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Dorset Spearfishing 2013

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Hi mate . I use a best hunter oqpia 2. Awsome float and well worth the money. I carry all gear on it and added straps. It has been loaded with some huge catches with no drag wotso eva. Spearo lee would voutcher for that 1. As it saved his arms being pulled out of socket b4. I also recomend 55cm gun for night dives as all hunting is up close . Pretty much all dorset spearos will agree with this size gun. And for the smart asses that use a 70 pump gun they measure the same lenght as a 55 band gun. I use 16mm bands as i find they r plenty man enough for night diving and hole hunting with no fear of spear bouncing back. But its up to the diver and wot suits him/her best . Hope this helps mate.

Cool cheers for that mate....may have to jump in then......give me a shout if you're around

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Ha ha ....yeah nobby saved me carrying 30 good sized bass over a 3 mile chesil beach 3am walk...lol......my stringer snaped under the load...put tne fish in a giant grab sack threw them on his float, chucked float in the fleet lagoon, wrapped line around waist and towed tje lit back home!!!

Nice one nobs

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thanks guys thinking the same on the float but great to get feed back by someone who has one. Did you find a uk supplier or buy through scubastore.com Spain? & 55 it is.

thanks guys thinking the same on the float but great to get feed back by someone who has one. Did you find a uk supplier or buy through scubastore.com Spain? & 55 it is.


Got it through scuba store mate. Never had a problem with them either mate so all good. Glad i could help
Need advice on fin's, looking to get a pair of Mares razor pro's but im a size 9.5 uk so 44 euro - fin only seems to come in 43/44 and 45/46

what size would be best... need a tight fit - normally in 3 or 5 mi socks
Need advice on fin's, looking to get a pair of Mares razor pro's but im a size 9.5 uk so 44 euro - fin only seems to come in 43/44 and 45/46

what size would be best... need a tight fit - normally in 3 or 5 mi socks

That's a hard one to answer really, as some people prefer a tight fit others orefer a slightly looser fit. Your best bet is to go to a shop with your socks and try them on. If you are going to swap between 3 an 5mm socks make sure they are a good fit with both. You can get fin retainers (very good, I would recommend them to anyone) so if the footpockets are slightly too big the retainers will hold them onto your feet securely.
thanks for the quick reply, will look to have them fit snug with the 5mm and a retainer for the 3mm
I personally use 5mm sold all year around but a 3mm suit the majority of the year. As there is quite a difference between 5mm and 3mm socks and the fit of the footpockets it may be worth looking at the mako adjustable Velcro retainers as they will offer more a larger range than some one piece rubber ones like I've got.

Here is a link MAKO Spearguns Mobile
Sorry lee i didn’t see you message until after I was back from yesterday evenings dive though if i go in again on saturday I’ll give you a shout.

I went to three sites last night with 2hrs in the water. Didn’t really notice the cold as I was using O3 5mm mitts and was trying a mates fins who has bigger feet than me so ended up with 3mm socks over 5mm socks, toasty.

Anyway I started off in the NW west of the harbour in no more than a metre over a sandy bottom. I saw a few baby mullet a bit bigger than your finger but the vis rapidly deteriorated to less than a metre so I jumped out and moved on.

The next site proved just as bad but I wanted to have a look at an area that had proved successful before so pushed on. It didn’t prove fruitful though, there were tonnes of prawns holing up there but nothing else to note.

Continuing to move anticlockwise around the harbour my final spot was further south. I swam along the shore up to 50m from the edge in a couple of metres of water over a sandy bottom. Vis was a good 2-3m here with lots of mini mullet darting around. Plenty of hand sized fatties seen along with a couple of Pollack around ¾ pound mark but nothing for the table this trip.

There were still plenty of crabs and little baby mullet darting about during the dive so it’s still well worth getting in on the south side as there is plenty to see.

Look forward to hearing if anyone has more success over the weekend. Cheers
Got in last night with John and Ben, and saw nothing much except the usual finger-sized smelt, little pollack, and one almost-takeable brown crab.

Was trying out my nice new 4mm open-cell socks (brilliant) and my 3mm ice-diving underhood gimp-mask thingy . Kept me much warmer, but the holes for the mask and mouth are a bit too small, so a bit of customising is needed.
Reactions: speerolee
Oh yes, and before we got in the sea we had our first pool session at Goldenstones pool in Yeovil. Very nice to meet Michal, and we had a nice hour finning up and down in our rented lane. Anybody who is interested in coming along just let me know.
Well....that's the challenge set for me for tonight then!!! Dont go home empty handed!
Matt do u need your wetty? I can pop it in your porch (clean and dry) before I head home..drop me a text or viber mate.

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Hi all. As I've just purchased a new gun from Picasso uk I thought I'd share some pictures of the gun and its new setup including camera.

The gun is a Picasso magnum carbon 115cm, complete with a compact Picasso reel and the camera is a contour roam with flexible strap mount. First impressions of the gun are amazing build quality and weight. Can't wait to try it out not, hopefully it won't be long before it catches fish

Ok...went in last night with spearo Clark,
Vis was 2 meters.

Dropped in over high water in portland harbour and kept on the move covering a vast amount of the blue stuff.

Well I must say it was a lovely 3 hour swim with good company. But a very severe lack of fish. Between us we only saw I takeable fish a very fat 35cm flounder.

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Some of other boys are dropping in today. I hope they all get better luck than we did.

Well at least I had my first fish of 2013 and didnt blank......ive only ever blanked twice on an avarage of dropping in at least twice a week all year round. Si not looking promising for 2013 winter...really hope to see more fish when I drop back in a couple of days.

Guys let me know how get on.......please nail a silver

Oh I forgot to mention that I retired my pump gun for a nice picasso night dive gun.....and took a few practice shots last night, deadly accurate, powerful and easy reload....result
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Just had a dip down N cove, viz 2m clearing when the tide started to turn. No takable fish seen, but nice to get in and stretch the legs and lungs out!

Nice plump flounder Lee, sorry to report no silver even seen today.....
