hi, I've been looking to get into spearfishing for a while now, and decided its time I did something about it instead of thinking of it as something ill do "one day"
been living and surfing on the gower for the last ten years, and in that time I have seen a few people going out fishing or diving for lobsters, just never got rounf to it myself even tho it looks like a good way to get into the sea during the long flat summer spells.
so I got some cheap snorkelling gear that I've used abroad and was thinking of going out with that first to see what's what and maybe investing in a gun and weights at some point in the future.
its been flat for a while so I went for a walk down caswell yesterday and the water looks pretty clear in the sunshine so I thought I might go at some point either over the weekend or next week. any ideas where I should head to for a dip? I know the area pretty well but mostly only paid attention to the surf not what's going on under the water.
been living and surfing on the gower for the last ten years, and in that time I have seen a few people going out fishing or diving for lobsters, just never got rounf to it myself even tho it looks like a good way to get into the sea during the long flat summer spells.
so I got some cheap snorkelling gear that I've used abroad and was thinking of going out with that first to see what's what and maybe investing in a gun and weights at some point in the future.
its been flat for a while so I went for a walk down caswell yesterday and the water looks pretty clear in the sunshine so I thought I might go at some point either over the weekend or next week. any ideas where I should head to for a dip? I know the area pretty well but mostly only paid attention to the surf not what's going on under the water.