Hi all, I'm a high schooler in Wisconsin and our school recieved a $250,000 grant for being one of the top high school fitness programs in the Nation. Our gym classes are very hardcore, and 99% of the people in our school hate it. This isn't go out and play kickball, we have a very demanding schedule. There is the lazy gym class, they still have to run a lot, but they play games. I am in Advanced Fitness and Body Conditioning
Monday - Tae Bo, Stretching, Yoga, Running
Tuesday - Heart Rate Monitors. We work out for 20 minutes, to pass you must keep your heart rate at 160-180 for 15 of the 20 minutes. After that, cool down
Wednesday - Work out Wednesday. We have 6 different activities, rotated every week.
1. Two mile run
2. Steal the Pins (Very active game, like steal the flag)
3. Pacer
4. 45 minute jog
5. Sprints
6. Stretching, Cardiovascular
Thursday - Heart Rate Monitors
Friday - Free Day. (basketball, soccer, ultimate frisbee, if we aren't constantly working, we don't pass the days lesson.)
This may sound like a lot for a 15 yr. old, but i like it. Our school offers everything from rollerblading too cardio and weight rooms that are open to students. My second class of the day is conditioning. This is probably the hardest work out of my entire life. Instead of having a class every day for a semester, we have it 3 days a week, then 2 days a week, 3 days a week, 2 days a week, etc. Our schedule looks like this
Run, Run, Run, Stretch, Run some more, Push-ups, Run, Sit-ups, Push-ups, More running, 2 mile jog, Sit-ups, etc.
95% of the students in this class are joining the military, and they take this class because it puts you in the best shape of your life. I'll also be taking weight-training later in high schoool too. Right now i am very out of shape after a bad knee injury and broken bones, so i willl try to get back in shape this summer.