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Guernsey 2015

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What with these huge tides I found it interesting to be walking over the grass beds where I spear flatfish!
Reactions: jerseymike
It was a big one. Had a group of English bubble blowers over, so dropped them on the East coast at low water. Fastest drift dive that they have ever done.
Reactions: foxfish
7am start in the sea, been working since Friday evening, then all day Saturday, and Sunday was setting itself up for a cracking day.

Got in the sea and the viz was worse than I expected, lots of snotty bloom all over the place, better in some places than others, saw large rockies, lots of longnose (still can’t shoot those for toffee).

Loads of Jellies around today, swarms in some places, stingy tails all over the place.

Saw Mullet, shoals of schoolie Bass, shoals of sandeels, found a stonker of a mullet coming through, greedily feeding through the kelp, took a shot, missed….should have waited and been more patient.

Found another one and missed him (no excuse apart from rubbish shot) carried on and 10 minutes later spotted a bass in the distance, swam over as quiet as I could and hovered over the bootlace, the bass then starts swimming out from some bootlace, shot straight down and missed….

Great day out, but gutted I missed so many decent fish, one of those really bad shooting days…
I was out by the Petite Canupe Sunday afternoon and saw someone freediving (spearfishing?) off a red and cream boat, possibly a Shetland. Was that anyone we know?

A very impressive re-entry over the side of the boat as quite a long way to scrabble up.
Due to lack of free time and weather conditions I still haven't managed to dive the spot between The Fairy Rings and Portlet.
Was hoping to get a dive report up for the guys that gave me info on the spot, but it looks like that report might have to wait till next year now! Hopefully I find some time over the next couple of months to get wet and look for a few flatfish and scollies.
Has anyone ventured out lately??
What a beautiful autumn day it is today, small tide but a great opportunity to get some more plaice.
I have a feeling the vis wont be to good but tomorrow is another day of low wind, so I plan to get in around 3pm tomo.
Lots of giltheads being shore caught on rod & line 8.8lb is the best I have heard about but there seems to be more around than ever!
Just the one plaice mate, about 3.5lb. I had cramp in my left calf so bad I am still limping now, I had sinus issues as well!!
Sarah took a pic so you know where that will be!
Reactions: westcoaster
Yep saw it ouch on the cramp, agony when that happens, whenever I dive up to around 9 meters, I get blood out of my nostrils, the free dive instructor told me he suffered with that and to massage your eyebrow area to loosen up the air pocket, nothing like a mask full of blood
You should definitely get the Evo II Jonny.

On a completely separate and unrelated matter, secondhand surf skis don't hold much value at all you know....

not planning on selling the V8 at the mo, but you are welcome to have a paddle in it sometime...
Hi Maggers, while we have your attention... what has happened to all the mushrooms?
Up to about 7-8 years ago , it was possible to fill your basket three times a week, now there is nothing!
Not so long ago the parks would have such a pungent mushroom smell around this time of year that folk would complain to the press!!
I have just spent some time in central France, there is fungus everywhere, came home all excited but there seems to be the same lack of mushrooms again this year.....
Evening Mart. I don't know where you've been looking but this has been my best year ever. It was all very early though. Chanterelles by the bucket load, from June through to the start of September and a flush of ceps in early September too. Both these pics are one days haul (separate days), Chanterelles I must have had 4 times that in total, freezer is stuffed!

Hopefully some more ceps to come as well.


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Ha Ha so that is why!!
Honestly thought there does seem to be a very steep decline - at least in all my favourite spots.
I did find a large crop of Chanterelle under a very large chestnut tree in a very public place a few weeks ago but so far Ceps are proving very elusive!
I've only been properly seeking them out for 5 or 6 years so can't really comment on what it used to be like, can't blame trawlers for this decline eh. Maybe it's my fault!

Thats interesting, never found any on Horse Chestnut, but then I've never looked, sticking to the usual oak and beech. I only had one week where there were ceps, none before or since, and only in a couple of spots, not others where there usually would be. Think there will be more yet.
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