Spear-Fin said:
Back to Italy again...
In tutte le acque interne è obbligatoria la licenza di pesca GOVERNATIVA (regionale) e il tesserino Fipsas per eventuali acque convenzionate (Lecco).
La licenza governativa può essere rilasciata solo dalla regione di residenza, ha validità di 10 anni , salvo quelle rilasciate prima del 2003 che hanno validità di 6 anni.
Annualmente va pagata la tassa regionale (salvo le regioni esenti), la tassa ha scadenza annuale comunque alla corrispondente data di rilascio.
Provincia di Trento zone
non sono previste zone particolari di pesca in apnea, si può pescare ovunque salvo le zone di tutela, ripopolamento, portuali, balneari.
E' vietata la navigazione a motore, quindi è vietato l'uso del gommone.
fishing and spearfishing in rivers and lakes in italy is submitted to a national licence (10 years) and an annual fee (it should be around 30 euro).
you will surely get every detailed information contacting the province of bolzano/bozen in suedtirol. everyone speaks german, as you probably know. you can either phone or email (search for "provincia autonoma di bolzano" then you will surely have the site also in german and look for the fishing and haunting department or something like that).
bolzano has no lakes to spearfish but you will surely get the most infos about the licence to get for spearfishing in the garda, como and iseo lakes.
as for the part to translate regarding trento/trient, it says that spearfishing is allowed anywhere in the part of the lake of garda which is in the territory of the trento province, except, obviously of ports, swimming areas etc
outboards are forbidden, so only spearfihing from the shore.
you can also try to get in touch with the province of trento ("provincia autonoma di trento"). many people does speak german but not everyone like in bolzano.
this is as a general rule.
as for local regulations for como and iseo, you should apply to the local websites, either with the keywords "lago di como" and "lago d'iseo" or directly to the "provincia di ......." and add "como etc...."; look on the map to see which are the provinces involved in those terrotiories.
in those cases, try with english or french, german will be hardly spoken there.
all the best