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Cornwall 2009

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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hello all, before i put this on ebay see if any of you guys are intrested.

15hp Honda 4stoke outboard. 2006 model. In very good condition, serviced with documents.
Hi chaps,
Im off down to St Ives for a few days next week and was wondering if anyone spearfishes there? Im not asking for secret spots just a bit of useful local knowledge, vis reports etc, to give me a bit of a head start.
Any info would appreciated.
Judging by the sea state for the past few days i'd imagine anywhere on the northcoast will be a write off vis wise. There's been proper big storm swells lately. The sea foam was actually knee deep on the beach in some places this morning when i walked the dog.
I think that your only real hope of getting in the water and finding vis would be to head over to the Falmouth bay area where there has been some protection. Even then i couldn't say if it'll be any good. Slim chance i might get in that way tomorrow and if so i'll let you know how it was.
Cheers for the report lads, sounds like it may be a waste of time but think I'll take my gear on the off chance, dont go till monday so might improve a little.
hello all, before i put this on ebay see if any of you guys are intrested.

15hp Honda 4stoke outboard. 2006 model. In very good condition, serviced with documents.


I've only just seen this post - is it still available?
Surfed at first light on the south coast at Praa. Water was very clear. Too much swell to consider spearing but I expect if you found shelter from the swell the viz would be good. Strong offshore wind.

Water still feels warm (the wind however does feel very cold).
Reactions: Lazuli
Cheers for the heads-up Pav. Hope you guys are having a good one despite the chill in the air. Me, I've not had a bloody chance to even look at a wetsuit due to the amount of work bearing down on me the past couple of months :head.
Gutshot, Badlander.... hope the studies are going well.
Spearheads... sorry to hear about the theft mate.
May get in for a few scallops if I get my act together, got to do it! Caught a bubble blower casing -out my spot the other week. grrrr! What a load of bo##ocks he spun me when I asked him what he "saw" down there! roflroflrofl
All the best lads,
Well spearo dave was kind enough to reply to my last post but has since been messing me about again!!! he will not reply to my email and 3 months on i still have no bungees! should i give up now or report him to some sort of consumer watch organisation? really really p****d at this stage!:rcard
Well Laz, i'm up to my neck in assignments and havn't even considered getting in for a dive lately. Did have a look at the surf last sunday down Levy way but there was a comp on and all the other little nooks and crannys were busy because of it. Really hoping to get a dive or two in before the end of the year.
I love this time of year
Have been scoring good waves, surfing the same reefs I hunt during the summer. Bonus tonight as only 1 other out!

Anyway the waters a lovely deep brown colour up here so no chance of spearing locally.

I enjoyed a shower :inlove with my Spearguns earlier before they are finally put to bed for the winter. Time to prepare plans for next year. I'll keep the 75cm handy however ... just in case!
Reactions: Gaz D
Classic Pav. Yesterday i was looking for shelter on the south coast and thought about a spearing spot that had looked to have potential as a reef break. Made the drive and found offshore 3ft surf and noone out. Jumped in there and as it came up it turned out to be a really fun right hand reef. A few guys turned up but that was it.
Same on the sea colour too.....like tea it were!
Reactions: Pav
Is it impossible to spear over winter or is it just really difficult - how bad is the vis?

Sorry for the stupid question but Im back over Xmas for a week so may try anyway?!

What fish are about - would the bass be gone (are they easonal?)

Tony - fish are definately scarcer in the winter. Bass should have gone along with Mullet and Wrasse - although you do still see the odd one but small numbers. Cod, Rays and flatties are around.

So one reason less people fish in the winter is there are fewer fish around, but, the main reason I don't get in so much is down to the weather - often the vis is all stirred up with either rain or wind action, and it can get pretty cold. Water temp in Jan last year was down to a chilly 7degC in one spot, although we did a lake dive aswell at 4degC - very cold for me. The most horrible part being getting changed outside before and after entry to the dive!!

So in summary - if the weather has been ok for a few days with the winds blowing offshore or very little then why not give it a go?

Oh and btw - I use a 7mm elios suit with a 1mm vest to keep the cold out while in the water.


Is it impossible to spear over winter or is it just really difficult - how bad is the vis?

Sorry for the stupid question but Im back over Xmas for a week so may try anyway?!

What fish are about - would the bass be gone (are they easonal?)


There might still be some bass about, over Xmas, if you find the right spot.

I get changed into my wetsuit at home, during the winter, and then drive down to the dive spot. Afterwards I drive back in it as well, using a waterproof seat cover, and then straight into the shower when I get home.

Much, much, fewer fish and weed around in the deeper depths of winter (flounder seeming to be one of the obvious exceptions), but you can get days of excellent visibility when the conditions are right - good time to recce/check out reefs for the location of holes that can be obscured by summer weed growth.

The cold can be painfull on the face when you first get in - I sometimes have to swim with my hands over any exposed flesh for the first part of a session, and introduce my face gradually to the water - plenty of neoprene required!

Keep looking, over the winter period, and you will find fish.
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Lobsters / crabs?

I turned to spearing because of summer flat spells. Simple reason for me stopping at this time of year is I enjoy the surf and its rare now that I won't get a surf most weeks with the change of season.
I've never ever seen a lobster - do they really exist?!

How often do you find them and whats a good spot to check?

It certinly sounds as if there is enough to get me in!

I hunt for my Crabs / Lobsters when the local viz is poor. You only need to be able to see a couple of foot to search under the ledges. Lowtide.