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florida freedivers

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Here's a Photo

From Blue Springs (Volusia County) earlier today.



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I think I will do that but is there any chance you guys might be there. I would really like to dive with some other divers. I haven't had a chance to dive with anyone at all yet.

Really great pic by the way!! oh and what's the water temp and depth like now?

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No problem


Jeff and/or I try to make it for an hour or two every weekend, so I'm sure we can hook up. I usually go Saturday and Jeff Sunday, but we are flexible.

Water is a constant 72 degrees.

All I have right now is 5.5 mm suit and I'm diving in 54 degree water up here in the mountains, but I shouldn't get to warm 72degree I don't think!! What time do you usually get to the springs on Saturdays?

My skill level won't hold you up will it ?

You can laugh at me while I soap up the inside of my suit and wrestle it on:martial

BladeRunner OUT
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Nice pic!

Nice photo Scott . . . did Milan take that? It was great time last weekend guys - wish I could have continued on with you after Sat.

How was Devil's Den? What other springs did you dive after Peacock?

Any good photos of everyone trying to thaw out, shivering in their dripping wet wetsuits while seated in their cars with the heaters blasting? -Guess that's what it's like freediving the Pacific NW, right Milan? [Milan and mark were kind enough to bring us a sample of their weather for our dive outing].:eek:

I think we need to start a new, annual DB get-together to dive the springs . . . like Keys Kraze . . . "Root Cellar Sensation" [sven says we dive flooded root cellars].:thankyou
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Hey Scott my trip to Tampa is "GO" I had no problem getting off work. I plan on being at blue springs early Saturday Feb. 1st. because I read that they only let so many divers in a day. I don't want my hour and half hour drive from Tampa to be a wasted trip. I'm so pumped now I will be able to dive in water where I can see more than 10-15ft. around for once. I don't have drag my big dive light down with me either. I've wanted to dive at this spring since I started freediving!! I can not wait! I'm going to try for personnel bests for sure on this trip!!

You can't complain about the 72 degree water either, alot better than the 48 degree stuff I'm diving in up here!!

What's the number of divers you usually see there on a weekend in the winter Scott?

Thanks again for your info. Maybe I'll see you there
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After Peacock, we just did the Ginnie Springs group. I was able to use my light with no hassles. I did have a close call with my camera getting tangled in a dive line. Had to leave the camera and a diver ended up getting it loose for me. No more diving with that thing hanging around my wrist (at least not in caverns or small areas - duh!). No info on the guy that had died there the day before - just that they found his body first thing in the AM (so he was diving alone sometime during the night).

Devil's Den was as clear as I had ever seen it. After we viewed it and paid, we went and changed. The owner then told us that no long fins or freediving were allowed. I him told I had been there numerous times before with no problem, and he said that was a mistake. But since we had already paid, he would allow it this last time. What a bummer, as the diving was great.

After that we did Silver Glen and then Blue. Anouther full day - left Blue right before the gate closed.

Milan got some great shots - including the one of you below. I'll burn you a CD so you can see them all.


Saturday AM (2/1) sounds good. Freedivers are not considered divers, so they do not count in the quota. I try to get there right at 8 AM (park opening) as it takes the scuba guys about an hour to put on thier gear and get to the head spring. That way we have it all to ourselves for an hour! It can get crowded if there is a class or a large group of divers. E-mail me at scottlnelson@hotmail.com and I will give you my cell phone so we can be sure to meet up.


Can you make it next Saturday AM?


P.S. I like the idea of the "Root Cellar Sensation", but perhaps it needs a better name.


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scott is that you in the pic and if it is where did you find the wetsuit I didn't think picasso made that suit anymore. Darn I wanted to get that suit really bad too!!

ok nevermind I should have read the message fully!!

I will E-mail you Scott with my info. to.

I just want you to remember I'm just getting started into freediving and I hope this won't cause any problems with your own diving!!

what springs was that pic taken at?

BladeRunner OUT
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Early to bed, early to . . . definitely need the alarm

So, do I understand that there is a meeting of the Florida Freedivers at Blue Spring Orange City at 8 AM on Saturday, 2-1? [Want to be sure . . . that's a 6 AM departure from here]. If so, I'll see who we can round up for the trip.

A CD would be much appreciated Scott. It looks like Milan got some great shots . . hey Sven . . . ever seen a root cellar that clear before????
Sarturday it is!


Yes, there will be at least two of us at Blue Springs this Saturday AM. Let me know if you can make it and I'll bring the CD.


Scott post some pics of this great place I'm going dive this weekend.
I'm buzzing with excitment and shooting do some personel best in my depth and time.
I can actually do this now for the first time since I started frediving because I have someone to dive with this time!

BladeRunner OUT
I'll be there around noon on saturday with 2 snorklers (they have no experience freediving), but I'll see what I can do to get there earlier so I can do some dives with you guys.

Shorten your fins


That suction on the walls in inevitable and I don't think there is a good way to actually push off without creating it much of the time. May I suggest an alternative . . .

I use some very expensive little fins from Force Fins called "Maximum Force" or something like that. They resemble strapping the soles of oversized army boots to your feet - very little propulsion, heavy, and a lot of resistance.

I much prefer them to using long blades in the pool, however, and I find there is a good transfer of training to the long blades. You don't get the same rythm because there is virtually no rebound with these short fins, obviously, but I don't find that to be a big problem. They work my legs . . . boy, do they work my legs!

There are other, cheaper, short fins on the market that might also work well - Zoomers, I think they're called - I see a lot of competitive swimmers use them. -Or just take a hack saw to some old snorkeling fins - leave about 3 inches beyond your toes - oh, and remove them from your feet first:eek:
How long do you guys stay at the spring, I was planning to stay a good part of the day.
Do know of another spring close to make a gun run to?

I even thought about maybe going to other spring like maybe silver Glen is that some what of a deep spring, 30' to 40' range? I'm jut not sure how close that is to Blue springs

BladeRunner OUT

The Force Fins really put a hurt on my ankles when I'm out of shape . . . have not tried other short fins. I find that when I've been using the Force Fins, my long blades do not bother my ankles, even after several hours of diving.

Remind me to bring them the next time we dive together and you can give them a try. They don't simulate long blades in many other ways though - I think your dynamics in the run are the best training.
ok guys change of plans for me sorry for the last minute but I'm going to head to Alexander springs first. I'm sorry. It's more up my ball park!!
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Are you sure?


From everything I've heard, Blue Spring is a much better dive . . . it is certainly one of the best I've seen in Florida. What appeals to you about Alexander Spring?
just ignore that last message I will be at blue springs. It was rude of me to make a change this close to the date with other people making plans to meet up with me!! I 'm sorry for doing that, I will meet everyone at blue hopefully with my suit already on. I can't stand having people watching me fight into my freediving suit. I'm still learning how to get damn thing on smooth like a pro.

see yeah there guys!!

BladeRunner OUT
hi jeff,

I'll be camping overnight at blue springs, so I'll dive sunday too, probably a bit before noon, perhaps up till 1 pm or so. so hopefully I'll you then!

and yes, I saw your message (back on page 2), thanks for the information. I'm bringing my camera, and I hope to get some cool pics of the manatees.

should I bring a flash light with me to the springs or is there enough light coming down into the spring to see pretty good ?

BladeRunner OUT

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