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Dorset Spearfishing 2013

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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I'm looking to get in whenever! !!! Just need some vis.

If u find any, do let me know.

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Okay will do I'm off for another monster walk in a bit so will check the viz out in places.
I read first news about this tragic incident on swanage RLNI facebook page... I couldnt believe...
Yet again been on a viz hunt a few days ago. Doesn't seem to be looking good guys. :(.
Weymouth bay is diiiiiirty! Went there last night armed with a rod, not much to report on that either apart from a pout fest!
Good news guys I have found viz. . Around 3.5m +. Was shocked when I got in. Also I think I got the tides wrong for tonight as when I turned up at my chosen spot it was low tide was sure it was high tide was at 00:09. Anyway swam around for an hour not seeing anything due to it being low tide so thought couldn't be bothered to wait for mother nature so I got out. Then when driving home half a mile down the road it was clearly high tide. :-S. Couldn't get my little brain around how my spot was so low yet half a mile down the road was clearly high. Hmmmm. I was cold by now having got out of the water so decided to get to my bed. Thinking about going out again this week sometime. Tuesday or Wednesday hope this wind stays as it is .
Hi guys!
Have you got any information on how is the vis in Portland, Weymouth? plannig a session tomorrow but don't want to waste 2,5 hours driving each way !
Hi guys!
Have you got any information on how is the vis in Portland, Weymouth? plannig a session tomorrow but don't want to waste 2,5 hours driving each way !

It's not the best at the moment. I have been hunting viz more than I've been hunting fish lately. If you do end up going 2m viz is the most you are going to be able to get. Portland harbour looked brown yesterday when I looked and was a little choppy with the easterly winds. Same as Weymouth bay. Easterly winds come straight in there and it didn't look fish able yesterday .
Hi all sorry I've been quite this year, but I just haven't been diving as much as I should have been. Anyway here's a few fish I caught yesterday. The bass went 5.5lb, the pollack 1.5lb and 2.25lb and the squid 3.2lb without a head. The water temp was 13°C and the vis up to 4m.
Reactions: foxfish
Good catch, nice pics. Were you fishing at night?

Hoping to get in again soon, been a while...
Yea it was a night dive.

Nice catch, i need to get over 5lbs? i was close earlier this year though.
I was going to ask if it was a night dive. Cesar was on about going out last night, but I couldn't make it. I will have to get out sometime soon though.
It's a
Nice catch, i need to get over 5lbs? i was close earlier this year though.
I was going to ask if it was a night dive. Cesar was on about going out last night, but I couldn't make it. I will have to get out sometime soon though.
You'll get there buddy, now is the time of year when the bigguns come out aswel so just keep at it. I think once you've had one you seem to see and shoot them quite frequently.

Good luck