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Ireland spearing 2008

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Well finally got out today it was pretty darn cold but the water was nice and flat so after i defrosted the van i set off. the d3 said the temp on the surface of the water was 6C but the M4 buoy has it at 10.5C in either case i got back out and got a pair of gloves as my hands were sore with the cold. i only stayed near the pontoon and back into the harbour as there was some fog about at first and a few boats moving about so stayed close to shore. the vis was only ok some scuba guys said 4-5 m further out but it was more like 2-3 where i was so i looked for the small stuff and got a few pics. nice to get wet.


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Nice pics Feargus and it's good to see your camera's working again. 2-3 would be welcome here. Looks nice'n flat there OK.
Hello guys Togo there just arrived in Dublin but sick from two weeks now so can't get in.

Marcin I had a look at Howth and the water was BROWN so I think that will need to wait a bit.

I'll probably go for test my new rod arround the harbour in Dublin and malahide next month. The North side of the pier in Dublin by the wooden bridge looks to be good as the tide will probably feed the harbour with bait from the back of the sand ban c (Golf course).

See you soon

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Today I chucked the diving gear in the car and went to check the water on the eastern side of Seven Heads. It was flat enough but not clear enough. Only about one metre vis at most.
I checked one night last week and saw two metres vis but it's been rough for a couple of days. Now if it would stay calm for two or three days...... Can't be long now - Surely ???
Hi all,
At last the wait's almost over, gonna get wet next weekend. First time since oct. Even if the viz is zero it'll be nice just to have a swim. Gonna take a trip to the sheeps head on sunday, should be nice and calm.
Yesterday I was at the James Joyce Tower vis was around 2 meters but small problem with waves
me too, i'll be going for a swim regardless next weekend.even if only to get wet. its been too long now. i should be able to find somewhere sheltered.
tommorow, i'm going to load up the car, and head for a few places i checked out on google earth, back near clifden. should be able to find a sheltered spot there, and hopefully some viz.


with any luck, i'll be able to post pics and hopefully pics of fish! :p , or at least rough seas! :waterwork .
Good luck to both of you then. I'm going to wait 'til there's definately enough vis for crabbing at least. Now I've waited this long I'll start when I can dive regularly and build up dive fitness again.
Donnachad, could you let us know how it goes at Sheepshead? With last nights Southwester I can't imagine much vis there though!
listen to that wind Sunfish, Sunday isn't supposed to be much better. Weather was crap last year till easter. I went for a snorkel in lough ine this time last year freeeeezing with zero viz. My left glove had a hole in one of the fingertips, seriously painful. Maybe your right about waiting a while.
Hello all, I am visiting bray for a month from australia, I married a irish girl and we visiting her family for a month or 2. I would be keen to catch up with any spearos in the area and learn of any spots and what the diving is like in this part of the world. Have had a look at the water in the bay and am sure there must be dive spots close by. ryano.
looking for lubrication for my gun's trigger mechanism, is it something I can buy locally? I know I need some kind of silicone grease, maybe a spray. Any ideas. Anybody get out this weekend?
looking for lubrication for my gun's trigger mechanism, is it something I can buy locally? I know I need some kind of silicone grease, maybe a spray. Any ideas. Anybody get out this weekend?
B&Q do a silicone spray (I think 3-in-1 is the brand). I haven't used it but have used one that Lidl has occasionally and it's quite good.
No spearos in the bray area i take it. Will head down the breakwall and chat to the fisherman they always very helpful in a new area.
Ryano, give me a shout if your in the Cork area in the next few weeks, your probably to early for the irish season though. Weather should calm down in the next few weeks. Hopefully.....
Thanks for the reply, i will be down in cork next week visiting friends. I have not got diving gear with me but it is always good to meet spearos from a new area so maybe we just catch and have a beer if ur keen.
hello all
anybody want to buddy up for some spearfishing this summer around cork harbour area?? have a warrior 165 and good pollock spots. need a buddy so if your interested or want to share info contact me. whitepoint21@yahoo.ie
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