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Dorset Spearfishing 2006

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
I have been away this week on a course so I aint been in! I can give a viz report tomorrow sometime.. :)

Oh and Almostafish... Now you’re just showing off You live like a king with fresh lobsters, crab and fish each day (all washed down with copious amounts of decent red I'm sure)... Vis still holding up east side of the Island?
Went out in the Burglar tonight for a spot of trolling...Vis still blue water clear by the harbour walls. Btw caught some pollack and a mackerel...
Just been in off west side of Portland and its a bit lumpy. I spent 20min around the crash zone waiting for a lull so I could scramble back up the rocks.. :crutch Wind from the East and Swell from the west.
I'm looking for freediving buddies in the Hampshire/Dorset area, head over to [ame="http://forums.deeperblue.net/showthread.php?t=65968"]this[/ame] thread.

Dived Portland Saturday. Water Temp 10C, Vis 7m. Loadsa crabs (one rather tasty looking Lobster that I got slated for leaving), the pollock are back in the droves. No mullet to report this time. Saw two bass, first was Tesco sized so left it to fight another day, second was shouting BBQ so would have been rude not to!

Almostafish, always a pleasure to bump into you although the pubs becoming a bit habit forming :friday


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A woman here at work has been laughing at my poor catch returns :( She is basing me against her friends that go out from Portland using aqua lungs and come back laden with cod, plaice, Sole, bass, crabs & lobsters. I have tried to explain that I’m a true hunter gatherer (a poor one I agree), but she just can’t see any point in what I do. How can I explain why we do it this way??

PS> I’m typing this in while enjoying a fresh crab sandwich :)
Cod and Bass on Scuba :rcard I know Pete Crawford caught a cod at one of the British Nationals a few years back but I didn't realise the bubblers were at it too! Tell the woman at work that spearing on scuba is illegal in many countries and you are ethically inclined to freedive to catch fish, which is arguably much harder.....
flyflicker said:
A woman here at work has been laughing at my poor catch returns :( She is basing me against her friends that go out from Portland using aqua lungs and come back laden with cod, plaice, Sole, bass, crabs & lobsters. I have tried to explain that I’m a true hunter gatherer (a poor one I agree), but she just can’t see any point in what I do. How can I explain why we do it this way??

PS> I’m typing this in while enjoying a fresh crab sandwich :)

Indefensible....how is this excuse for a sport still allowed ?.
Sorry, but I've got to stick up for the boys that go hunting with scuba gear on. Because they're not here to do it for themselves.

The guys that are being refered to have registered fishing boats, only use hand spears and the catch is sold legally to local fishmongers and restaurants. I would rather they carried on fishing this way, catching only legal sized fish than wrecking the seabad with a trawl. Two weeks ago I was out diving with these guys and I came across some ground that had been trawled by a fishing boat. There wasn't a lot left alive.

I scuba dive with a hand spear for plaice, cod, losters etc.... I also freedive with a speargun. I never mix the two.

When non spearfishermen and non divers ask me why I don't spearfish with an aqualung I simply answer.... 'the same reason people who take part in the high jump don't use a trampoline'.
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'the same reason people who take part in the high jump don't use a trampoline'.

Nice one mate, made me chuckle.

Hmm luverly early season bass, yum yum yum slurp.
Buster Lung said:

I scuba dive with a hand spear for plaice, cod, losters etc.... I also freedive with a speargun. I never mix the two ...............

I didn't realise you could catch cod with a handspear! My attitude is bourne of being verbally abused by Scuba boys down at Bovisand calling me all the usual names and then seeing the same idiots coming back on their ribs after having cleared a wreck of lobster, crab, scallop etc. To them seeing me with a couple of bass on my belt, caught with a speargun, was heresy but it was alright to 'take' other living creatures on air:confused:

I do now have 'issues' with bubblers and avoid them like the plague :martial
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Buster - This does make more sense now and I have to agree that it is loads better than trawling the place to extinction.

I guess it’s similar to me going fly fishing when it would be loads easier to catch a trout on a worm.

It’s just very difficult to try and explain to a non “sportsperson” why we/I make catching fish more difficult than it should be and in truth I was jealous as hell, especially after spending 2 hours in the water on Sunday for diddly-squat! ;)

PS> I'm still phoneless :(
Silent Assassin said:
Hmm luverly early season bass, yum yum yum slurp.

If you don't mind a few more details please Assassin. How big was it, water temp, chucked it on the BBQ etc? Ta...
I've spent nearly all of the last 40 years doing 2 things, commercial scuba diving for flatfish (and scallops) and freediving/spearfishing for fun + the odd spell as a competition spearo.

There are idiots who use scuba and idiots who freedive/spearfish. The important thing is to recognise the right of all of us to catch fish in a moral, ethical and sustainable way, i.e. by diving. Please let's not go down the route of free versus scuba. Trust me on this one, it's not black and white and there is no right and wrong, nor any good guys and bad guys.

There are lots of threads about this and I've had my say before, but unless you've tried both methods then you're not in possession of all the facts. However, everyone is entitled to their own view (I believe in a free world and freedom of speech) but there are enough bad guys out there who want to stop ALL divers fishing so let's not fight among ourselves.

If anyone wants to know more about my experience or views on this then PM me. I wont be drawn into more public discussion.

Good hunting to all.

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Whoops I wasn’t trying to stir a hornets nest, just wanted a good reply to the lady and Buster’s high jump & trampoline will be great. Come to think of it my Dad used to dive for crawfish off Portland in the early 60’s using a lung – ho hum :)

Also got my 1st bass of the year tonight 3lb 2oz (my dodgy scales!) on a surface popper :)
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interesting that the bubbly guys are 'legally' allowed to sell their catch!?! European law states that 'no fish can be sold that has been caught by a projectile'. If 'they' are legally allowed to sell thier catch how come the BSA is not allowed to sell fish caught in comps, or individuals allowed to sell their own catch?
flyflicker said:
Also got my 1st bass of the year tonight 3lb 2oz (my dodgy scales!) on a surface popper :)

Congratulations Flyflicker :) I've heard of some gimicky names in spearfishing but a surface popper!? Is that some sort of floating lure you use to attract the bass the spear them? Do you have a photo?
sorry I was fishing with a rod! surface popper does what it say's and the bass love em - no pics :(
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