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200m deep down

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Will Patrick make the 200m barrier?

  • Yes he will, and everything will be ok !!

    Votes: 45 41.3%
  • Yes, but with big problems...

    Votes: 17 15.6%
  • No, he will "chicken out" and cancel the dive.

    Votes: 14 12.8%
  • No, he did a try... but not really.

    Votes: 13 11.9%
  • No, No, No...

    Votes: 20 18.3%

  • Total voters
Congratulations Patrick!

Maybe add a few meters more? It's sounds almost too easy to you!

Love, peace and water!

Big Congratzzzz Patrick. History in the making. Your dream came trough !!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. Bad taste in my mouth after reading his comments. Nothing to do with freediving and the way I myself experience the community as nothing but helpfull and friendly. Made me think back of Pipins regular remarks. But he probably has his reasons.......
Hope after some time he sees things differently
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an amazing achievement. the news comes as no surprise - i knew he'd do it.

if it says 200+ on his Suunto, then that's good enough for me...

It's my dream to, but to Patrick it came true

Well I've not witnessed his stuggle with the organisations, but judging from my own experiences and the stories I've come to know from others it far from uncommon these fights with these ego's that make up these orginasations.
I think Patrick made a wise decision to quit begging at these boards of selfproclaimed 'defenders' of freediving.
For now it's imposible to change history, and if ones experience is the cause of ones opinion it's not likely to change fast, and it will very unlikely to become the opposite over time.

When one's star rises they'll become more of a influence, and a danger to any selfproclaimed leader or organisation. Comply or be an outcast seems to be the choice.

Love peace and water.

Congratulations Patrick! An amazing few weeks. You have certainly proved your approach to no limits works.

Inspiring. But I'm still really interested to know about how the risk of DCS and squeeze played out and how it was apparently negated.

Will he keep going deeper?

His email leaves me wondering, but I am not sure he is reacting only to this thread. I imagine he has had other encounters online and offline that have fulled his frustration. These open emails to people who have wronged a person always come off sounding egotistical and plaintive, even if that is not the intention.

I'd love to know about how to see his dive on television or online?
I was left under mixed feelings after reading his comments... His attitude is a little big too edgy for a freediver.

Nevertheless, 200 m is a glorius achievement. Congratulations!
The graph is misleading as it mixes official and non official results in a misleading fashion. It is important when making comparisons and statements on progression that we don't pick and choose data points that lead to misleading information. The data points (as far as I can tell) prior to Patricks data points are (official - and I mean no disrespect to Patrick in using that term) and then the last data points are "non" official. Before anyone gets annoyed with this comment please be clear about what I'm saying. The graph can be done fairly in one of two ways:

1. Official recognised performances


2. Non - Official performances

If it is done as per option 1 - then Patricks performances are not included and NL progression is not as aggressive as the suggested by the graph above
If is done by option 2 - then other performances (eg Seb's and others) should also be included which again shows a different progression than what is shown above.
Some would argue that a third option is also valid (Include all performances) I personally disagree but regardless of that the graph above does not do that anyway.

This post in no way is intended to detract from Patrick's performances, which are truly remarkable but rather to be a reminder that comparisons and statements on progression should be accurate and should include appropriate context to ensure they are not unintentionally misleading.

Biggest step changes in performances that I'm aware of are:
1. Officially - Martin's recent move of the nofins constant record
2. Unofficially - Seb's move of the No-limits record

Last comment(and the most important) - Go Patrick - awesome! - heaps of +ve vibes heading your way!
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ADR said:
The graph is misleading ... bla bla

The graph is ok as it is. Bureaucrats and squealers are not important enough to get their own graphs

Good job Patrick!
st3fan said:
The graph is ok as it is. Bureaucrats and squealers are not important enough to get their own graphs

Good job Patrick!

...Why is the graph OK as it is?.....or is it just because you say so?
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Stay all tuned till July 5th and we'll see how far and deep Pat will go.
Of course congratulations Pat, you are great! You've got my comments already!
You just couldn't say congrats but I suppose it doesn't matter since the whole thing will be telvised on the 5th of July with clear explanations on how the whole thing will be measured and controled ... I have to admit though that it is the perseverence for detail and explanations and proof etc that helped us get to the moon ... what ever the case might be.... whether it be 195 or 205m it's still deeeeeeepppppppp.... :waterwork

neoprenelove said:
200,3 meter on a Suunto D9, I wounder how deep that is in real meter.

It could be everything between 195-205 ! Well, it was deep, and that is enormous.

But how deep was it, and who verify this to be 100% correct?

I have to admit I didn,t think it possible, shows what I know.
Congratulations on an incredible achievement.
Patfan said:
I have to admit though that it is the perseverence for detail and explanations and proof etc that helped us get to the moon

Who said we were on the moon?
fcallagy said:
I have to admit I didn,t think it possible, shows what I know.
Congratulations on an incredible achievement.

This is the kind of attitude I really appreciate... good job man good job..
neoprenelove said:
200,3 meter on a Suunto D9, I wounder how deep that is in real meter.

It could be everything between 195-205 ! Well, it was deep, and that is enormous.

But how deep was it, and who verify this to be 100% correct?


i think that would be splitting hairs.. he went way past world record, does two metres matter?

Congratulations Patrick... glad you made it back safe...
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