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C4 Mustangs

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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marginatus said:
spaghetti, i was going to send you a pm but i just wanted to have the fins in my hands before i could say "i've got them". It's been a litle hard to get them so i'm still in "no antecipation party" :) I got them from emporiodellapesca.it (270€+30€ for shiping)... As soon as they arrive i'll post :)

I want to thank you again for all your help and effort that you offered to someone that you only know from these posts. Although i didn't get them from the place that you contacted, it was a great help. If i can help in the future, let me know (as for all DB members).

:inlove :inlove :inlove
Same from me: if i can help in the future, let me know (as for all DB members).
Jon said:

For anyone whose had a chance to try these out I was was wondering about the sizing of the footpocket and what your wearing underneath?

All of my fins have 42-44 footpockets on them, but my Sporasub and Picasso pockets only let my squeeze in a 3mm sock- where as my OMER pockets will let me get a 5-6mm sock in them. As a result I have a combintaion of pockets on my fins for diving in different temps.

I have heard some people mention "sizing up" with these pockets, but wasn't sure how far someone should go.


Hi Jon,

My normal footpocket size is 42-44,too. I bought the Mustangs 43-44 and i use them with 2mm socks. 3mm are a bit tight, not that i cannot wear them, but i prefer the 2mm for the hot months at least!!!



If you wanted to wear a 5-6mm sock in the winter and a 2-3mm sock in the summer would you go up a size and then tighten up the laces for summertime diving?

Which footpockets did you use before, and what thickness of sock did you wear with them??



I had tried the bigger size which is 45-46 and with 3mm socks it very big for me! If i needed to wear 5-6mm socks I would have gone for the 45-46 though, but for warmer months i would have not used socks less than 4mm. You have to compromise i think.

I will use 3mm socks during winter too with my current setup ( i always did!) here in greece the water is relatively warm even during the winter (min. 10 C), so i will be fine!

B4 the mustangs i had a pair of C4 Flaps 25's with technisub footpockets(size 43-45), and b4 that all my fins had OMER's amazing footpocket sized 42-44. Hope I helped!

I've got them!!! :friday
they're beautifull...
And 270€ + 30€ shiping was a very nice deal (emporiodellapesca.it)
About the sizing... i just tried them with my normal shoe sock (very thin for summer) and the footpocket fited great (without the laces). The only "dead space" is in the front of the foot but with my 3mm (or 5mm if better) it'll be perfect. the foot pocket is very confortable and the area around the foot entrance is realy soft. My shoe size is 43 and i ordered the 45/46 size.
Unfortunately i can only try them (in the water) when i get back to Azores and that's only in the 1st of jully.

Hope that this helps.
Any questions or, althougt there are a lot of pics in the c4 site, any demands for photos of specific details just ask.
this one will have to be for panosb because i haven't tried them on water yet :)
He will give you a big number :)
Other than the shape of these blade is their any difference between the Mustang and the Super falcon fins?
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GreekDiver said:
from 1 to 10, how do they rate from your past experiences with various fins. :)


I would rate them with 9. They dont get 10 because there are some issues with the footpocket yet to be dealt with. The top part of the footpocket is not as comfortable as my favourite OMER footpockets, especially after 4-5hrs of swimming. I owned more than 10 different bi fins through the last 15 yrs and i have never felt like that b4. Amazing fins! They immediately felt like they were parts of my legs.

HEY JON- RE THE FOOTPOCKET SIZING THING... Having 13's and needing the insulation of at least a 3 and more often a 5 mil sock, I turned to the Omer pockets and whipped out a shoe stretcher I found at WalMart. Couple cranks of the thing, wait a week and go use 'em. Another couple sessions and they're pretty good. :crutch

ALSO- I have a new pair of C4 30's up for auction on ebay!! Go to fins. I'd post the link if I could figure out how...:head
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I imported C4 range a few years ago but it wasn't financially viable in the long term. I have asked Marco Bonfatti, member on this forum and boss at C4, who the UK distributor is and have been met with wall of silence.....about par for the course with that lot.
watts said:
Other than the shape of these blade is their any difference between the Mustang and the Super falcon fins?
The main difference are the water rails on the sides - not only serving for channeling the water, but also giving the blade different profile of stiffness along the length, different maneuverability and response. From the official website:

Therefore C4 MUSTANG are offered with two water–rail versions, the first one with constant section, best for pure freediving, the second one with parabolic profile, best for spearfishing.

Read more about it, in the section titled WATER–RAILS on the product page.
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panosb said:

I would rate them with 9. They dont get 10 because there are some issues with the footpocket yet to be dealt with. The top part of the footpocket is not as comfortable as my favourite OMER footpockets, especially after 4-5hrs of swimming. I owned more than 10 different bi fins through the last 15 yrs and i have never felt like that b4. Amazing fins! They immediately felt like they were parts of my legs.


When you say uncomfortable, do you mean they are too loose or too tight on you? Can you explain the uncomfortable feeling?
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I can wear my 6mm socks with an OMER footpocket without any adjustment needed. When I switch over to the Sporasub/Picasso pockets I can only use a 3mm.

Every footpocket has it's own fit, just like a shoe, so I was wondering how the Mustang pockets related to the others that I have used- Esclapez, Sporasub, Picasso, OMER, Spetton, Cressi-Sub.

Sounds as If I woud size up for the 6mm socks and just tighten the laces for the 3mm.

I was just using my C4-30's this past weekend- love those fins.:inlove

GreekDiver said:
When you say uncomfortable, do you mean they are too loose or too tight on you? Can you explain the uncomfortable feeling?

I have the 43-44 size which is exactly my size. I have also tried 45-46. Both sizes are causing me the same problem. On the top side of the footpocket where the laces are, the rubber has an "omega" shape in order to allow for the tigthening and loosening of the footpocket. That omega shape forms 2 sharp edges that are in contact with my feet. What eventually happens is that as i am trying to push the fin in front that edges are hurting me. This problem is more intense with the 43-44 size because it is tighter but it is also present and on the 45-46. So i guess it is a design problem of the footpocket.

What I do is to loosen up a bit more than usual the laces.Sometimes it feels like the fins are gonna come out of my feet but since the footpocket is massive and taller that normal ones, probably it is my impression that the fins are coming out!

It was a bit difficult to describe the problem without pictures and i hope you understood.

Panosb, you mentioned using a 2mm sock. could a thicker sock eliminate that problem? I can't wait to try mine :( and see it all for myshelf
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