Re: Hunting Technique-General tips
I hope this is not too basic but I continue to be surprised at how many spearo's have not had the opportunity of dry land basic hunting expertise.
I have been able to hunt underwater successfully by using all of my dry land experience that does translate to underwter tactics.
SAspearo has outlined a few, but there are some general do's that define hunting vs casual swimming around with a spear gun in hand.
a) Focus: like any sport you have to have it. Think about the hunt before the hunt, visualize your actions, plan your strategy, attention to details. Get into the water knowing you will be successful.
b) Tenacity: keep trying, hunt hard, hunt when you are thinking you are cold, hunt when you are tired, or bored ,or are about to give up.
c) Be comfortable, be part of the enviorment,vigilant and cognizant without putting too many "predator vibes" in the water. It is a documented scientific fact that quarry feel it when you are overly aggressive and over stimulated in a predator mode. Fish know it when sharks turn it on, and deer and elk know it in the woods on opening day, plains game know it when the big cats turn it on. It is why the first timer, or the camp cook, or the guy taking a crap at his blind kills the monster of the never fails and I have lived it and seen it. Same natural thing applies in the water.
d) Prepare and do your homework. keep a log of tide, time of kill, wind, temp etc. It works. Talk to the locals, especially the hook and line guys, and share your insights and spots. Google earth is a free down load and it is my map for finding the spots no one thought were there. I map my spots with a red dot and file them, then hit them hard and repeatedly.
E) Patience Focused, detemined patience is why cats and lions kill as well as they do.
f) Stealth and quiet..camo works, painting spear tips, shafts, and crimps black are little attention to detail that add up to the slight edge that work. I can never understand a guy wearing camo wetsuit and black mask hunting with a silver reflective gun and chrome spear tip.. You can read the boards and see the controversey on camo, but anything that breaks up your outline is good and effective.
Leg weights keep my body balanced, in trim ,and my fins quiet when I surface hunt.
G) Honor the quarry, and the game laws. Hunting is not killing, and killing is not hunting. The more you hunt, and succeed, the more you instinctivley know the difference. ...and your peers will know the difference as well.