Hello, hope everyone is doing fine in this awful global situation. Due to the fact that we are well into the second wave of covid-19 we find our selfs quarantined once again. So I wanted to keep myself busy and build a couple of guns hence some teak is accidentally lying around. Making clear that im not an expert or a Pro, after all thats why im witting here to ask for some advices. I would like to ask if anyone has tried mixing wood and carbon fiber cloth in the lamination process, looking around the internet I have seen that some people do that. One good reason is that this technique adds stiffness to the hole structure as they claim, I have no reason to doubt that but my question is how much thinner the profile of a carbon fused gun can be compared to just a wood laminated gun. And I ask because I would like to know if that procedure is worth putting effort and money, how thin I can go on the gun for example. And I know you will probably tell me that this is depending on some factors like the number and the size of the rubbers the length of the gun the holes for the rollers how many layers would be the cloth in between and what orientation would have etc. But it would be very helpful to have an estimate of that because it is important knowing that the profile in the 1st case could be lets say 4cm and in the 2nd 6cm. This difference is really a big one especially inside the water, the resistance would be greater for the 6cm profile so the advantages for the carbon laminate are greater than the disadvantages. Hope I didn't bored you with all these technical questions and I will try keep you posted on my project.