if taken on a night dive (that's where we get them locally -night time, December, shallow water bays).

Okay if I have to nominate I go for the big tubby but shore diving only, no boats, kayaks etc. and in daytime.

Ramble over.

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would have to be a gilthead bream anything over 3lb..........sweet!

or a double figure bass either way I'd be a happy man.
I would just be happy with lots of good days to get out , sunshine , flat calm , nice vis' etc but I wouldn't turn my nose up at a decent turbot as well or a big cod in fact any damn thing will do ( must kill the nasty fishes , must kill the nasty fishes ) .
I spear for food not the biggest fish so a brace of 5lb Giltheads, just the right size to feed me and a few appreciative mates.
A turbot would be nice. I love big pollack too so Scott's 15lb'er would be appreciated.
If the shoals come near enough and we get a boat organised then maybe...... ALBACORE!! I live in hope anyway.:martial

What Devon Dave said too. Fine weather and good seas and just about any catch is good really.
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Reactions: Old Man Dave
As I'm still very much a spearo noob and don't manage to get to the coast often, my aim this year is a 5lb Welsh Bass - that would make me very, VERY happy!!!
Reactions: foxfish
Gilthead Bream,Black Bream,Turbot and Brill

Oh and don't forget the monkfish
I think mine would be a double figure bass/pollock and a specimen lobster.

...one can live and hope hey!?
i like this thread, will be interesting to look back...

OMD i have been considering the porgy idea for a while... i assume you mean porbeagle... my concern would be losing the spear and then gun after making a shot. I wonder if there's a 'correct' head shot to stone them?

so that would be my number one target.

number two would be harder to decide; i'm keen to learn more about catching lobsters, i'm slowly starting to appreciate the flavour, so thats a goal for 2010.

number three: i'm hoping to get out in the kayak and learn how to get a bit deeper, out amongs the reefs on the west coast of our island. The difficulty being the strong tides and learning where is sheltered enough to get reasonable drifts. So i hope for a good bass or pollack from the reefs. just for the adventure.

i'd love to find a shallow enough wreck to dive and find a good pollack too!

I'd be happy with a few fish really! and i so hope that i dont get the allergic reactions i was wiped out by last summer!
For my first night season 3 or 4 years ago I used to use my big gun with reel just in case I saw a porgy (porbeagle shark). Thought I might take a head shot and make it to a nearby reef before it spooled me if it wasn't a stone shot.

Although several to over 250lb were netted from the same area I never saw one. The gun became a pain and my gung ho attitude and talk of sharks used to freak Ed out.

Maybe later this year I'll start carrying the big gun again on night dives - just in case.

My only goal for the coming season is NOT to bump in to a Shark or anything else for that matter that might be big enough to take a chuck out of me!!!blackeye
And I would love to come across a Monkfish before Glowworm does.

I would leave it alone unless you had no other choice, big sharks don't ''stone'' easy. That gun will be gone, I poke them if need be but would hate to pull the trigger on one.
Do you freedive at night?
Cheers, Don
Monkfish! Never even seen one in a fishmongers!
Don, yes we (not so much me) free dive - spearfish at night.
mine would have to be a double figure dentex - but i sense it wont be in England! good job im off to greece in april!
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