Well, I'm not sure exactly which is better-I could say something encouraging, as I know just how good the 2015 Lunocet really is (and mine doesn't have the new bushings yet) or post a video of me swimming (but that might raise the frustration level of those of you without). I suppose an update and observation will have to do! I have all three last variations of Lunocet, and have used them extensively and been part of a small group giving Ted continued feedback to troubleshoot and improve the product. I've also, out of curiosity and interest, tried almost all possible combinations of 2014 classic, pro and 2015 pro as far as mixing and matching flukes and springs and peduncles. None of them work as well as the 2015 pro, though Chip's hack of reinforcing the spring on a 2014 is right up there with it speed-wise but tires me out faster. The 2015 is more efficient, in other words. I've been swimming anywhere from 1k to 1 mile with it the last several swims. I will do what I can to encourage Ted to get fins out to those who need them, though I imagine he is working at that. I look forward to when we can just share user experiences and not purchaser frustrations! The fin is worth it though...it really is that good.