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Why don't UK spearo's use pneumatic guns?

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Hi an 80 pneumatic is exactly that. i.e. 80cm overall, where as an 80cm band gun is longer, because it doesn't take into account the handle and muzzle.
If you get a conversion kit [tomba] then it can be made to whatever size shaft you want to use. I have a 6.5mm kit.
As for loading, it can be easier with a dry barrel as you don't need to have as much pressure in the gun.
Hope that helps.
Reactions: Broseidon
Lol - I guessed as much! We should do a joint order mate - you know you want to

An 80 pneumatic is around the same size as a 65 bandgun, or so I've been told.

Why would you want to reduce the spear? It's only a fraction bigger than a typical Euro spear...?

I had the same fear re loading - it looks a little sketchy. Can anyone clarify?
Loading an 80 airgun is just kids stuff its only when you have to stretch for the spear that it gets tough.
I can load my 90 guns with very little effort, my 115 is a different matter but, still reasonable compared to a 115 band gun.
Thin spears are OK in short guns but I would stick to 7mm as a starting point, the thicker the spear the easier to loads as there is less chance of bending.
its just about technique & confidence - not brute strength.
Ok, this might make everyone laugh but it's only just clicked in my head that pneumatic guns don't need to be recharged every 20 shots or so :duh

All of the pneumatic air rifles I've used in the past have had to be refilled every few hundred shots - I just presumed that pneumatic spearguns where the same! I was always worried that I'd be out spearing and would have to take a pump with me rofl

Feeling a little stupid now

So when you buy a speargun, I presume it comes with a pump? Does the pump have a pressure gauge?

If the gun doesn't have a reducer, can you just release the gas in the chamber to lower the power for, say, night diving then pump it higher for extra power on high visibility days?
Lost for words mate :king
You dont get a gauge with the gun they are sold separately, you do get a hand pump though & a chart showing the number of pumps required to achieve certain pressures.
Some guns come with a two stage power setting that allows a half power shot!
I use a pressure gauge every now & again to check the pressure, very handy thing to have but no essential.
I find my guns loose a bit of pressure over the season but i have one that never seems too at all!
Here is a pic I posted in 2006 it shows the spear bending because it is only a 6.5 in a 115 gun.
Yeah - I'm feeling dumb

I was always confused watching vids online why there wasn't an explosion of bubbles every time someone fired a pneumatic! rofl

That 115 looks HORRIBLE to load!!! Can't imagine doing that in the sea! So you think an 80 would be nice an easy to load? Now I just need to decide on either a 70, 80 or 90... hmmm...
I Pm'd Foxfish earlier ref an air gun left to me by my late grandfather - he suggested i post some pics to see if anyone could identify it and tell me what i've got. I'm interested in having a go with it, but have a feeling it may be impractical for regular use. I'm not sure what kind of maintenance / repair work it will need either. Cheers, Glenn.

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I would not even consider a 70, perhaps an 80 but that will feel strange being so short & I would find out about the balance first as the 80 might not float very well?
I realise you dont get great vis where you are but, the 90 size is very nice compact size.
My 90 air gun is the same length as a 750 band gun however there does not seem a standard way to measure the sizes from one manufacturer to another!!
loading can be extremely easy it is obviously dependant on how much power you want out of the shot.
Cool - ok then, a 70 is off the cards.

So 80 or 90... I've already had one abusive PM from a certain, nameless forum member stating that anything under a 90 would make a mentally-impaired, girly-man. Which was wonderful, thank you for that.

But back on topic, an 80 currently seems like the obvious choice to me as yes the viz if often shocking up here in Wales. I've got rid of my Gabbiano 90 as it was just way too big.

In your opinion, how would an 80cm air gun compare, power & range wise to a band gun?
That depends on the pressure you operate the gun at.

Dry barrel air guns are a lot smoother to fire than a 28mm barrel band gun. You can very often see the spear in flight & its trajectory, not something you will experience with a high recoil band gun.
So it is difficult to make the direct compassion.
In the accuracy stakes I obviously dont know about the gun you are looking at but it looks pretty good on the video!!

Say it ain't so!

I thought he was an RA man?!? What's he gone a got?

ha ha yeah i am considering a pneumatic gun. i still am a RA man. i love my guns and hlod much confidence in them whilst aiming at fish more so my double banded 90 (my baby). howeva my banded guns at night are not so good. i will openly admit that. im all about gear that works for me rather than living up to a named brand. at night after i have placed a nice shot it takes foreva 2 sort my gun out again , threading the spear down the muzzle then in2 trigger then load gun where as pneumatic gun its wind line bk in place spear in barrel and load. i have ovacome my problem 2 some dagree by having an open muzzle now so no threading through that no more but still have to thread spear under rubbers then get line ove spear to hold in place and load.

i also like to have a torch on my gun as well as in my hand. on banded guns it can make it tricky 2 load. torch on gun is for holed up fish rather than the game of gun and other hand in hole whilst trying 2 see wot is in hole where as with a pneumatic gun a toch can b fitted to it with no obstruction to loading.

A small pneumatic gun can hold the same power as my much loved double banded RA and can hit fish at same range even tho my gun is double strung to.( as lee has proved to me many of times).
some pneumatic guns can reduce power with a slide of a switch for a holed up fish where as i would either hav 2 unload 1 band or come to surface and change gun then dive bk down.
now i find out pneumatic guns gan b made almost silent really apeals to me as truthfully the noise scares the crap out of me.

pneumatic guns do hav an apeal on me but mainly for the night dives. i love my RA guns and i hunt with confidance with them.
grat thread and gives true facts about both types of guns. i think any newbie should look at this thread and make there minds up from this as these guns do really hold an edge on certan types of fishing.

Is the Omer one air out in euro or other countries? Anyone want to mail me one? I'm tired of waiting and am still on the fence on investing in a regular gun and upgrade the barrel myself.
I've never used a pnuematic speargun but how would one of the Omer Caymen ET guns compare and does the enclosed track make it an easier option for a night dive?
For night diving you want the most basic kit possible = 75 open track band gun with single 16mm rubber, slider on the spear & 1.5 wrap of line.

An enclosed track gun at night would be a nightmare to feed the spear into the track & if you take a close up shot the spear might not even leave the track before contact with the fish & could be dangerous!
An air gun is definitely an option but only if you are familiar with them!
I guess a bit of practice with the pnuematic gun first would be on the cards so, I'd like to give them a try. With the open track banded guns would it difficult to run the mono back up the shaft and over the open muzzle to reset it in the dark of night. I still have to look into how I apply for the license required for a pnuematic gun here in Ireland. The local sergeant doesn't know anything about it .

if your thinking of a night dive a pnuematic is the way forward. was out tonight and a know my RA70 like the bk of my hand but as foxfish said a real pain. i am defo gettin 1 for my night dives as it gets so frustrating using a banded gun. lee who is using a pnuematic had a vizable advantage ova me with my banded 70. so much less fuss, i am lucky lee is a patiant guy or wen i got tangled up i would have been sorting myself out in the dark or having to get out to sort my gun out. if u can get a license i would do it.
Ye, I think I'll try and get a licence...I was thinking of getting a bigger gun to try some boat diving with. If I can get a pneumatic around 90 would that be a good choice for night dives as well?
Gah, I just wish this gun had a few reviews already written about it! I don't think I am brave enough to take the plunge yet until there is some solid feedback available!
Are you looking for an 'all-in-one' gun Derekn? i.e. one for boat dives, night dives, good viz, bad viz etc. Thats what I'm kind of hoping I can get out of pneumatic - just a good all rounder that I can pack and not worry what the conditions are going to be like. North Wales is so changable day to day. I just can't decide between the 80 or 90! I'm finding the 80 more appealing at the moment.
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