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Guernsey 2008

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Podge is a legend as well we know! We might have to start calling him Sir Podge soon! rofl
Managed to get in for 2 dives today and bloody cold it was too. Not so much in the water but that north wind on wet hands and face coming up the beach was numbing.

Went in at 4pm to catch the last of the daylight to look for a bit of kit one of my mates had dropped. Didn't find it but was a nice half hour diving in 20 foot with calm-ish water and nearly-see-the-bottom vis. A few wrasse were near the reef and a solitary garfish circled me at one point.

Not having found the lost item I climbed back over the rocks and back down the lane to my car. Had brought my torch and gun so decided to drive to the other side of the bay and try for a flatfish as it was now dark. Could have just gone back down onto the nearby sandy beach where I knew conditions were good but no I decided that that other bit of grass was bound to be greener so I'd move. Big mistake.

Having driven the half mile still in my suit i proceeded down the beach and into the water just as the last red of the sunset vanished. Beautiful. Was looking forward to the dive. Wading out in a couple of foot of water and couldn't see the bottom. Swell, crap vis, dead weed on the bottom, YUK!

Swam out a couple of hundred yards and it got worse. Turned around and came home. This year is the pits. Even if you find some calm water and even if you find a bit of vis then there's still no gaurantee that anywhere else is okay.

I'm still managing to get in occasionaly and I have filled most of my freezer but it's a struggle, that's for sure. Haven't had any large fish and must admit haven't posted much lately plus haven't had a camera for a couple of months so no pic's either. Got the camera sorted now so maybe i'll catch something worth snapping.

Good night dive tides this week but crap forcast, as ever, plus I'm committed every night from now 'til Friday. Never mind it gives that big bass/turbot/cod/etc time to grow a bit bigger.

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Reactions: fearthespear
My diving is pretty much just memories now.
Came across this photo of a Guernsey Blue Dolphins competition held at Fermain about 30 years ago.
Thought it might amuse some of the Guerns to try recognising some of the
Is that you in the buggy?


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Reactions: foxfish
Tough one that Bruv. Fairly sure of these 4; Pete Garland, Dennis Ward, Scottie, Henry Carre. Beyond that I'm not sure. One other I recognise but can't name.

One other I recognise but can't name.


DO YOU MEAN ME DAVE? The name's Derek Foxen!
I thought that was too obvious. Bloke who's name I can't remember is on your left or to the right of you as we look. Pete's in front of you, Henry on your right, Dennis in the silly jumper and Graham Scott at the back left hand side of the photo.

That's a super family portrait there Derek, so many bro's and sisters...
You dont really expect that many fish to go round do you? ;-)

What happened to the club?
Well done Dave for getting in at least.
Good effort Dave!

Great pic Derek, looks like some good fish taken too.

The club is still going Jonny, but is a solely scuba diving club now. I'm sure one of the Foxens will know the history.
Could be Nev Jehan far left as we look but thought he had more hair? Possibly Dave Froome in sunglasses as SSD had some involvement in the early days.The "Big Boys" aren't there? Graham Ogier, Ziggy snr, RayTosty, but then they all used to stick to their own territory down west. No sign of Mick and Rod Green?

Great picture for jogging the old memory but sadly a lot of these people (see in the pic or mentioned by me) have passed on and those that are left don't dive anymore - except me, but I'm not in that photo and I would have been one of the younger ones, though not in a pushchair . Scotty and Pete G. are my generation but most of the others are your generation brother D.

Very nostalgic.

Derek is this you that I’ve tried to circle?
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Dave...the one you're trying to remember is (was)the late Eddie Rowe.
I think sunglasses guy looks more like the other Dave...Roland.I think one of the nippers in front may be his son.
That is definitely Nev Jehan on the far left.
I was Club Sec for a while but was never interested in competing....
whereas you, Dave, were SF Officer and Club champ!

Yessireee...you lassooed me good there Paul!
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Hi All

Guess what? Have not been in recently. Have looked regularly, but times when it looks good seem to coincide with times when I’m too busy. Went down to check the boat yesterday lunchtime, the viz was so bad in the marina you couldn’t see the bottom of the outboard leg.

The fish are certainly lacking this year that’s for sure. I havn’t caught a single flattie in the daytime L I remember that at the favoured hot spots chouet, ladies etc you could pretty much guarantee at least a couple of takers with there being lots of smaller ones around. Maybe I’m getting old and my eyes are getting dim?

My gear is sat in my workshop, torch charged waiting to go in, could be a long wait though. To make matters worse we are not skiing this year and reports from the Alps say that this year is the best for early snow for a long time…. Boo hoo

Might have to try a Christmas Day swim?

Interesting picture Derek. Is that Sally Middleton in the centre? I recognise Henry and the two in front of you, is one Roy ……….? I would place him as Dave Roland I also thought one was Nev Jehan.

I still have my Blue Dolphins BSAC record book dated 1976, and used it in Antigua last year as proof of my qualification to get some diving in!

Ever Hopeful of getting in the water
Trawling through the old records I was reminded of why I preferred to fish alone instead of competing with the crowd.
This press item dates from 28/10/73 when I turned up at Chouet to see what the guys had caught in the comp. (which is why the Press camera was there) ...I think the 'fish were in" that day and there were some fine catches but I'd preferred to do my own thing at Cobo.


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Nice fish there Derek, now I know why Dave is a flatfish master, was obviously taught by the best.
Good spot Andy. Yes i think that's Sally and also Roy Ferbrache with sunnies and afro. Yes I meant Dave Roland not Fromie. Obviously Nev always had less hair than i remember.

I was involved for a while and was Island champ a few times. Won just about every trophy available at different times, including countless FOM's, spearo of the year, lobster cup (3 years running) and a dozen others. One annual dinner/dance prize giving had 200 members and guests.

The good old days.


PS Podge my brother never taught me anything 'cause I could never keep up with him. He let me carry his fish up the beach a few times though.
Derek, it would be great to hear from you what you consider are the main core skills for spearo in guernsey? The ex-champ says you were better than him... Where you just that bit fitter and faster than your younger bro' or did you know better places, bigger lungs?? (better eyes ;-) )
Dave perhaps the fish carrying was step 1 in the masters teaching (wax on... wax off...)
Reactions: stuckinsurrey
I seem to remember that Dave organised a raffle for the blue Dolphin club, first prize was an aqualung! & he won it!!!!!

I think Dave must be feeling sorry for me-or maybe he's expecting an extra big Christmas present off me this yearJonny!
It wasDave who got me into it in the first place...I was in my 30's.Such luck as I did have certainly wasn't to do with eyesight as a detached retina when I was 21 left me with just the one good peeper for the next 50 years!