My primary goal is to get in the water and learn. Next is to promote the sport and get others in the water as well. It would be nice to have the same group on a trip at some point in the future too. We have a great group here so far!
But safety is always important. The more we go, the more comfortable we get and the more likely accidents become. Plus the class gives me another reason to go dive But I want to be a more solid buddy and I want skilled buddies as well.
I'd like to have better diving skills at Lake Wazee, Hatteras and when I go to Florida.
DITTO to the above!
Actually ILDiver - I mostly service INDOOR whirlpools and fix damaged tub and or shower units...Plus do warranty service for most all of the MAJOR manufacturer's...Like JACUZZI for instance. I do hope things get better for the construction industry though...For me a building slump really does'nt affect my business much...If people are not building NEW..They are still remodeling...Especially bathrooms!
I feel so blessed!
Never in 7 years in business have I had this much work coming in!!!
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