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Guernsey 2008

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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I think the technical description for your torch is bloney knackered Col! Thats had water trapped inside for a long time to get that corroded.
Yes, it does look that way, but it was like new when I checked it the night before! It stayed submerged while I was in so the sea water had a couple of hours to do that to it. I cleaned it as soon as I could and stuck it in the airing cupboard. Fingers crossed.:(
Good luck, but no way it would have corroded that much in a couple of hours in my opinion, unless of course the battery power allowed some sort of electrolite reaction but I'd be surprised.
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Well as Colin mentioned, we went down south for a swim last night. i was totally unsure whether we would be walking into pea soup or clear water, but fortunately the vis has held and it was really pretty good.

I took a glow stick down, to mark our exit, but in fact there were plenty of lights on the cliff top to mark our way, also the glow stick wasnt visible once away from the shore!

I came across a bass within the first couple of minutes, about 3lbs - sauitable for dinner. (found it had a sandeel in his mouth when on the chopping board later on).

Also there were a few reds around - including a pair that you can see in the video - question: would you have taken the shot or would you have manoeuvred around to try and shoot both of them???

I left the crab 'cos i stil dont know what to do with them!

The walk back up was fun!

Anyway it was good to get in and round 2 will have to be on Sarnians local spot when his torch is working.

Hope you get well soon OMD - sorry you couldnt join us.

I hope the vid is a bit better than the previous, i still need to work on the gun-mount, although this version is better than the top-mount).

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Good vid Jonny, your best yet I reckon. What size was that biggest red? How far out from the beach were they? Just wondering if I went fishing for one or two whether they'd be in range from the sand or if I'd be better off going round to the moorings.

Take the shot or go for the double play? Hmm, as you had a couple already, and had the camera to record it....go for the glory I reckon!

Kind of tempting me to get the gear out again!
Tom, you'd easily reach them from the shore, not even as far out as the moorings.
There is a part-exposed pipe running diagonally accross the bay tho, might be snaggy.
what bait do you use for reds?
Yep, I know the pipe. Cheers.

For red mullet its got to be worms, worms and nothing but worms. Lug, rag or verm, doesn't matter which. You occassionally get them on shellfish like razors but worms is best.
lovely shot on that first red Jonny and nice vid in general.
Excellent vid Jonny. Would I ever love to catch something other than bream and pout... Been awful lately, bream city. Might have to head southwards to avoid them maybe??
Nice vid Jonny - is this the same dive I was on?:) I liked the doyy-oyyy-oiingggg! as the first shot hit sand!

A rod dangler I work with reckons there are some big bass around Saints - and also congers out in the open!:martial:crutch:blackeye

(p.s. Tom, the torch was unused out of the box, and when I checked it the night before was like new! The salt water would have had about 3 hours .)
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p.p.s. I may have found the answer in Dave's post in the Dorset thread. It is just possible that the torch was out of the water while I was fiddling with my mask, which could make the bulb blow - but not sure why it would fill with water? Anyone know where I can get a spare bulb?:(
Colin looks to me like your torch has leaked and then shorted out. Before you get a new bulb you need to see if there is a leak. There are 4 possibilities. In order of likelyhood 1. The main o-ring seal between the screw on head and the body. 2. The seal in the on/off switch (another o-ring). 3. The glued joint between the clear front lense and the front "head", under the rubber grip. 4. A crack or hole in the plastic body.

If it was me I'd clean it all out removing the inside gubbins and wash it in fresh water. Inspect the 4 areas above for possible visual clues. Assemble the torch (with nothing inside) and put it in a bath/bucket etc filled with clean clear water (no soap etc) and look for small tell tale bubbles. Not so easy to see as the air inside isn't pressurised and water will enter without air eascaping but you might see something.

Princeton Tec offer a lifetime guarantee on their torches.


PS If all else fails bring it round here.
Thanks for that Dave. I'll give it a go when I've got a mo. Hope you're feeling better.:)
Great Video as ever Jonny, some good Red hot action there mate.:t
Colin get yourself some LED’s mate, they’re the way forward.
Hope all you Guernsey lot are well and not suffering the winter blues yet.:)
Super vid action jonny, I imagine you have a fair library now! I wish I had the discipline to film more of my dives - watching is the next best thing if you can't get in...
Thanks for the encouragement on the vid, i'll keep trying. Want to make a quick release mount and also have an idea for a console so that a compass, watch and camera can be fitted, but without too much water resistance.

Here's a pic of Sarnian spearfishing the other night:
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Funny - that's exactly how it looked to me!rofl

( Careful Derek - you'll be getting us in trouble with the U.S.!)
Sarnian;742849 ( Careful Derek - you'll be getting us in trouble with the U.S.!)[/QUOTE said:
Hope you're not becoming a ' Barack-room-lawyer ' Col!
Looked so completely dark in Jonny's pic I thought you might've needed the assistance of a 'St. Bernard' to find your way home!
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