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Guernsey 2015

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Some others did it non-stop and Ant has done it since too, so should have the details and timings.
I was having a very interesting conversation with a full time potter today, he was telling me about catching and keeping alive lump suckers!
There is a guy coming to Guernsey tomorrow to collect the 5 suckers he has in his store box. The guy is taking them back to Scotland to put them in with his salmon cages! apparently they eat a certain nuisance parasite?
My friend is not doing this for fun as the suckers are worth good money!
Reactions: jerseymike
Yeah, we used to use them to reduce sea lice on the Salmon although I'm not really sure they really made a significant impact......chemicals were always do much better :-0

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I assume this guy is collecting from other fishermen too, £100 for any fish over 10lb.
I wish I had known about this before as I would of liked to see how they are being transported.
Obviously another reason why organic fish are expensive Granti!

Lots of gilt heads being netted on the west coat I hear, one guy told me he was getting three gilts for every mullet netted but only the very occasional bass.
Anybody got any interesting plans for these huge tides this weekend?!
Personally I am on a scallop raid. Yum yum
Reactions: jerseymike
Strangely for a local who is always around the sea, I have only ever been ormering once in the mid '70s. Might have to try it again one day.
Back is 100% now. Not even a twinge, better than it has been for the last 35 years.
Glad to hear it Jonny. That's me, you and Seaweed and possibly Fro-in-shorts too. Anyone else fancy scalloping Sat??
i was chatting to someone about this on Saturday; there is a uk guy comes here and buys them for breeding [maybe the same guy]. next year the rules in scottishland change and they cant use chemicals to keep the fish clean, hence the new market in lumpsuckers...
funny old world.
Reactions: foxfish
No can do Jonny, other sporting commitments, besides which, you may not have noticed but IT'S BLONEY FEBRUARY!

Leave some scallops for the rest of us eh.
Nice dive on East coast today with Jonny, Fro and Seaweed.
Nice sunny walk down and a super low tide. Vis was murky but enough on the bottom to hunt for scollies. The bubble blowers had hit the area hard leaving nice big hollows in the sand from where the scallops had once laid. Last time I dived with my 2mm gloves and 3mm socks I got cold after a hour and was struggling with my breath ups! Today I had new 5mm gloves and socks and a 3mm vest, we were in for over 2 hours and I was fine. On the way back up the cliff path we had a massive hail storm and we were definately getting some odd looks from the car drivers once we hit the main road in our suits. I think J got some pics so hopefully he posts them up. All in all great to see the guys and get in. Roll on the summer and good vis
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Reactions: jerseymike
It was good fun and nice to catch up with folks too, and i was pleased that my enforced rest seems to have let my foot fix itself sufficiently
personally, i spent half my time looking for flatties - unsuccessfully. so was really chuffed to see Fro had found a plaice on one of his drops
we all had something for a feed though, so happy days and what amazing weather!



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Just in case its useful for anyone else -
I recently bought a new knife - general purpose, but it seems pretty well suited to spearo use too:

really solid click lock/unlock release mech.
fits well in the hand.
good size for the belt or arm - it comes with a clip for the diamonds that are fitted to pfd's etc.
I suspect the pilot [larger version] might be better for spearos.
it has a blunt tip, but i use a stringer for spiking fish anyway.

The bubble blowers had hit the area hard leaving nice big hollows in the sand from where the scallops had once laid.

Unfortunately that's what happens when you post pics and vids showing exactly where you got them. I regret ever posting the first scalloping vids on here because I know for a fact that someone who knows someone saw them and went and hammered the area soon after.

Unfortunately whilst divers normally venture further out, when the conditions aren't ideal and they need somewhere more sheltered they will take advantage of info like this, leaving less for us. You'd be surprised who reads these posts.
little sarge them scallies look sooo clean have you scrubbed them ? they look big too .the conditions looked fantastic only the hail pictures making it look wintery great to see people meeting up and getting in keep it up boys .nice pictures jonny real action shots from down there on th islands.
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