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Dentex calling or aspetto? Mediterrenaen spearos

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Hello friends two days ago I have catched this dentex


  • siin..bmp
    175.8 KB · Views: 357
Hey Aydyn,

Congratulations my friend. How much did that beauty weigh?

Whats the gun?? :p

Tell us a bit about the capture

Hello Shane,
After pressing the autocapture button of my camera I have put the camera on my car and show the fish to the camera,its a kind of trick the fish looks greater than its original size, 2.1 kg. You can find the other photos at
Dentex in December its so surprising but I have just catched the bigger ones this year.
In the first weeks of december basses begin normally,so I have prepared my equipment Shoulder weight ,etc, as usually in bass hunting.I did not see any tail for 3 hours,there were no basses due to the south winds the sea temp. was 17-18 C.Then I have decided to search my deep spots,to look for orata or sargos.
At 13 mt.s with my extra weights at my shoulder ,after a 1:30 minute aspetto i decided to ascend but i saw the head at 15-20 mt. away.But she moved very quickly to me , so in 2 seconds she was passing in front of my spear tip.Very close shot,damn I must have your camera Shane.... In one second she moved violently to the nearest rock and entered a small hole and came out 2 mt. away from another hole. I was ascending and also watching the vigourous movements,after breathing 15 seconds I dived with my knife (just like Dapiran hah hah) and finished the suicidal case.I have cut also the dynema and took the fish first.
My gun is a 104 cm totally laminated wood gun with two 19mm totem slings with a Dapiran 6.5 shaft.I will post the photos of my gun at the other site.

Well done mate ;)

Hope you catch many more of those this winter.

I saw a dentex a week ago but the bugger did not come close enough even for the Tahiti. Must have been about 4 kgs.

How deep are your deep spots?

Thanks Shane.
I have improved a bit this summer Shane.Last year I could make aspettos at 13-14 mts 1:00 seconds,but after a hard diet and cardio program this summer the range began to get deeper. I have made 2:00 aspettos at 25 mt .There are reefs began from 9 mt and going to 30-40 mt.I nearly always dive solo so did not forced too much.Just step by step.You can see my 2004 summer fishes at http://www.amator-balikcilik.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=97.
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