Artiz , you do waffle on a bit like either a) a Guardian journalist b) an EU bureaucrat chanting the same mantra " ethical sustainable " etc Spearfishing has such an incredibly small participation level that 99.9 % of the public probably have no idea it goes on in the UK ! The quantities of fish caught are so small as to be totally insignificant to UK fish stocks .I think the BSA did very well to get DEFRA to listen to them , as they are an organisation with less than 100 members !!! The only real threat to spearing is likely to come by way of health and safety legislation not public abhorrence to "vast " catches at contests .I have been to a contest and catches were not large (some blanked ) and all the fish were taken to be eaten ,so see no problem there .It was not an intense atmosphere to the competition but it seemed like a good friendly social gathering of like minded individuals ,many of whom are very experienced ,highly competent spearos who deserve respect for being at the top of their game . Terry...