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Dangers of free diving?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Mr. X,

Please don't overlook the subject of "Immersion Diuresis"

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
jimdoe2you said:
Mr. X,

Please don't overlook the subject of "Immersion Diuresis"

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
That's a new on me! :hmm Is it dangerous? Sounds like it could lead to dehydration! :D

That reminds me: when climbing legend, Don Whillans was asked why he drank so much beer, he responded dryly: "I have a morbid fear of dehydration".

[Where else but DeeperBlue could I learn 2 new phrases in a single day: "Immersion Diuresis" & "felching". Technology -- isn't it wonderful! rofl ]
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lets not forget the possibility of shark attack, man-o-war stings (not deadly but makes u want to die). there are some pretty nasty critters out in the ocean....also dont know if anyone mentioned abdominal/diaphragm injures.
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SpearoPimp said:
lets not forget the possibility of shark attack, man-o-war stings (not deadly but makes u want to die). there are some pretty nasty critters out in the ocean....also dont know if anyone mentioned abdominal/diaphragm injures.
Cool :cool: Any details on ab/diaphragm? medical terms? How about hernias? You inspired me to add a few more of my own too. Thanks!

BTW what does meat tenderizer do to jellyfish stings -- my South African spearo book recommends carrying it. What is it?
Run over by a drunken boater! :blackeye

Meat tenderizer, alcohol, or vinegar will denature the venom. The reason being, all venom is basically a serum (protein), and alcohol if strong enough, will denature protein by dehydrating and coagulating it, thus rendering it biologically inactive. Meat tenderizer actually contains papain. Papain is a proteolytic enzyme (protease) which breaks down proteins, thus inactivating the venom.

There are quite a few other remedies available, but it depends where you are in the world. If you are near some papaya, this works as well. One remedy is always available no matter where you are in the world because you carry it with you. Your freinds also carry it with them as well. It is the beer they drank the night before. Now let's see who your real freinds are!!! rofl rofl rofl
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Reactions: Mr. X

Jim you are such a wealth of information is there anything you dont know??

The other remedie is also good for putting out your friends when they are on fire

Killing to many fish

Hitting your head on the oil rig cross member when hauling a** from a deep dive. (in my case)

Intoxication(boat ride home)

Getting eaten by a mako ( boy would that s*ck)

Having a scuba diver out shoot you. :vangry

Skid marks in your grape smuggler after almost being eaten by a mako.
Wow - good answer JimDoe2you! So when people pee on you -- it could be a sign of friendship & caring?! rofl

Already added boat trauma & creature attack. There are about 30 items in the danger list now, think I will take up a safer activity, such as knitting or ice climbing.
naiad said:
. At least after a blackout I am not physically injured.

Bad news Lucia

some computerized axialtomography CAT show the appearance of black spot on brain after BO

not so good!

lamantino said:
Bad news Lucia

some computerized axialtomography CAT show the appearance of black spot on brain after BO

not so good!


whaaaaa? even after coming back after a short period? links please.
Noooooo! :blackeye :waterwork :vangry

What sort of blackout? Surely not a short one?

I would be interested to see the thesis.


Hi Sam,

how did that happen ?

Did you also leave them sitting in the car ?? ;-)

ha ha.... that would be telling...

no, I never leave them in the car park. I just forget to invite them altogether and then realise six months later that I haven't seen them for a while!!
lamantino said:
Bad news Lucia

some computerized axialtomography CAT show the appearance of black spot on brain after BO

not so good!

So a black spot is worse than a green spot? I wouldn't be surprised if it's possible to see a short term evidence for such an occurance on instruments, what about long term effects?
I think the same, it's not surprising if there's a short term effect, but long term? I hope not!
DeepThought said:
So a black spot is worse than a green spot? I wouldn't be surprised if it's possible to see a short term evidence for such an occurance on instruments, what about long term effects?
sorry for my bad english
black spot = little bit of brain dead, lost forever

even for a little BO, it seems

the effect onLMC had to be verified

that's why I never thought to push my apnea just near the limit
but I'm a beginner

Reactions: DeepThought
Could you post a more specific link? I can't find that text...