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Guernsey 2015

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Back to scallopes do you find them in higher densities between rocks /slabs in gullies and small patches of gritty sand than in the open areas?the last lot I found were in groups not more than a foot apart in quite shallow water another spot they were in 2-3 foot of water on low water you could of got some. Wadeing in !i think they favour a gritty sea bed with good tidal flow ?

I think that you are right about the tidal flow although they can be found on all types of seabed, from mud to broken rock. They are probably easier to spot in coarse sand and gravel and the ones that you sea are only a small percentage, many others are completely buried.

They are less common where regularly affected by swell although there are some beds on the West coast and plenty on the West of Sark. Sometimes it seems to make little sense where they want to be as beds can start or stop for no apparent reason.
nice to get in today, Little S and i headed out SE. quite choppy and not great viz but its all time in the water working on stuff.
it was hard to do good breathe ups in the chop, getting water-hammer snorkel-fulls of sea down the throat lol, but eventually managed to get some more relaxed drops. lots of 'signs of life' but not enough vis to really work it all out. will try again tomorrow...
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Found this down Pleimont today by the fairy ring, thought it might be past it's culinary best so left it.........


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Looks like it. You should have knocked on Jamie Hooper's door on the way back.
With all of the scallops being caught, some might find this helpful.

Thanks for that will try it if I get any again this year, wont be long and our season will be finished .stripping them is harder than getting them some times and much more boring anyway!
What are all the round metal rings on sea bed? I love the minimal damage Just pick n bag, what would happen to the sea bed if they were trawled ?whats Anfre?
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What are all the round metal rings on sea bed? I love the minimal damage Just pick n bag, what would happen to the sea bed if they were trawled ?whats Anfre?

Probably bits of old crab pots, I will have a look next time I am in the area. A scallop dredged seabed resembled a ploughed and scarified field.


Anfre is the name of a rock off the east coast, between Fermain and St Peter Port.
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That's terrible there's nothing left why oh why ?thought the fishermen would of come up with a greener way of collecting them and getting s better price!hand dived scallopes got to be the way to go?its madness to carry on killing ya fields.should restrict them to 10 miles out!
Hey Everyone the Spearfishing Freedive Course in Guernsey on the 30th and 31st July is now full up. If anyone would like to do this course and i have the numbers, i will run another earlier in the week. Its a great course with loads of interesting and different techniques that will increase your bottom time. If you are interested in joining send me an email on freedivejersey@yahoo.co.uk. Also you can like Freedive Jersey on facebook and keep up with new courses and dives planned! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Freedive-Jersey/155777584517268?ref=hl
Wow what a fantastic day! To good not to get wet.
Same coastline as a couple of weeks ago but a different spot with Seaweed (Wayne) in search for some scollies and dustbin lids. Found the scollies but unfortunately the dustbin lids were know where to be seen. Found a good spot and we were seeing 5+ scollies on every drop. Water cold and viz not great at all. Got enough for the family for dinner and called it a day after about a hour of diving.
Had a bit of a close call too. A fisherman stopped no more than 20m I front of me and hauled his net. Glad he came when he did or I probably would have swam straight into it! It was marked but I had not spotted it. Had a brief chat and he was really friendly. Anyone been out??
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Wow what a fantastic day! To good not to get wet.
Same coastline as a couple of weeks ago but a different spot with Seaweed (Wayne) in search for some scollies and dustbin lids. Found the scollies but unfortunately the dustbin lids were know where to be seen. Found a good spot and we were seeing 5+ scollies on every drop. Water cold and viz not great at all. Got enough for the family for dinner and called it a day after about a hour of diving.
Had a bit of a close call too. A fisherman stopped no more than 20m I front of me and hauled his net. Glad he came when he did or I probably would have swam straight into it! It was marked but I had not spotted it. Had a brief chat and he was really friendly. Anyone been out?? View attachment 40407
a really good day for a swim and feast :)
we headed south and then north, reckon there will be some good diving and probly less nets around the canupes...
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had an excellent dive from St Martins point yesterday - it was dark below 12m!! so back into shallower water looking for flatties..
the walk back up was worse than usual!
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