They dont get it Yeti your wastein ya breath !
aye cheers lad but don't forget it's only my opinion I'm expressing, and all are entitled to voice theirs in the same manner. I don't expect folk to agree with it but I respect it's nice to have a say. I just struggle to take myself seriously....let alone anything else!
I do worry though (purely from a selfish point of view I guess if you were to examine it) that given it is one of the few things I do where once my head is in the water I can escape all the cr@p and 'trappings' of life, why try and take all that with you? Yes we live in a changing world and times but even so??
I know its not directly MPZ but I work up to my neck in health and safety and legislation blah blah (all based around 'competency' and 'training') If you dismantle it all, all that is left is the guy who has no one left to point a finger at? if you can successfully point the finger and make a few quid training the guy you are pointing the finger at, so he can point at the next man wohoo the heat is off, you can start building your ethical morality soap box because you've done your bit.
If the guy at the bottom manages to push the sh!t uphill (given it rolls downhill normally) the guys going the other way want to protect their interests, and so the game of 'adding more layers of regulation and legislation tennis' begins. It is a very difficult, if not impossible, thing once set in motion to stop. It continues until cost or 'blame' causes either; the guys at the bottom to start dropping of the end, or it collapses under its own beurocratic mass.
If you are unlucky enough to be the guy at the end with no one to point the finger at because those previous have it all 'stitched up', it can quite often seem we are successfully convinced into pointing the finger at ourselves and questioning our own abilities and somehow 'seek' training and desire rules to obey?? why? Qualifications and courses etc are a great arena of knowledge but be careful because insurance companies LOVE them.....'we told em we did, but they didn't listen' !
......just an opinion from inside the mind of a man with a 'head full of screaming seagulls' (or so I've been told) :hmm
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