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DeeperBlue.com Announce 2014 UK Member Meet

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Tested my (our) moonshine today, cant really see what I am wrintg ... No .. now I can, lots of it too...
Reactions: grantl
Not long now.. we have a few regulars who cant make it this years and a few last minute cancelations but on the plus side we have a few new faces
Unfortunately last years winner Edin, has come across unavoidable circumstances that has forced him to cancel his defence of the tittle
The free diving details will be available shortly.
Due to the cancelations we might well have space for more members to join us.
So if you fancy a last minute trip please contact me or Stephan.
Mart, as there are now spaces for the Spearo comp, can i join the Guernsey contingent for the spearo comp please?
Reactions: little sarge
Quite possibly yes but we are just doing the final tally now... so I will let you know asap..
I have just snapped my rubber weightbelt. Would one of the Jersey competitor be able to pick one up for me, bare belt only, no hardware? Can settle up when you are over
Hi Mike I think we should stick to the same venues as you guys are getting familiar with them now... PS we are just waiting for Paul Achler menu choice!
Reactions: Trelawney
I have just snapped my rubber weightbelt. Would one of the Jersey competitor be able to pick one up for me, bare belt only, no hardware? Can settle up when you are over
no probs, but ur prob best to ring apnea jsy and order the one u want and they can put it aside and we can collect and bring over. cheers mike

PS does anybody else want any spearo gear brought over?
I have just snapped my rubber weightbelt. Would one of the Jersey competitor be able to pick one up for me, bare belt only, no hardware? Can settle up when you are over
no probs, but ur prob best to ring apnea jsy and order the one u want and they can put it aside and we can collect and bring over. cheers mike

PS does anybody else want any spearo gear brought over?

Order placed and waiting for you, many thanks.
If any one needs picking up or help finding their way around please let me know.
Guys and girls, I will be in Guernsey for several days, Stephan invited me to organise some recreational Freediving during the Deeperblue Spearing species competition with a few divers which i'm doing at the moment.

I was wondering what the interest would be in me organising a small micro course on the Friday afternoon (8th August) before the social and / or the Monday evening after the competition (11th August).

The purpose of the course would be to improve the apnea skills of spearos, Freedivers, surfers and Scuba divers. I have condensed some of the most useful information into a single presentation from courses I have designed for surfers to improve their apnea, a spearfishing course that improves hunting skills, and a defensive diving course for Scuba divers, to help deal with (and how to avoid) stress situations.

The lecture would cover information such as

· How to improve apnea times

· Stretching

· Breathing exercises

· Recovery breathing

· Relaxation techniques

· Training tables

· Diet and supplementation and other ideas.

· It will give those attending specific training ideas to actually start improve, and they will see improvements if they do all of the exercises provided.

It would be in the form of a three hour + lecture, a small amount of practical, and some videos with interaction encouraged and questions answered.

The cost would be around £40 per person, the subjects covered are broad, but the format I have set it up in means you will get a lot of good information for your training. These are tried and tested methods and will certainly help you improve your breath hold, and that transfers into more comfort and confidence in the water.
Sounds like a great opportunity, count me in providing the wife lets me out for more spearo fun, either session should be fine
Reactions: apneaboy
I have been asked to make it very clear that NO ONE IS TO SHOOT A BLUEFIN TUNA!
There are now numerous reports of the huge fish, some are even coming into the bays & scaring tourist & locals alike!
They are patrolling our coast, circumnavigating the island every hour or so....
One guy tried to shoot one with a bow & arrow - he is now in prison......

Reactions: Spirit
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