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Ireland spearing 2008

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Yes It was an interesting fish to see here.
I am still about, hopefully I will be able to start diving again this year, off to Brittany in May/June probably bring my gear and try and start again, I see breathholds of 30 seconds or so!!
I'm astonished to hear that Huan. Lets hope there was a whole school of them and lets hope that when they get back South again they tell the dentex how nice it is up here. If amberjacks start coming regularly that'll be brilliant.
Foxfish, I work three thirteen hour nightshifts as a security guard. Thats why I can manage to dive three days a week. It also means I wake and sleep at erratic hours whenever I can fit it in.
Hey guys do you get any cuttlefish in Ireland??? I really like this stuff on BBQ with olive oil and garlic.

They're start coming in April in France

I often see dogfish rod fishing, is it good to eat or they just put them back in the water??

Cheers Togo
Hey guys do you get any cuttlefish in Ireland???

I often see dogfish rod fishing, is it good to eat or they just put them back in the water??
I've not seen cuttlefish much but it's probably because I dive in the wrong places. There are often a lot of cuttle bones on the beach so they must be there somewhere. What kind of ground do you find them on?
Dogfish are edible but the rest of my family won't eat them so I don't take them. If you want one you can catch it by hand - no gun necessary. Last one I shot was a greater spotted dogfish weighing over 12lbs and more than half of it ended up being boiled up for my dogs.
You find cuttle's in the same area as you would hunt flatfish as for dogfish -
You can treat the bigger dogfish varieties in the same way as ray & conger, once caught the fish is best skinned then allowed to rest in the fridge. Unusually these types of fish that excrete waste products through their skin (ammonia) are best left for two or thee days in the fridge to allow any ammonia to disperse out from the underlying flesh. I say unusually because most fish are best eaten fresh but smooth-hounds, dogfish, conger etc are an exception.

I have never seen a cuttle myself in Ireland but have seen a sepolid which I mistakenly thought was a baby cuttle. Dogfish are very tame and could be caught by hand as sunfish said but I don't think many would bother. They are usually cool fish to watch anyway.
Perhaps I should of added - I personally wouldn't spear a dogfish in fact I have never speared one but we do get the odd deep hooked one while rod fishing & that ends up in the pot.
never thought it foxy i wouldn,t have a problem with someone that did if they liked the taste inparticular. as an aside I am getting my camera back next week I think after it got dropped they were able to repair it but at a cost of 100 pounds apx but it could have been worse i might have had to buy a new one.
I am new in ireland and looking for some information.
Do i need any licence for spearing (in sea/freshwater) ? Are there any fish number limits ? where I can find any information about it
Hi Marcin, Welcome to DB,
Not a spearo so i may be corrected on this but unless the gun is pneumatic it doesn't need a license. You cant spear in freshwater here afaik its illegal. You can't spear salmon anywhere and there is a 2 bass per day and 45cm min catch limit on bass they are also out of season I think during may during the spawning season but I,m not sure if its may or another month some of the other guys may correct the above info.
Where abouts are you based and going to be diving ?
thx Fcallagy
I have no idea where i will be diving. I don't know Irish water. Will be looking for nice place. My be i will start on Howth
there are a few guys that spear around the Dublin area Marcin and I am sure they will see the post after a while and give you a few spots to try.
Hi Marcin. Closed season for bass is 15th May to 15th June. The rest of the year it's fine to take them but, as feargus says, only two per day. Salmon and sea trout are forbidden on the spear. All other sea fish are legal to take and have no number limits.
Some scuba divers and some anglers tend to dislike spearfishers and may even tell you that it's illegal but it's not.
Chaps the South West will be holding a fish of the month competition in 2008 so have a look at the thread and get involved.
hey guys,

has anyone been in during these last few days of beautiful weather we have had?

i'm away from home, its my excuse, and i'm sticking to it.

can't let the guernsey peoples have all the fun with this fish of the month comp.:)
Hi Abusing, yesterday was probably OK here but I had things to do. I went down today to a west facing cove but it was still a little choppy and no vis over 18 inches to 2 feet. Wind was Southeast force 5 or so. Southeast is never good on this coast for some reason.
Feargus, how is it up on the West coast? Bet it's OK up there. If it's calm over the weekend I'm hoping for a diving session Monday or Tuesday maybe. Maybe not too!
Sea has been flat calm for a few days so am hoping to get out over the weekend being busy so far this week but all going well either tomorrow or sunday morning. weather is meant to hold out at least.
i think we may be a bit spoiled this side however. the vis is usually pretty good. but that's not the worst complaint.
have a lot of college work at the minute, but in 2 weeks, i should be able to snatch enough time to get myself submerged.
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