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Dorset Spearfishing 2013

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For 3 so £600 each give or take

:eek: great report Scot, I saw the report in the new crystal clear - the photos are unbelievable!

That price is amazing! I did not even entertain the thought of a trip like that being on the better side of 1k!

Ooooo Winky and Michael....!!!

Sad about crystal vis mate, they put a lot of effort into their website and looked like they were in to a winner... I wonder what the reason was behind selling...
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Re: Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

Did anyone else see that CrystalVis are closing down?

Bit of a bummer as I was really getting into their guns and had a couple on my 'must buy before the summer' list.

Mate....RA guns are good build quality, but a tad on the heavy side and thus ache the old wrist on long dives.

Picasso uk are just starting out here in Dorset; fantastic kit...guns are extremely light and my opinion is that they're better build quality than RA guns...dont get me wrong. ..RA guns are amazing, but the picasso range is defo way better. Give portland spearo or comanche killer a shout.

I've yet to try out the fins....but they look mint...

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
great report Scot, I saw the report in the new crystal clear - the photos are unbelievable!

That price is amazing! I did not even entertain the thought of a trip like that being on the better side of 1k!

Ooooo Winky and Michael....!!!

EXACTLY what I was thinking mate! Saying that, there is always Portugal... the water would be warm...!
Nice write up Scottie, thanks for sharing the story and well done!!!
Might be worth a dip tomorrow onwards...if you can face the snow!

I'm defo jumping in so long as it's not the harbour.
I think it will be worth checking between weymouth and luworth cove.... and chesil cove if the swell drops.

Ive added another blank to my increasing collection thanks to the harbour. But did see a couple of nice fat bass.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Always vis somewhere in the harbour mate.....especially around castletown.

Not sure about chesil yet as a ground swell was running.....Weymouth area still a bit dirty with the flood water, but getting slowly better day by day.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Well that's any chance of me getting in gone.......

Got 8 inches of snow here on the mendip hills.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Heya guys.

Looking to get back into the swing of things, I haven't been out in a while due to a reoccurring injury that has put me out of action for a good 5/6 months.
Wondering if anyone is up for a few smallish dives don't want to go straight into things and end up being out again for a while.
Hey all, long time no post.. The joys of work training and exams I guess but all done now (aside from a dissertation) so all systems go again.
Couple of things to say today firstly vis is poop as all will have predicted I fairly regularly pop down to check vis etc. I will put any reports up on the picasso UK facebook page and here if I remember.
Second thing is a bit of an odd one but after a few comments and messages over the last week I feel I have to clear things up.

I 'was' involved with Crystal Vis Dorset Ltd. In the very early days (pre website) but left the company and have had, and remain to have nothing to do with it since.
I did not leave the company in good terms but that's another story.
Given some of the comments and accusations flying around the community at the moment and some peoples confusion over my involvement I just wanted to publicly say its nothing to do with me and I do not condone any of the things that are alleged to have occured.

Safe diving all, and Raven yes I will gladly join you for a chilled 'light' dive if we can coincide free time with suitiable water etc.

Do you care to mention what things have been alleged? All I heard was that they were closing...?
Don't think its my place to say really, as I don't know enough detail i just received a couple of comments from people querying things including my involvement and wanted to distance myself from things and clear any confusion about my involvement in case any of the things become more of an issue.
Sorry that's not really helpful and clearly concerns are not as widely shared as perhaps I was led to believe, but would be improper of me to expand on a public forum having no current involvement.
Fair enough - I hadn't heared anything untoward.

I'm presuming that I shouldn't bother ordering anything from their website then?
Not heard anything either.

Getting frustrated with the blooming vis! I am finally able to escape the foot deep snow in my village and we get gales again!

Looks like flounder stabbing in the harbour then.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Ok guys, apologies didn't want to cause any panic but my desire for potentially protecting myself outweighed other considerations!
Plus I wrote the original post on my phone so purposefully kept it short.. anyway here is a hopefully more comprehensive statement lol...
I had a couple of messages over the weekend through from a old crystal vis customer voicing some concerns and clearly under the assumption I still worked there. I thought not a lot of it until a chance meeting with someone else over the weekend who to my knowledge is not a customer but does spearfish occasionally and is in touch with much of the 'community' (I don't want to name names for obvious reasons.)
Anyway he also shared surprisingly similar concerns and mentioned that there were a lot of similar murmerings from others. He was also unsure about my current involvement with the company, but then I hadn't seen him since I worked for them.
Jump to today and after a couple of quiet questions confirmed at least one or two other spearo's had heard or were hearing similar things I chose to just stick it out there in public that I am no longer involved in the business nor have I been since its very early conception.
As for the content of the rumour mill. I'm not comfortable saying, especially on a public forum with none of it within my control or reflecting direct on me. It could all be coincidence or rubbish or whatever but I wanted to just clarify my position of not being involved in case things escalated in the way they seem to be able to in the world of interwebs and small communities.
As for purchasing from Crystal Vis, I can honestly state that NONE of the issues relate to the provision/sale/quality etc of stock and so give no direct reason to avoid purchasing from them so if that is/was your intention please continue.
All I do know with regards to the current situation at Crystal Vis is that it is up for sale and staffing has reduced recently. But have nothing to suggest that its not business as usual.

Hopefully that clears things up (as much as it can!)
Sorry if any panic was caused!