I got there Thursday Evening to find that 5 other people were ALREADY there! The Palooza didn't offically start until Friday... But we had some Die-hards......... and the F.I.I. Instructor Mark Wallerstein.
I set up camp right away as it looked like it could rain....... it did, but not much.
Friday, People began to trickle in throughout the day and we eventually Jumped into Wazee at our most common spot: THE WALL aka "The Cliffs". This spot is close to camp and pretty much has everything: Fish Cribs, Platforms (25, 45 & 60'), Trees, Cliffs that go steep and a short swim off shore and you have 100 ft depth.
As with every year, I have LOTS of people tell me they are coming and don't. Mostly because something came up and they were not able to. IF everyone who said they were coming actually came, we'd probably be at 50+. BUT we had an awesome Turnout for the weekend. In all we had 23 Divers show up. There were some Younger people there that enjoyed the water as well as people's "Better Half".
Saturday we had the F.I.I. Level 1 Freediving class starting and some of us 'other divers' decided to go get some Depth. We went to the line that says "WARNING DEEP WATER". Well, Piotr (Nostress) found out for us that it is only 108 ft deep and really clear at the bottom. Several of us, started taking turns, working out some of the rusting techniques we had learned in classes ourselves. We worked on "Pull downs" until our reflexes kicked in, then gradually worked on depth........ All using safeties. I was able to get down to 83ft that day (clearing issues), but even at 83, I could see the bottom very well!
This year Wazee was the clearest I have seen it! With a Surface temp at 76 - I was comfortable in my 3mil all weekend.
Sunday, after some very interesting nights we finally got up and moving and back in the water for some more depth diving......... after all, when can you go Line-diving and have safeties there for you? This day I reached 94 ft. I was relaxed and when I was experiencing some intense pressure, I decided to turn around. When I turn, I saw that I was not far from the Bottom. I thought about making my way back towards the bottom. I didn't as I didn't want to put myself in danger of blacking out. The Dive at 94 feet was comfortable, I think it's just the pressure at that depth that I'm not use to. I need to get back into doing more line dives.
Our "AFTER PARTIES" as I like to call them were........... AWESOME!!! :friday
We had a Great Meal Every night! Lots of Drinks and shared lots of stories. We also made some good memories........... Like "remember that time, when Reason put a Beer can in the fire and it blew up?" I will never forget that! it was Great!
All in all, I would say this has probably been the most Memorable Palooza "I've" been too and I can't wait until next year!!!
I have a TON more pics on my Facebook page. Just find me. if you have Facebook, here is a link to my PHOTOS: