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Dorset Spearfishing 2006

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Old Man Dave said:
Maybe Mr X is T* B*. Now there's a thought. :) .
No comment! We've been very clear about this. I think we need to draw a line under that and move on. Hey, look over there...
(Keep an eye on next years New Year's Honours list W, I mean OMD;)).

[Come to think of it, Spaghetti seems to have a lot more time for fishing since Silvio Berlusconi resigned:hmm Then there is the Archbishop of Canterbury, Pastor ...and Portinfer seems to know an awful lot about Cuba:hmm The plot thickens...]

podge said:
Right on the button Mr.X
I say Mr.X for Prime Minister (or should that be Mr President)
In the words of a great, great man (Yosemite Sam?): "Yur darn tootin'!"
(Hey, it could happen!).
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Re: Marine Reserves & No Take Zones

Mr. X said:
The problem with governments in general (and, perhaps, this one in particular), is that once you give them an inch, they take a mile. I wonder if the American NRA have the right approach, which seems to be to give no quarter...

...Unlike some, I see hunting as being completely compatible with conservation.

I agree entirely, X, and it's not just the government we should be wary of. The animal rights loonies need keeping in check as well. Take the fox-hunting bill for example. I don't hunt foxes, but I feel that banning fox-hunting was wrong because it sets a dangerous legal precedent. If one form of hunting is deemed to be so cruel it is illegal, how then do you draw the boundary for other forms of hunting and indeed fishing. Once you've banned all hunting and fishing, do you then ban the farming and slaughter of animals for human consumption?

Did anyone else see the article in the Times on Saturday about the hunt saboteurs that couldn't find the hunt they were after, and so took to a bunch of fly-fishermen (and women) with baseball bats to vent their frustrations, smashing up all their gear and punching a woman in the face?

Everyone has a vested interest in conservation, and hunting and fishing, and the understanding and awareness of the natural environment, ecosystem and food chain, can play a hugely valuable educational role in that respect.

So watch out of LLF at Kimmeridge everyone! They might smash your spear up with a bat! ;)
all, please be careful round Portland at the moment, an aggressive Mako is about and getting more and more bold coming in on divers. One of my mates had a very close shave with it today. It came in on a charge but he had a electric shark shield on his back (he knew it was about and had it on in case, he had bought it for warmer seas!).

It has been encountered both off Bill point east side and west side so far.... best I charge up my big compressed gun I think! This is a big fish, and this is no joke! Just be careful and have boat cover if you can.

It's been about for a few weeks now, which is unusal as they normally move on, but this one hasn't.

happy hunting!
Thanks for the warning UK S
We were coming down on Monday but now will probably go to man o war or kimmerage instead as we have no electric shark shield.
Just how big is this fish and do you really think that it posts a big threat to spearo’s.:crutch
And just one more thing why haven’t you shot it yet? After all the offer still stands you shoot it and I’ll BBQ it.:) :)
Blimey! Out of interest do these shark shields repell just sharks or do they seem to have an effect on other fish as well? And is it a kind of electrical pulse or something else?

Maybe on the Dorset Spearo Club BBQ in middle of month I'll stick to BBQing everyones food, seem to have a sudden adversion to water!

shark shields only affect sharks - it interferes with there nervous/sensory system, fish do not respond to it.

Makos are not nice - the fastest shark in the sea, a close cousin of the Great White family - but are meant only to eat fish and not mammals, but that has not stopped attacks by them in other countries (Mako is the name given it by Hawaiians I think, and means man eater!). I wouldn’t want to put it to the test!
So then all p**s taking aside does anybody know where to get a shark shield from in the UK or will it have to be an Internet job? And how much will a good one cost?
Try Marc Labocetta, Omer US have them on their website http://www.omerdiving.com/product.aspx?product=168 and with Marcs customer service you will get a free replacement if anything goes wrong rofl Possibly apnea can get them? They are Omer dealers

Personally I think this is a ploy by Clive and Bryn to keep all the fish for themselves ;)

Take care guy's, I had an encounter last week in the Red Sea, scared me shitless
I wish it was just a ploy between me and Bryn.... but I havn't been near my Bass spots for a few weeks now cos of this piggind thing! By the way, Mako is a Maori word...not a hawaiian one....

I am diving tomorrow - but not sure where yet! From my Dads boat I think, that way it's not so far to get out the water in a hurry if needed!
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Pastor said:
Try Marc Labocetta, Omer US have them on their website http://www.omerdiving.com/product.aspx?product=168 and with Marcs customer service you will get a free replacement if anything goes wrong rofl Possibly apnea can get them? They are Omer dealers

Personally I think this is a ploy by Clive and Bryn to keep all the fish for themselves ;)

Take care guy's, I had an encounter last week in the Red Sea, scared me shitless

Pastor thanks for the link have e-mailed for info on the Shark Shield 4 unit and will let you know.
In the mean time best say a pray for us.:)
Went in for a dive on Saturday evening, and although the shark was on my mind I had more to worry about from the Bank Holiday traffic. I headed a bit off the beaten track into the ranges and after walking about 2 miles (fun with a 14 kilo weight belt!) found an absolute cracker of a spot. In about 10 minutes in the water, I'd seen more big mullet and bass than in the rest of the summer put together.

The bass all eluded me, but shot a big grey mullet that must have been a good 45 cm long, a lovely fish. Had the fillets grilled on a cast iron grill pan in lime, chilli and garlic marinade and they were great. The water round there is so clean, which helps...

p.s. does anyone else suffer from sea-sickness whilst spearing in a bit of chop? Whilst on the surface looknig down, the bobbing around really got me going, but fine whilst diving and sitting on the bottom. If so and ways to combat it? I had to take a bottle of water out on my float to wash my mouth out I got so queasy...
the_milkman said:
p.s. does anyone else suffer from sea-sickness whilst spearing in a bit of chop? Whilst on the surface looknig down, the bobbing around really got me going, but fine whilst diving and sitting on the bottom. If so and ways to combat it? I had to take a bottle of water out on my float to wash my mouth out I got so queasy...

Yeah, I got sea sick the other night on a night dive, I felt crook all night and half the next morning. A freind of mine got real sick last year too, she ended up chucking in the water. So you're not the only one :)
Had a go at Man "o" War on Monday along with stuckinsurrey, viz wasn’t great about 3 to 4 meters and quite milky and the chop on the water was a bit off putting but in we got.
Jim got the first fish a nice mullet with a stone shot from the surface within the rocks of the cove itself.
I got the next with my new Mamba 90 first shot and first kill, a fast moving Mackerel not the biggest of fish but boy can they move (but not a fast as the Mamba).
Moved out across to the left of the cove and to the string weed just by the rock where Jim had a nice Bass out of a group of much smaller fish.
I moved out to the rock where I saw a few mullet one of which was almost the same shade as the sand itself (was this a Golden Grey) as it was I spent all my time trying to get a bead on this one fish and ended up not shooting any of them.
Finished up with just the 3 fish and bloody aching legs from the walk back up the hill.
yeah the way up with wet wetsuit, weight belt and fish is a killer! sounds like you had a great session though, never seen a mackerel in there before, nice one podge!
Pastor said:
Yeah, I got sea sick the other night on a night dive, I felt crook all night and half the next morning. A freind of mine got real sick last year too, she ended up chucking in the water. So you're not the only one :)

the irony is, I'm usually fine on a boat! what's going on there??!!
As podge reported had a nice dive at man o war on monday, great fun and a few fish about too! Took along my old housemate who complete with a borrowed outfit got in and gave it a try. He didnt shoot anything but loved it all the same - another convert to the cause! And he drove which was especially nice as i could have a nap on the way back - is it me being weak or does everybody come back shattered?!

Impressed with podges new mamba - a pig to load but very sleek, impressive looking and all mackeral slaying!

By the way, well done Milkman, always satisfying trying somewhere different and seeing a few fish.

On the sickness thing, I felt a bit iffy at first on monday, looking at the kelp swaying about. Are motion sickness tablets any good for this?

Good shot Podge :) I am glad you have joined the "Dark Side"
Your Mamba will soon become easier & faster to load than you band gun, just remember "Let The Force Be With You" Seriously Mamba 90s become very easy to load, try to point your fin towards your head so you get a good purchase for the handle. Steady the centre of the spear with one hand & try to load in one smooth pull. If you find still find this difficult reduce the guns air pressure, Mambas shoot quite well at 20 atm & are very easy to load.
I can remember when I first used mine I found a few teething problems, if you pump the spear even a little while loading you can dislodge the "O" ring seal. What then happens is water enters the barrel resiting in a very slow shot (like a standard air gun) To be fair it took me a long time to "Feel The Force" but now, I can see no reason (other than sentemental) to go back to a band gun.
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Mmmm....all this talk of the Mamba. I think I'm getting interested in this southern snake namesake!
On the sickness thing....I have had it a few times. Corrected it by always preparing for the dive by hydrating loads more and having one of those power gel packs. You can't be doing a good walk with weight, rushing to get in the water and then also having to do extra work in a choppy sea. You exhaust that much quicker.


P.S John/Glowworm...I have a delivery for you. Catch up soon.
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