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European Union Consultation – Including ban on use of projectiles .

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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guys, im no expert or lawyer obviously, but the way i read the article, i dont see it addressing spearfishing...it seems to be addressing the mass depletion methods like explosives, poison etc... i think the use of projectiles here is intended for whaling and the like the use of the big commercial harpoons.. a speargun is certainly not a projectile..
i think if you ask for clarity on that matter as you have been doing so, i doubt that the response you will receive is that spearfishing will be banned,...at least i hope so
Hi all, i have just spoken to DEFRA and the MFA ( Marine fisheries Agency) they have both informed me that as it stands if after the consultation this were to become law, spearfishing would be banned in the north Atlantic, thus banning spearfishing in the UK, Ireland, and effecting Spain, Portugal and France. Both agencies explained that this process was part of 'tidying up regulations' and linked in with greater control of all recreational fishing activities. It seems that this process could take between 18months and 2 years and that during this time it is 'up to us' to put our points across and try and have this proposed legislation altered. I was informed by Mr Benin at DEFRA that proposals such as these were based on 'scientific evidence and advice from industry' and advised to look at the EU webpages (Fisheries), but not that the evidence would be there.

I asked the MFA if they had a view at this time with regard to the banning of spearfishing, I was informed that the MFA did not.

No more at this time have got to go to work.

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Also think outside the box, ie. I have contacted BASC (British Association for Shooting and Conservation) as I am a member and spearfishing is technically a cousin of the land based/casting sports. They also swing a lot of weight in political circles....anyone a member of the CLA? etc. etc...you get the idea, just write your email in terms that remove the rights of one hunting sport and you weaken them all.
[Perhaps BSA should include "Conservation" in their title, to reflect the selective nature of the activity?]

The Countryside Alliance would likely be supportive - fishing is just a form of hunting/country pursuit. If we support them, no doubt they will support us. Like the CLA, they seem to be well connected (getting special trains put on for their protests, etc). A good day out I'm told (out of the country at the time) - time for another one perhaps (we'll have plenty of time for them when they ban spearing)? I will try contacting the Countryside Alliance (ironically run by a Labour MP I believe - might be worth contacting the political party of your choosing too, esp. if they are currently in power). Perhaps one of our Scottish members could contact the Scottish Countryside Alliance (Scottish Countryside Alliance - Home)?

As an angler as well as a spear fisher, I don't like the sound of "greater control of all recreational fishing activities". Clearly these people are power hungry & have a lot of time on their hands. Must have way too much budget.
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please forgive my ignorance if i ask
what is DEFRA and what is MFA exactly? Governmental agencies or private associations or what? I still don't understand where the proposal comes from and what path it's following.
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Spaggo.....DEFRA(Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) and the MFA (Marine fisheries Agency) are very much government agencies and therefore in the driving seat here in the UK.:head

Brussels, 4.6.2008
COM(2008) 324 final
2008/0112 (CNS)
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DEFRA is the UK Government Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Defra, UK - Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Their remit includes fisheries legislation. MFA is the Marine and Fisheries agency, Marine and Fisheries Agency who deal with fisheries enforcement
The proposal has come from the EU. The Technical conservation regulations are part of the Common Fisheries Policy. Talking to friends in fisheries management, it seems there are all sorts of problems with this new legislation which need to be sorted out, largely as it was written by a committee,in several different languages, so is full of inconsistencies
Defra are not promoting this change, nor did they suggest it, but they are conducting the consultation process for the UK before the legislation is brought in

Spearguns by Spearo uk ltd finest supplier of speargun, monofins, speargun and freediving equipment
It makes me very angry !
Emails sent to MP's , Defra , Joined Facebook group and invited 500 so called 'friends' .... will also contact BASC , good idea!
Cheers for the guidance and the templates guys!
Lets hope for the best.
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fellow spearos,

i have set up a petition on the goverment website... it can be found at Petition to: Advise the EU NOT to change the "Technical Conservation Regulations" and ban spear fishing.

I am no lawyer and once it starts being signed it cannot be changed, so if someone could check it and post if its ok then i would be grateful :)

hope it helps!
I'm not sure that I would want Number 10 to have all of our personal details, because (1) they'd probably loose or leak them, (2) I can't think of anyone I trust less and (3) we might need to resort to peaceful protest at some point in the future (heaven forbid).

I have contacted the Countryside Alliance & Scottish Countryside Alliance. I would encourage others that care about the countryside & fieldsports in general (like fishing, shooting, horses, dogs) to write to them expressing support and requesting their support. I know some local organisers and they are very dedicated and hardworking, keen fisherman, anglers, gun dog trainers, etc.. all. Clearly fox hunting was just the thin end of the wedge.
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Use your DB name and give next doors address if it worries you. Not sure about civil disobedience though! To join in with you southerners would be a bit of a hike, maybe we could get involved in a bit of sponsored sheep worrying?
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Mr. X...they decoded your 'X' a few years back!roflNow get on with it! You know they already have all your details right down to how many sheets you use to wipe.:t
I have seen cross data handling and really it's not worth worrying about anymore, you or anyone else's details are available with the right amount of looking.
That's why I don't do crime, they'll catch you eventually:naughty
Use your DB name and give next doors address if it worries you...
:DIt's OK Pastor, I used yours instead (PNC and [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON"]Echelon[/ame]).;)
Mr. X...they decoded your 'X' a few years back!roflNow get on with it! You know they already have all your details right down to how many sheets you use to wipe.:t...
That's okay, I don't exist.
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sent mine to all three constituents of our area and the minister of parl Andrew miller:naughty
On a lighter note, do you think these muppets can police this issue & put it into practice,i think not,they would have to check everyone that went to the coast,it doesn't make sense to do it,its unrealistic,unethical & just plain FUBAR,
I anyone converses in any of the european languages, could they check out some of the mediteranean forums and hopefully write something up that makes them aware that it will affect them....
I anyone converses in any of the european languages, could they check out some of the mediteranean forums and hopefully write something up that makes them aware that it will affect them....

GREAT IDEA,i've e-mailed the quote to friends with "influence" on grand bahama island in the oil business or should i say the harbour masters staff as they talk to a lot of maritime employers & staff that transport fuel oil to the states off the eastern seaboard of the USA,they may/maynot be intersted on the whole subject but they did say would pass it around,i think the sooner this gets around the planet the better :mad:
Hello all, so that you are aware myself and dave T have already spent quite a few hours on this, with much help from members here on deeper blue. what we are going to be doing in the next couple of days is get a statement together with regard to what we feel should be done.

Now obviously most of you will be aware that both I and Dave T (spearo UK) are members of the BSA, it is not our intention to take control or to direct others as to how to best respond to this situation. we are quite clear, and I hope people agree that we all need to work together on this as a unified opposition is a stronger opposition.

Very briefly in the first stages of this situation we need to get in our objections to DEFRA, all the other stuff that is being done is equally important but is not part of the offical process that we will be required to follow at this stage.

what I will be asking is that people copy their objections into a web address that has been set up by surfandspear (Thanks Brett) I am waiting to gain access myself at the moment. If you have already mailed your objection send in a copy. The objective of this is to ascertain how many objections are sent in, not to monitor what people write. Hopefully people will offer to help organise this campaign, they can happily have access to the account if necessary. Those of you that took part in the south wales objections know that I have used this system before.

Can I stress again that, myself and Dave, do not want to take over or make others feel left out or unheard, it is not a BSA campaign but something to be done for us as a spearfishing community, by us as a spearfishing community. Offers of help will be very gratefully received.

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