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florida freedivers

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
My husband and I sometimes go to Morrison Springs, though viz sucks after the scuba divers get there for their "check-out" dives. Tomorrow, we are going to Vortex Spring (in Holmes County). We'll let you all know how it goes!
Wakulla is a great spot for sure, but the last time I checked, any kind of diving outside the shallow swimmng area was prohibited. Has that changed?? I love to do some freediving in the deeper part of the spring.

To actually dive Wakulla you have to contact the Woodville Karst Plain Project (WKPP) people.
When I was under 18 I just accidentally swam over to the hole after jumping off the dive platform. As an adult, you could get in big trouble if they prosecuted you.
Wakulla is 175' down.
If you register at the entrence, they let you dive Cherekee Spring.
To actually dive Wakulla you have to contact the Woodville Karst Plain Project (WKPP) people.

You meant to scuba dive I think. That would be the be the beginning of a long and arduos journey but that's a whole other discussion. It would be cool to swim across it though.
Freedive. I have have only gone down 35 feet, so I don't know how far you can go straight down. The ranger I called this morning said 175'.
The hole is about 30' from the shore.

If you are very discrete, you can breath-up at the outer rope of the swimming area, go straight down to the shallow bottom and swim over to the hole and then down. Repeat the route coming back. Not very efficient but it does give you the opportunity to swim in this giant spring, which is awesome (even if only at 30-40', given the elongated path).


Not that I have done it. But a friend of mine did it while I watched from the restricted area. In fact, the water was so clear, I would swear that I was there too...
Blue Springs Closing 11/15/07

Blue Springs (Volusia) will be closed for swimming starting 11/15/07 and will not re-open until the spring.

I plan on diving each of the next three Saturday AM's if anyone wants to join (I'm flexible as to other times as well).

Visibility has greatly improved from earlier this year, and so it is a nice dive.


asp ily
Last Call - Blue Springs

As stated prior, Blue Springs is going to be closed for swimming starting 11/15. Due to recent “cold” weather, the spring and the run are full of manatees right now. The current crew of rangers and law enforcement are understanding of the manatees' social behavior and only get involved if someone is harassing them (i.e., if the manatee approaches you, you no longer have swim away from it, unofficially at least).

Anyway, last call and the change in enforcement attitude is a welcome relief (those who have been following this for awhile, will know that a few of us have had some near arrests over this matter).

Hey all,

A couple of us from up here in snowy Toronto are gonna make the trek to the Sunshine State sometime in mid January. We'll be at Ginnie springs likely to start, and go from there. Looking for thoughts or ideas on recomended divesites, spearfishing opportunities as well as underwater hockey. I seem to remember someone mentioning an UWHocey club in Gainsville, but not sure.


I may be in the Ginnie Springs area in mid-January, so perhaps I will see you there. I can't help you with the spearfishing and u/w hockey, but can direct you to more springs in that area than you will probably have time for.

pm me if interested.


DeLeon Springs

With Blue Springs being closed for a couple of more months, the closest alternative is DeLeon Springs. The flow from the cave entrance is now way down (?) and so it is fairly easy to enter. While it is no Blue, it is still a fun dive.

There is indeed an UWH club in Gainesville: University of Florida - Department of Recreational Sports - Underwater Hockey

If you are in the Ginnie Springs area, be sure to check out Ichetuchnee Springs state park. There are two springs at the head of the river; the one further from the parking area - Blue Hole - is a very nice dive. The other is pretty, but shallow. At Blue Hole, you dive through a hole in a main room that is hour-glass shaped with bottom at about 30 feet, and then you can pull yourself through (flow is often too strong to swim through) to a second larger room that drops to about 45 ft. Here's their webpage:
Main Page - Ichetucknee Springs State Park » Florida State Parks
You should probably call ahead to make sure Blue Hole is open again for diving; a few years ago, it had been closed for several months to allow regrowth of some of the vegetation that disappeared due to low water levels.
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Silver River and DeLeon Springs

Hey all - I'm Aaron's dive buddy from Toronto. We are planning to arrive on Mon. (Jan. 14), probably starting at Ginnie Spring.

Scott - I'm wondering how DeLeon Springs compares to Silver Glen Springs and Alexander Springs? I've dove both these years ago and enjoyed them (I think Alexander a little more), but not as much as Blue Springs.

Also, has anyone ever snorkeled down Silver River? The writeup in DeLoach's Underwater Florida makes it sound fantastic. He lists a number for a charter to get you to the head of the spring - Paradise Springs 325-368-5746 - but I don't think that number is in service. If anyone has any thoughts on snorkeling this and/or a contact for a ride up the river we'd appreciate it.

CJB - Thank's for the info. I've contacted the uwh players and hopefully we'll get in a game or 2. We are definitely planning on Ichetucknee Park. I called a week ago and they said we could dive the Blue Hole, we just can't snorkel the upper part of the river. Also the water level is apparently very low (river is 2-3 ft.).

Alexander and Silver Glen are much prettier and have a lot of fish. DeLeon's sole advantage (besides being closer to my house) is depth. Can't get any deeper than 25' or so at the first two (even inside the caverns), but can get 50'+ at Deleon (cave entrance at 25'). They are only about 45 minutes apart, and so are not mutually exclusive. However, if choosing, Alexander is the best of the three (was there on Sunday - there is a nice swim-through that is scary the first time doing it).

Silver River is beautiful, but, as mentioned, you will need a boat. There are, however, many gators and snakes along the way (I've been on the river numerous times and I would not snorkel it, at least not for any distance - there are some good swimming spots though). A better river for snorkeling is Rainbow River. A boat is better to have, but not required (but you will need a ride back to your point-of-entry, or a boat ride up the river). Note that no disposable items of any kind are allowed at Rainbow (food/drinks need to be in tupperware or the like).

As there are more springs than you will have time for, I recommend choosing what is most important to you (i.e., depth, beauty, caverns/caves, remoteness, manatees, fish, etc.) and prioritize along those lines.

Aaron has my cell (and we have already talked about a few springs), so please feel free to call me with any other questions or about maybe hooking up.


Scott - Thanks for the quick reply and all your advice to Aaron. We'll no doubt be in touch when we arrive.
Im in Central Florida and I scuba/freedive the springs quite often so if anyone wants a buddy send me a PM! I have thurs-sundays off so don't hesitate to send me a PM.
Hi Nitrowill,

I'll becoming up to Blue Springs when they reopen it; will pm you then. There should be a bunch of divers waiting for it to reopen.

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