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You can make gumbo out of anything!

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I wouldn't eat it if I took it to the pool with me, as then it would qualify as a pet! ;)

that would also qualify as one of your work outs as well wouldnt it?

btw sarge I think you forgot the hog gowels.
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Hawg Jowls is good. So're spicey smoked sausage, ham hocks, brisket, mushrat, crow and, for all I know, pickled pigs' feet. Like I said, you can make gumbo out of anything!
Like my Uncle Murray (good Ol' Georgia boy) used to say, "Mmmmm, mmmmm, .............thems good groceries"

land shark said:
that would also qualify as one of your work outs as well wouldnt it?
That'll be the next one. "You're not going home until you get that carp out of the pool!" Thus began one of the great adventures of my life.
I have a freind who has given up pot and started smokin tree tags.
As a result he has quit drinking beer! You should see his refigerator.Im worried?
You think gumbo would help get him back on track??

lost in Flordia
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Hmmmmm, that's serious! I would recommend a double extra helping of cayenne in the mix. That ought to get his beer glands going again. :friday:
land shark said:
and started smokin tree tags.

Someone wanna englishfy that for me? :confused:

Dear Sarge:
MY girlfriend insists that a whole bottle of tobasco is too much for liter of gumbo. I point out that with the tobasco its more like 1.5L. Can you tell her she's wrong?

oppressed boyfriend (AUS)

ps She also claims I never listen or something...
Nice one Sarge! That is a written justification to my better half as to why I should go and buy an air rifle. Namely the new Theoben E-type with a nice Bushnell Legend scope to zero in on some varmint!
Here woody woodies...here Steven the squirrel....
Thanks for a great recipe...that's an Island Sands style print off and shove inside the cover of a recipe book!:t
Dear Oppressed,
She may have a point on the subject of your hearing. Many freedivers whose enthusiasm overrides their prudence begin to suffer from SOLL (Significant Other Listening Loss). This can easily be attributed to the masculine boldness with which you approach the Briney. She should, therefore, take extra effort in communication with you. Unbuttoning her blouse down one further is always a good opening.

As to the quantity of Tabasco, she may be referring to the company's newest flavor, Habanero Tabasco. If so, she is again correct. Half a bottle per liter is sufficient. For Classic Tabasco I must agree with your proportions.

:rofl :rofl :rofl
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Mmm jambalaya is one of the greatest things on earch. It's good over pasta too.
lol sarge.. you have me DYING with this thread. i know my gramma (who was from the south) used to say that everything but the kitchen sink went into gumbo.. but DAMN you took things to a whole other level. however you left out ONE thing.

the file (pronounced Fee-lay).. that's like ground up sassafrass leaves or something. it also acts somewhat like a thickening agent.

i'm actually making a cuban style gumbo thing for dinner tonight that's like a cross between jambalaya & gumbo. my mom used to make it for me all the time when i was a child.

i got a great kick outta reading this. gumbo may not be pretty, but it sure is tasty! :friday
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Ever tried burgoo? I've seen some tv shows on it, and it seems fascinating.
No, but a burgoo has always seemed to me to just be a good, brown stew with squirrels in it. Could be wrong, of course. Now Brunswick stew, made with the meat of your choice and including corn, fresh tomatoes and lima beans is a treat. Personally, I like to dress it up by putting sour cream in the gravy just before serving but that may be a bit high-falutin' for some folks.
Sarge, have you partaken in a healthy serving of Potjiekos on your sub-saharan travels? It's gumbo-ish...:t
No, but I'll ask in July when I'm in Natal! Certainly looks appealing.
July...excellent. I'm relocating back home to Durban permanently in November. Would have been great to buy you a 'bunny chow' or setup a crayfish braai....but you won't be sorry with that potjie!:t
i cringe when i read this.. i have a pet squirrel!!

i couldn't imagine what it would taste like


with that being said i have eaten cat before
Well then, you get some culinary adventure points for that one. How was it? I have read that the old mountain men considered cougar the best of all wild meat.
lol i'm not that damn adventurous.. i didnt know it was cat. although i did suspect it.. turns out a japanese restaurant by my school was found to have "questionable carcasses" hanging in the meat locker and were closed down.

honestly, i knew it wasn't chicken. i used to call it teriyakat but no one believed me. i'm like chicken isnt this colour, even the thigh isn't this tender nor does it have this weird gristly bit down the center of any part of it.

lol with that being said it was wicked good and i kept going back.

i have to say, i'm not a cat person, so eating them gives a new purpose to their existence.

still wouldn't eat a squirrel unless you drench it in tons of teriyaki sauce

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