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January 2003 Caption Contest!!!

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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icarus pacific

Nov 7, 2001
2003... how cool is that?!

Good fortune and your ISP has seen fit to guide you here to DB and the laughter you heard came from right here. And it's all your fault! :D

Slide back from the monitor, minimize the porn sites, the spreadsheets and the "Lonely Diver" chat rooms and take a gander at the photo below and come up with a title or caption for it. All of you Photoshop types, knock yourselves out as well.
You show the DB judges de smooth that you got funny game, you slide away with a DB T shirt almost sure to be the right size or a DB coffee mug that needs no washing before use.

The DB Contest judges are too cool to fall for just any schlock, so bring your "A" game and bring it often.

And speaking of washing... ;)

sven Keepin' it DB clean :king
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Even the ajax and brillo pads couldnt clean Sven of Decembers dirtiness:cool: But Sponge Bob said he could do the trick...
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Due to the stench, sven had to take a bath with his suit on.
Not only did he wet his suit, but the other thing.

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Bubblebath, check.
Massage oil, check.
Candle, check.
Fins, check.

A bathroom seduction Sven style...

Oh, its not december anymore is it...:eek:
Sven woke from his samba and found a note:
"We have removed one of your kidneys, call 911 immediately and you may survive. In the meantime stay in the ice bath"

Anyone remember that urban legend about the gang who stole kidneys for sale on the black market?
after his omer fins got confiscated by the police (due to last months "incident" - the dec. contest) sven bought new fins and decided to try them out in a new fashion.

im going to have to come up with something better then that...:confused:
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Contest time

To bath or not to bath? Fin is the question?

I have got to win some time!!!!!
That's the worst case of the BENDS that I have ever seen. He just evaporated into one big bubble.

"let me see that....SO that's why you have square pants..."

Go Sponge Bob...I wish I lived in a pineapple under the sea:D
Conditions were foamy with poor viz, but reports of large Hali-butts were frequent.

Sponge Bob pays homage to that underwater TV great of yesteryear -- Flipper!
I got it

Sven tests the new Hawaiin winter simulator for northern divers. Better known by the common name.

Tiny Bubbles

At Sponge Bob's urging, Sven throws in the towel on spearfishing for the season and takes up Jellyfishing.
Upon entering the bathroom Sven realised the terrible truth:
the contact ad "Come bathe with two Fins" at "Scandinavian Babes Online" had not contained a typo after all...

Happy 2003 to all !!! :D
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Originally posted by Pezman
At Sponge Bob's urging, Sven throws in the towel on spearfishing for the season and takes up Jellyfishing.

Pez...got any kids? Not just anyone knows about "jellyfishing":king
Aye, Pezman has kids

Ya got me! I have a two daughters (10 & 8) and a son (6). The jellyfishing episode is one of our favorites.

Regardng the contest, I think that the "two fins" entry might be the winner so far.
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no children here, just a fan of that ever-smooth Sponge Bob!:D
Dettol here and Dettol there, it was not just the wetsuit...

bubblerings daddy! once more!!

I'll be back later with real entry, not it is time to ge to bed...:confused:
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