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hunting in black sea

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last week i was at the sea shores for 2 days
i arrived friday at 23:00 [21:00 GMT]
next morning i went at the sea
it was a beautiful sunny day
the water not clear at all at the shores, but after 50 meters was about 6 meters visibility
it was a good day....the water...10-12 degrees C


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Guys, I would like to add some info concerning the subj. The North part of Black sea is connected to Ukraine (Crimea half-island). Here is the web address of Ukrainian spearfishing community with photo album FOTO . The site is actually in Russian language but the pictures sound a lot without any translation ;-)). Actually, there are two types of spearfishing in Ukraine - river and the marine (sea) spearfishing (I am sure you can easily separate them based on photos). As I am originally from Ukraine, I can provide you with any info as I have concerning the subj.
Nice turbot again Vali!
Do you guys have a period of the year when turbot spearfishing is banned?
The ban in Bulgaria enters into force on May 2 and will last for 60 days. How is the situation in Romania?
in romania the situation is absurde:
they close spearfishing at turbot between first of april untill 15 of june
what did i sayd?
they don't even know the meaning of this....
for them....fhishing with road or spearing it's the same.... a bunch of ....well i don't want to use inapropriate language....
this is the biggest turbot i ever catch in my life...[2002]
5,700 kg
black sea
10 degrees C
8 meters depth
it was quite a struggle:p


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i try to find informations about black see in crimée. some friend inviting me there. but i'd like first to know if freediving, spaerfishing... there is interesting. i comme from the atlantic,france, bretagne, and i come from in mediterranée.
i try to find informations about black see in crimée.
one friend inviting me there.before going, i'd like first to know if freediving, spaerfishing... there is interesting.
i live in from of the atlantic,france, bretagne, and i grew up in from of mediterranée.
the time 4 me to go hunting is near...
another picture with me, the black sea and the turbot... [2005]

i try to find informations about black see in crimée. some friend inviting me there. but i'd like first to know if freediving, spaerfishing... there is interesting. i comme from the atlantic,france, bretagne, and i come from in mediterranée.
Spearfishing is legal in the Crimea. But the place is overfished so you will have to find a local spearo to show you spots. Generally, no decent fish above 10 meters unless you are interested in shoting gray mullet near the shore
The usual trophies also include croaker; (yellowfish; kingfish) and dogteeth? (http://rund.by.ru/objects/morskie/zubar.shtml) which generally hide under big flat rocks
Vali I will look forward to your reports, good luck & dont forget to check out the Hall of fame (link in my signature)
thanks chief!!
i will never be in that hall of fame, even if i will catch a 10 kg turbot
why is thtat....because in my country the underwater hunting is out of any laws
there are no laws to permit hunting under water....any type of spearing the fishes are strictly forbiten!
and one of the posting rule in that hall of fame is refering to that issue!
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Shame about that vali. I've always admired your catches especially your turbot. I hope you understand why we have that rule. Good luck to you.

Shame about that vali. I've always admired your catches especially your turbot. I hope you understand why we have that rule. Good luck to you.


yes i understand!
i only hope that our politicians learn that in fact spearing is not a fishing method, but hunting one...
in our law is a propositions who say: "is forbiten to fish with pointing devices"...the word "hunt" is not mentioned...
so in fact there is no a specific law to supress underwater hunting...
perhaps in time things wil go better!!!
thanks for the good words!
The "dogtooth" is actually a Dentex... For some 20 years of hunting on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast I have never seen a dentex. I'd be really surprised if they have them at the Crimea but who knows...
The "dogtooth" is actually a Dentex... For some 20 years of hunting on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast I have never seen a dentex. I'd be really surprised if they have them at the Crimea but who knows...

Oh, yes, there plenty of them in the Crimea area. They are next to impossible to spear, they are extremely cautious and grow probably to 1.5 kilo. I had a chance to kill one many years ago while it was preoccupied with eating jellyfish but missed. Otherwise they keep at least several meters distance. The larger the fish, the longer distance it keeps from the hunter. They are not curious in Krimea (unlike in Azores, where large one 'jump' on the spear!). It is in my opinion the most prized fish in the Black sea. Another prized fish is called 'gorbil'' (similar to grouper), grows quite large and stays usually under rocks at significant depth. In my opinion, the only 'reliable' fish to get in the Black sea in the Krimea area is mullet in late summer/autumn. Just wait for it at the depth 2-5 meters on the border of rock and sand and it will come to you. But sometimes you have to shoot from 3 meters out at the fish that weighs less than half a kilo.
That is very very good news!
And I am really surprised - there are absolutely no Dentex on the Black sea coast.
I believe by Gorbil you mean the Sciaena umbra (Brown meagre) or Umbrina cirrosa (Shi drum) - both species are called the same way in Russian as far as I remember. We have the meagre but the drum is extremely rare.
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