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Ireland Spearing 2012

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
EB licence for towing a trailer over 750kg
Sat the theory test last friday and applying for learner permit today... crazy ;)
Ill be able to tow the trailer legally with learner permit, and sit test in a few months.

Might be easier to just rent a fast rib down there and probe the whole bay.... You game?
yep, if it weighs more than 750kg... my trailer weighs 1100kg my boat 800kg engine 120kg, fuel, achor bits and pieces etc. about another 200kg so about 2.3tons is what I'd tow... well over the 750 mark.... 750kg wouldnt even be ok to tow a load of sand TBH.

That rib sounds good... can you get it for second week in Nov ;)
Hi guys,with the crappy weather, I managed to get some info regarding winter training in the National Aquatic Centre, where we have access to a 4 meters deep pool, for some practice.In the morning from 10 to 12 the cost is 4.80 euro and the more the merrier.So I'll be there this Friday if anyone wants to join me is more than welcome.
and here is me thinking all of irelands fish were disappearing because of spearfishing....
is anything happening at all ? at least rod fishing ? I have an Idea , on raining days , like "few" in past "few" days, we should be allowed to post almost anything , to keep some sort of conversation , going ? :friday :blackeye
closest to any fishing im getting at the moment is watching youtube spearing vids...just teasing myself really...
bought 2 rib hulls...
Planning to make a 4m C-ski type boat and a 5m hard rib/fast fisher combi.

They should be finished by next season.... Ya right

Not sure which one to start first...

My Orkney is for sale aswell if anyone fancies it.