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Dorset Spearfishing 2006

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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I have a Seatec Gabbiano 77cm. It's the mutts nuts. Very precise and reliable trigger, excellent aiming/siting with open muzzle version (doesn't make loading any more faff contrary to what many people say about open muzzles) and the line release mechanism is so simple/effective/low maintenance it hurts. The spear sits on a rail and the rubbers are attached below this level at the front so you can aim really easy and the shot is v accurate. The only trouble I have is deciding wether to but the 90 version of the Gabb or go for the Albatross wooden version (pimpin'1)

Plymouth sound abounds with spearing spots (not that I've been yet). Wembury looks good although it's a voluntary marine reserve. Just watch out for boats and chavs, it is a city after all. Check www.underwaterpics.co.uk for some rather good local photos. Good luck

Hehe... Alright I take the bait:

Simple really, although we would like to live in a better world where materialism wasn't our god, and there was only good people, no wars and ... (hmmm... the hustlers can stay as I gotta make money somehow) this will 99.9% never happen. It's the small differences each of us can make in life that makes a better world around us. That’s why ethics become such a massive issue to an individual. It’s the only way each of us really feels we can make a difference, all be it a small one (insert a corny analogy about a ripple in a pond). If enough people hold to the ethical value of fishing replaceable stocks (Min size can be a contributing factor towards this) then as individuals, becoming a collective, we have made a positive in the world We can start debating what is actually good and bad, and what value that really holds, but probably best saved for a Philosophy forum

Anyway... Well off-topic so should mention Saturday looks like perfect conditions for a Spearo session. Will make my way down to the coast if I don’t get overloaded with work today :rcard


Reactions: Mr. X
foxfish said:
Any of you guys going to the boat show. I am in southampton Sep 19-22.
I could go to Southampton on Sep 20. Not sure about the boat show, but I want to look around.
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the_milkman said:
OK deviation over!! Anyone after a bit of shelter in DORSET - had a cracking bass out of Man O' War cove last Sunday vis was still 2m ish in force 5 onshores as well...

Hoping to go to man "o" war on Sunday was the bass on the inside of the rock’s or the outside?
Any of you dorset boy’s see how the viz is today or seen a local forecast for Sunday?
Almostafish how about a dive some time as I still owe you a beer.
Mr. X said:
Sat. is looking hopeful ...maybe Friday/Sun too?
I was about to ask what folk thought about the weather this weekend, as I noticed the forecast had worsened, however, it now looks better than when I first posted! (Windwise anyway. Tidal range looks v.small...neaps?).

[Too many trips & too few fish -- going to have to be more choosey about the conditions. Pity, with Summer now well & truly here -- seems like the wrong time to cut back on the fishing. Cornwall later this month though.]
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podge said:
Hoping to go to man "o" war on Sunday was the bass on the inside of the rock’s or the outside?

Hey podge, it was inside the rocks which was a real turn up for the books. I've often seen bass in there but the spook SOOOOO easily I've never even come close to hitting one before, so this was my first in the cove. Aspetto at about 3 meters, just inside the rocks...check the stringweed beds and good luck!

Vis has been AWFUL in my stomping grounds (Hengistbury Head, Durdle Door, Ringstead) for a while now. The cove has been the only option for a bit of vis and hoping it'll clear up as there's tons of fish out there!

Cheers dude on both counts...I've been surfing at Wembury before, and it was a nice spot...just hope there's some vis with these winds!

Nice one Mr Milkman, Stuckinsurrey and myself have been in at Durdle Door and Man of War a few time’s and I’ve only ever seen a few fish on the inside of the rocks although Jim (stuckinsurrey) has had a couple of nice mullet and missed a bass there. Best I’ve done is some really big spider crabs and a nice edible or brown crab from under the kelp.
Hoping for better things soon as the kids are starting to get very hungry.
Weymouth-Swanage area yesterday.
Wind: slight breeze
Surface: calm, slight chop at time (slightly bilious so tried but then avoided shallow water over weed ).
Viz: mostly good, 0-20ft mainly a slightly milky 10ft of good viz with another 5-10 foot of fair viz beyond. Viz dropped to zero (v. milky) in some spots at one point during the day -- seemed to clear later though (perhaps triggered by midday sun).

Fauna: a few small crabs &Wrasse of various colours & sizes, including some fairly large (3lb-ish) ballans.

Saw a big, dark fish possibly a ballan wrasse 5-7lb-ish(?) ... but there was no pattern (as ballans usually have) & it was smooth, no gunk - might have been something else in that viz. Passed back later & it (or one like it) swam out of the weeds in front of me, mid-water. I aimed & fired, the shot was true & the fish seemed to be in the right place. However nothing happened! The fish turned around in front of me, apparently unperturbed or perhaps stunned & disappeared into the weed as I reloaded (knowing full well I would never get a second shot). The shot was true (as indicated by the spent spear's location & the spear line) & the fish was in the right place...so not sure what happened. The fish seemed to be well within range (I'd checked out the range of my gun recently - in order to get a feel for it...seemed quite good, farther than I expected) but perhaps it was further away(& bigger) than I thought? Alternatively, I am wondered if the spear line got snagged somehow & pulled up short ... this seems the most likely explanation; perhaps the line snagged the muzzle bungie or got caught under the spear. Or perhaps it ran out of steam...maybe time to change the rubbers? I may not have had my arm fully extended - which would reduce the range. Or perhaps I hit a boney bit of the head/gill plate. I am going to be wondering about that shot for some time....

BTW Water skiers were around, so glad to have might big old float with me (especially as I was trying my black-tipped Seatil snorkel). Was wishing I hadn't lost the flag & flag holder last year though.

We stayed quite late fishing with rods & an older gentleman came by & gave us & some others spare mackeral he'd just caught from his boat. He even offered to take us out with him next time. V. kind. So at least we have some fresh seafood.

A pleasant but exhausting (2 long dives & kayaked twice) & largely unproductive day.
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Fishes underwater appear to be 30% bigger and 30% farther due to an optical effect. Maybe it was just out of range.
Other possible explanations: A) you simply missed it; B) you hit it low in the belly's soft meat, which got instantly broken; C) the edge or the spear wasn't sharp enough to penetrate and let the flopper open.
The abovementioned are the main reasons why I loose fishes (especially point A :head ). I don't think it's a matter of line snagged: you would have found it still looped between muzzle and bands after the shot, as it happens sometimes to me too.

-Tip for aiming to fishes within the limit of your range (side shot): when fishes hear the "click" of the shot, they tend to move a bit frontwards and downwards, because the blow of their tail pushes them beyond, and the need for a hiding pushes them towards the bottom. So, to hit them in the gills (best target to hit), I aim three fingers beyond and below their mouth. Three fingers (one inch) beyond/below their mouth. Do this even when they seem motionless, because they will move a bit when you shoot.
-shooting longer than the effective range of your gun: the shaft has a short effective range: after that, its trajectory will become descendant. So, if a fish is far, shoot one inch higher and one incjh beyond its head. It's difficult: descending trajectory, it's like a mortar shot. But this way you can get fish which stay too far.
-If they come towards you frontally, don't wait for them to turn: aim straight to their mouth and shoot. If they turn, the shaft will hit them in the gills.
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Reactions: Mr. X
Hi everybody,

In both saturday and sunday this weekend, at Man O War cove as the weather was so good!

Saturday - got in around 10am, lovely and calm just a slight breeze. Vis was good about 10m i reckon. Managed to miss a couple of mullet close to some stringweed to the left of the cove as you look toward the sea. Saw quite a few small bass zipping around but nothing big enough to shoot. Also managed to see 2 lobsters, one just a tail disappearing into the weed and the other creeping through a gulley. Both managed to escape me, cant believe how fast they move with just a flick of their tail. Just a blue blur! Met Soul deep later on in the morning which was good as its always nice to put faces to the names on here!

Sunday - in with podge around half ten, conditions much the same as saturday. Managed a small bass and missed a couple of mullet again. Tried out a new suit that a friend brought back from spain. Its a proper 2 piece spearing suit, cant believe how much warmer it is compared to a surfing suit. But gonna need a lot more weight on my belt as felt like a cork bobbing around. It also meant that my legs sat much higher in the water so fins didnt seem as effective and legs had to thrash around alot more for the same power - any ideas for leg/ankle weights please?

Am also suffering from cuts on my ankles where my fins rub slightly, dont reckon they will heal if i keep going every week ad they were very sore on sunday. Tried fins on with a wetsuit sock but too tight, has anybody tried normal socks to stop any rubbing? Wondered whether this works or whether it makes it worse? And (so many questions!) does anybody put some sort of material on the loading pad at the back of the gun to stop it slipping down their chest. I have short arms (and legs for that matter) and so struggle to get a straight pull on the rubbers meaning it tends to slide down my chest and i end up using my gut as a loading pad. Good excuse to eat more pork pies however!

Hi Jim, I would hold off on the ankle weights. I had the same issue too but once your weight belt is sorted it might be less of an issue. There are some ideas for home made ankle weights on the Guernsey 2006 thread, from Old Man Dave & co..

Back in the old days, I wore wollen socks with my fins to make them fit better (as they were bought with boots in mind) -- it was not uncommon at the time. Tighter fitting sport socks would be better I reckon, or thin neoprene. I've stopped wearing neoprene socks for the Summer & my fins still fit fine.

Re. short arms, take a look at the Rob Allen site -- there is also a video on loading somewhere (using the same footage I think). The Len Jones book from Spearo.co.uk also has two pages (one a fall-out page) on 2 techniques for loading. The SA guys use guns with barrels upto 150cm (pos. more?) -- nobody has arms that long, so you need to learn a technique to deal with it. One technique is to grab the rubber with one hand then move the butt into your chest, then grab the rubber with the other hand too. Another variant uses a 2 stage pull. The video shows it being done v. quickly & smoothly.

Does your wetsuit have a loading pad on the chest? If not, you might want to get one. Meantime, the sole off a flip-flop provides a decent temporary pad.
Durdle Door and Man "o" War Cove Sunday.
Jim and Myself got in at around 10.30 weather hot viz inside the cove was not to bad outside quite milky saw a few Pollock best about 1.5lb left them alone.
By lunch time the cove itself was unfishable due to the amount of people in there, never seen so many with all sorts of inflatable everything so of we went up the coast towards Lulworth. Just up from man "o" war there is a nice piece of string weed ah ah things me this is more like it until two boat loads of divers turn up and off we go again.
The upshot is one Bass to Jim and one hit and wriggles of the spear mullet to me.
One lost knife to Jim and one mask and snorkel left of the beach to me.:head
Hey hey! Podge just give me a call next time your both down here and we can hook up..

I have had a great weekend in the water with more good sized fish that I could swim with.. They went out the back of my car into the kitchen and were on the BBQ 30 seconds later. Cant beat it! Oh by the way the Bi valve's are ok to eat now.
podge said:
One lost knife to Jim and one mask and snorkel left of the beach to me.:head
There must be a "knife magnet" in that area. Look around next time you are there, you might find several (mines the one with the black & grey handle ). Good excuse to get an Omer Alien/Cressi Matrix/Seacsub Combat/... & Beuchat Tubair/Omer Zoom/Seatil Combat/...?
stuckinsurrey said:
Am also suffering from cuts on my ankles where my fins rub slightly, dont reckon they will heal if i keep going every week ad they were very sore on sunday.

Hi, go into Boots (larger stores better) and ask for a small pot of Zambuk. Apply this as much as possible in the days between diving. It is an excellent ointment from South Africa. I have known people to use it to heal some horrible lacerations on horses legs when other stuff just does not work. Another good one which will be quite hard to get, is an antibiotic ointment called Polysporin.....heals fast.


Looking forward to it just make sure there a few fish left for us. Mrs Rogers is getting mighty fed up with baked beans on toast.rofl
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