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Wisconsin Spearo T-Shirts

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
On the beenie, I can give you the two parts and you can put the diver on the front and the words on the back. Same with the T's. They could have just the words or just the diver on the front or back. Just ideas.
Send em my way- I think I may change the MUG idea- It says I have to order a minimum of 72 units! Hoochie Momma!
Ive got friends/know the owner of a diveshop that might be interested in buying some stuff. I know I could sell a couple of the beanies.
Ok, I've got some stuff made up and ordered. I should have these at every event- so, If anyone wants to buy something, just bring some money. I'm not profiting from any of this. The Prices are to cover the cost of making the products. They are as follows:

T-Shirts: $12

Hoodies: $24

Beanies: $18

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I would like to purchase a couple t-shirts, and a couple mugs from you, possibly some beanies. I'm going to give those out as prizes during our "Tournament" Luckily... I don't think that will total over $500, so no permit for us either! :friday
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