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latest catch from QATAR

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Not bad..... cool catches but was quite disapointed to see SCUBA gear :rcard


Hi CUDA....
Great news man .... I didn't see them therm yet!!! even I saw allot of bait fish bullyhoo (localy: Suls), but no trace of kings??!!!!

Al Udaid is too big man and now it looks more crowded than Doha!!!!:head

each trip I change between two places, first one in the lake that is near ecology station (al bea'a) ... its good and full of large Mullet and milkfish (bia7, 3efeh)
the other one 10 or 15 km before you reach Sheraton area... I know some large rocks there (managef) I always find Groupers and snapper there... but the current is really strong!!!:head

Do you free dive or Scuba???

I really hate scuba :rcard its not fair at all for the groupers ... you can catch them by hand if scuba (walla 7aram)

where did you spear the king?? is it in the largest lake near Sheraton??? a friend told me that there is a nice Fasht near that area????!!

I go there in: Thu, Fri, Sun ...... we can meet there if you like??? but without Scuba... is it ok??
dont worry dude im a freediver .. i RARELY use scuba only on boatdives when its very deep and there strong currunts.

i caught it at aldahaimi you usually see one or two there around evening time
i also lost a good one at the artificial reef before the shalihat last weekend

id love to dive for mullet there fairly hard to get and those milkfish can be HUGE but i heard from frends that they aint great to eat..

ill probably dive this weekend too aint sure where yet it will have to be from shore "with these dam asian games -_-" if u like pm me ur number and we can hook up on friday and dive somewhere in the udaid area :friday ,,ill show u something i use to attract kingfish
baracuda said:
,,ill show u something i use to attract kingfish

spoons from the cafeteria worked for me or a CD on a string Mmmmmm Canad :inlove

Oh man don't remind me with milkfish.....:head they are the reason of my new Omer gun!!!
The story started a month ago... I was in that same area using my damn Mares gun .. so happy so calm hot water (with allot of jellyfish all around.... shooting some nice Yellow trevally average size (jush) .... then out of no place ... I find my self face to face with the largest size and the biggest school of fish I ever saw!!!:martial ... man each one of them was more than one meter long ... with an outstading torpedo shape .... very bright selver color!!! ... very large school it took more than one minute to pass me from up down left and right ... I get ready for the big fight .... aimed my gun on nearest one and shoot :martial ....
the gun spit the shaft like a 70 years old man .... hit the fish and leave a one single large scale on the tip of my shaft ... the shaft didn't even penetrate the scale .... I took the scale and went out to show it to my friend rofl
luckily I find the gun pump with me .... in a hurry I start to pump the gun ... BUT I broke the tip of the pump inside the gun ... and it leaked most of the air that is allready inside it
went again to the water ... without the gun this time .... and I saw this school of fish three times again .... I swear I just felt that they are laughing at me. :chatup
at last I end up with a bad jellyfish sting, one large milkfish scale ... and a couple of small Trevally.

oh what a long story!!!

Mullets are very challenging to spear, there flesh tears easily too, spearing one dose not mean that you have it ... I lost allot of them in the past, but they taste really good.....

The artificial reef area is very good for kings... a friend of mine (scuba photographer) took a photo for A huge smoker there (big king) it looked easily 40kg something there.... but this area usually very full of divers in Fridays... couple of weeks ago I so Tuna there (Tabban) but it didn't come to my shooting range.

I would love to know what to use to attract kings and how to use it too...... Flashers never worked for me before!!

will PM you my number ... no boats now for sure .... SECURITY FIRST MAN.
yaaa u need alot of power for those milkfish there huge scales are like armour and they are very thick .....
i shot a huge one in udaid 4 weeks ago and it went
crazy took aload of line off my reel and dissapeard and my spear came back empty

i saw a shoal of them once and wow they are a great sight they have really big eyes.

the thing i do for kingfish is instead of putting flashers on a float i made a long line with with a weight at the bottom and strips of tinfoil all along the line "because most of the kingfish iv seen have been half - threequarters the way to the bottom"...
and a ballloon at the top " hight tech i know " then shoot a bait fish make a few cuts in him and tie him a few feet under the balloon..""then dive around the line and make "jesh" calls unders water this attracts both jesh and kingfish"" ....... so now you have 3 things to attract kingfish < 1: visual -2: smell -3: sound >
Errrr... say what??? come again... Jesh whooo? calls? hmm.. explain plz
rofl jesh= spotted travally...

when u catch them they make a grunting noise this is a distress call try to mimic it and u will find kingfish will come around looking for the distressed fish..

make the same call but in a diffrent tone and it will attract JESH ...i dunno maby its some kind of mating call " i am not responsable for anything that happens if u make that call "
LOLrofl :chatup

I see what ur saying now... Sometimes when im lined up to shoot a fish (the bigger sizes) but waiting for it to turn to give me a better shot at her broadside, i make a sound in my throat and she'll turn back or change her direction.. id say it works 6 out of 10 times for me. Give it a shot.

Oh and by the way... i dont catch fish usually... i just shoot it hehe

baracuda said:
i dunno maby its some kind of mating call " i am not responsable for anything that happens if u make that call "

rofl loooooooooolrofl
At least its Jush not goliath Grouper......he he he

the most famous fish that do this voice is..... Catfish (chem) yakkkkkk

Cuda thats really a great idea man ... never tried to make that sound before!! I wonder why!! :head
and the idea of hocking the life fish to the flasher and let it do the job of shacking it all the time is really outstanding ... good thinking man:friday

usually I bang the rubber on my gun, it works too sometimes.
so I think I have work to do today :t ... will do the line and be ready for Friday ... time for some KINGS.:inlove
cool the more lines the better .. ill show you my weird way of cliping the balloon on for diffrent depths

i think i read that u bought a abyss mask that didnt fit you and was leaking...
check out this mask (atomic aquatics) i already have a frend in canada sending me one because all online shops r out of stock :


its won an award as best new invention because of its enhanced glass.

Ya cool mask but thats a better SCUBA mask.. Id rather low volume while freediving/spearfishing..

Just somthin to think bout b4 ordering

i ordered the frameless one its low volume because it substitutes horizontal volume for vertical volume so mathmatically its the same
Baracuda, check out the Omer Alien, or the Cressi Bigeyes, both excellent masks. both very hard to beat if you;re looking for large feild of view with minimum volume
Oh god don't remind me with the damn masks :waterwork

I have two Mares masks... damaged never fit my face.
four Cressi masks ... never felt great with them.
one Omer minima mask ... never fit almost new too.
one abyss mask ... new also never fit.
now am using one no name mask, at least it leaks a little

Now I think the problem is in my face:girlie ...
I don't know what to do now ... man those masks cost me more than the gun the fins and the suit tooooooooo.:vangry

Now there is 3 options .... after that I will do a surgery to my face using my diving knife :blackeye :

aqua sphera mask: http://www.aquasphereusa.com/products/sphera.html
allot of people talking about its the best mask 180-degee distortion-free visibility!! SO low volume..and so LIGHT frameless.

AQA masks: allot of people talking about them, Riffe is using the same factory to make his masks!!! not sure thaw!!!

Omer Alien: top selling spearfishing mask at Europe.

Do you have one of those that your talking about that i can try before paying more waste money????? or any other good brand????
the sphera drove me nuts! I'm not sure how to describe it, it's not distorted, just "different". depth perception was all messed up, and they way they curve around the side I was always getting "spooked" by something close that was never there. gave both mine away. they also scratch very easy (if you're hard on your gear like I am)
daaaaam dude thats alot of masks..... but have you tryed a frameless mask ??
iv heard there very comfertble and fit well plus the advantage of having no frame means the glass is closer to ur eyes so you have a better field of view ... unfortunatly i dont have any thats why i ordered one but when it arrives ill letcha try it b4 u get ur wallet out

Amphibious i was going to get the omer alien but then i heard about the atomic so i thought id try it out .... this is another nice looking mask

OK maybe OMER alien is the best ... but how to try before buy?????

what if it don't fit again like the abyess EXCLUSIVE???
I think both have the same cut....
CUDA if you like i'll bring you the abyess EXCLUSIVE with me to try it before going for no fit mask from Omer... it has the same volume of alien, same skirt, wide view and polarized mirrored lenses. special for spearfishing so the fish can't see the white of your eyes!!!:duh
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