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Ireland spearing 2008

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Old Hippy
May 13, 2007
Re: Ireland spearing 2007

Test for HOF...


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Here we are lads, albacore, record bass, we've even got big pollocks! Happy 2008! Yahoo!
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Here we are lads, albacore, record bass, we've even got big pollocks! Happy 2008! Yahoo!

yeah great start to any conversation how big are your pollocks.

Hopefully the weather may be better this summer.
I know this wont affect any of ye spearos directly, but you might know some Scuba Divers! Or they may read it here!

[ame=http://d363028.u43.digiweb.ie/vb/upload/showthread.php?t=825]Galway Chamber - Irish Technical Diving Forum[/ame]
Hey Guys, I see everybody is staying high and dry since lastyear!!! God its cold, and their saying its set to continue..
I'm happy to surf off the winter, but part of me still wants spear a fishy treat and to help clear away the winter blue's!

Has any of you got some good tips for staying warm in the water this time of year?? I'm fine surfing, coz Im moving around and was even sweating on New years day, without a hood!! (Check out the quality surf that day!)
I do have a rash vest, great new "skins" boots and a 5/4/3 Alder siut, but last time I was spearing in Wexford was the begining of Dec in a light Easterly Wind and after 35mins needed out, regreatably as there were quite a few small shoals of small bass around.

Oh, and happy new year, do hope to meet some of you crazy guy's this year.

Regards, AL


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Shocking lack of other surfers in that shot - are you sure it's Ireland??roflroflrofl
Happy New Year to you all!

Been surfing more than spearing myself lately, Looking forward to scoring my first Bass this year. A local angler caught a 7kg Bass here before christmas...:martial
If any of you are out west- pm me.

All the Best,

Hello guys just arriving in Ireland for a couple of years and cant wait to get in.

Used to spear in UK with LIC guys, France and French Polynésia

Will live in Dublin and want to find buddy in this town

Look to be a wonderfull spearfishing country big pollacks and bass arround.

Common guys let us know the main area

Cheers Togo
Hi Togo, welcome to DB. I'm down in West Cork so I don't know the best spots round Dublin but if your down this way anytime PM me.
The seas a bit brown at the moment but I can't wait to get back in when it clears.
Hey Togo - I usually head out to Sandycove near Dun Laoghaire, but the pollack will be too deep for my abilities until the water warms up a bit. Keep in touch though and maybe we'll get out sometime this summer.
Hi guys good to have lads over there.

What deep you were talking for pollacks ??? under 20m???

Used to get to 25m sometimes in Tahiti but the water was very cristal clear and I was training 2 o 3 days per week, dont think I well be down to 20m in Ireland.

Checked on google.earth and find out some good looking spot for bass in Dublin by the pier at the power station have you already tried yet??

Talk to you soon.

I'm moving by the 5th february if you need guys guns or stuff from france let me know??

Cheers Togo
definatly under 20m for pollock you will get them at a few feet depth and bass where you find them wont be too dep either i,m west if you are ever heading this way
Hi Togo, around about the end of December all the pollack over about 3lb go off into deep water to breed. I'm not sure how deep exactly but I think maybe 40 to 50 metres or even more. They start coming back inshore from March onwards and the best months are June to November when fish like these can be caught - if you get lucky.
Pollack can then easily be found in depths from 5 metres to 20 metres (and on down way deeper if you can dive it!).
I mostly hunt them on rocky reefs and broken and weedy ground between 10 and 15 metres.
Some bass are present all year round but the best months are from March to September. The Irish bag limit for bass is 2 fish per day and there is a closed season for them from 15th May to 15th June.
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Thanks Sunfish for informations, Do you think that we can find pollacks and bass from March??? In France and UK they don't seem to be arround May???
You've got nice shots as I can see on your pics.

How's the visibility in Ireland arround Dublin???? I'm gone bring 3 guns 70, 80 RA and a 90 homemade woodguns??
I want to order a 100 and a 120 for bream in France do you think that I can use those gun size.

I'm wondering aswell if you know some good scallops spots?????

Some UK friends told me that Ireland was a scallops country but never wanted to tell me their spots.

5mm suit lookds to be a bit too thin for Ireland,??? What's the temperature during the year???

Can't wait to get in. Bought for myself a nice 3m lure carbon rode in case water will be too bad and gone a get a other 2.4m lure carbon rode.

Some of you are angling so far??

Cheers Togo
Hi Togo, some pollack and bass can be found from March but they are harder to find then and the pollack are smaller. If I haven't been in the water in winter then by March I can't wait any longer for fresh fish. Crabs and lobsters are around then too of course.
I normally wear a 7mm suit but this year I'm going with a 5mm. Most UK divers wear 5mm and water temperatures are similar here.
I get a few scallops but the only place I know with a lot of them is a marine reserve where taking them isn't allowed!
Don't know about vis in Dublin area but in summer here and in calm weather, it varies from 7m to 14m. In spring the plankton keeps it lower.
I do some rod fishing for mackeral as I love to eat them and bass fishing passes the time when I can't dive.
I had a guy come in last week with a fish that he wanted to identify, pulls a fish out of a bag and it was a small Greater Amberjack.
Only small but quite interesting that he caught it just west of Castletownbere in November.
I had a guy come in last week with a fish that he wanted to identify, pulls a fish out of a bag and it was a small Greater Amberjack.
Only small but quite interesting that he caught it just west of Castletownbere in November.

Interesting find huan, and good to see you about.