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DeeperBlue.com Announce 2014 UK Member Meet

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Yeah just as well eh?.....looking at that pic it looks sh!te mate!
Had a dip this morning to get my little legs going like a wind up frog!a few mullet seen one bass and hundreds of wrass some massive .its a little damp now looking over ladies bay towards the peninsula hotel if I could see it !theres people swimming in bay in front of me in trunks !it was very very warm in my 7 mm this morn!think we had hail storms on the island a couple of hours ago. Fun fun fun oh viz was ok 3-5-10m depending where you were
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Hi Stephan
You all look like your getting into the Guernsey spirit any news on free diving lesson Monday? or which forum you will be posting info about it on? Good luck to everyone today whos spear fishing I am looking forward to seeing pictures on here
Meet at 1030 at the half moon cafe in havelet bay. Call me if any problems.
So day one of the Freediving and Spearfishing has gone well. Sunny skies and smiling faces all round. We're off to the Saturday social in St Peter Port in a couple of hours but for now everyone is resting.

Interim Spearfishing results so far...
Reactions: Rockie
Folks - as we said at tonight's event - we need to see how the weather is doing for tomorrow. We will announce on here and via email at 9am whether we are diving and if so the venues .
Supprising how flat it is this morn looking over to Rousse headland now on high with strong off shore with bit of swell coming in
Mart has done his driving round the island. We will be meeting at 10am at the Beach Cafe on Pembroke Bay on the north end of the island. Sign in between 10am - 11am.

See you there!
Hopefully see a few of you for the course this evening. We are meeting at Marts house at 6.00pm

Great party last night, hope you are all recovered ;-)
What a weekend that was!!! it was great to meet up with so many spearos. The ever expanding Jersey team were well on form and deserved the team win, individual win and i suspect the Tequila win too
Well done Cobus on finding the biggest and best fishies of the weekend!
And of course a huge thank you to Martyn and Sarah for the fun party and food on Sunday night it was good fun and a nice way to finish off the weekend.
Maybe next year the Guernsey team will actually make it in to the water on both days...
Well that's it for another year folks..
A big thank you from me and Sarah to everybody who participated in one way or another.

There were some great quality prizes this year so don't forget to support our sponsors & a special thanks to http://apnea.co.uk/for supplying such a great first prize..
Please post up any photos you might have
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