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Lets know each other.........

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
jimdoe2you said:
Hey, they're sailors ....................... it was most likely hard for only about half of them!

Badda bing, badda boom!

:) I'll be here all night, don't forget to tip your waitress. :)

(....now I just have to contend with Brett being mad at me.)

rofl rofl

good one! sorry I can't give any rep! got to spread it first!
bdurrett said:

We KNOW where you live .....


rofl rofl

We had a couple of :girlie on the boat.... They ended up in the brig for about a week for their own protection..... Next port of call, they were on a plane back to the mainland. I suppose that no one would have really cared if they hadn't gotten caught "Nuts-to-Butts" in bed one evening and THEN let people take pictures :rcard for proof so they could get out of the service..... That was just a little TOO much.....

So thats why you were dismissed from the Navy??? :hmm

rofl rofl rofl
Freediver81 said:
So thats why you were dismissed from the Navy??? :hmm

rofl rofl rofl

tut tut!! i have met bdurrett in person with his lovely wife... i assure that he is FAR from an N-T-B kinda guy!!!
mishu1984 said:
echale bolas! una pregunta: alguna vez has manejado rascado? creeme, es burda de arrecho pero tambien peligroso..
Si...lo va vas a pasar del carajo...bien de pinga!!
Freediver81 said:
So thats why you were dismissed from the Navy??? :hmm
rofl rofl

Only in your dreams, pal! :t

Sorry to disappoint you but I happen to LOVE women..... :D

My wife is a woman and a quite beautiful one at that. There is a picture lurking around from last December of us in the Maldives!

So, sorry, you are out of luck :t

Actually, the sad part of the whole story is that I was one of the 12 guys assigned to keep these two alive until we got them off the boat and handed them over to the Naval Investigative Service in St. Thomas (that was the nearest US territory). While they were in the brig, it was no biggie and I did my normal work. BUT, the part between the brig and the liberty boat, and then the boat ride to the pier was no fun at all. I was assigned Shore Patrol duty because I am not exactly a small guy (Right Sands? ;)) at 6' 2" and 190 lbs, I am an expert shot with the Springfield M1911A .45 caliber pistol that was standard issue, I had had training in hand-to-hand using a tomfun (the billyclub with the extra "handle") ,and I was one of the few that the Master-At-Arms (ships police) felt he could trust to make sure that the two fudge-packers didn't "have an accident" before they got to where they were going and out of 1500 guys (including officers) finding 12 of us was NOT easy.

You see, sex between service members while on-board a US Naval vessel (there is no difference between homo- and heterosexual sex made in the Uniform Code of Military Justice in this type of incident) is illegal, even if consensual. Add to it that they allowed and encouraged themselves to be photographed/filmed (it was on video too :yack) which is also illegal according to the UCMJ. The skipper decided against non-judicial punishment because the case was SO outrageous and filed a General Courts-Martial.

Therefore, :girlie boy 1 & 2 got a ticket back to Naval Station Norfolk, in Virginia, then a complimentary car ride to the Naval Brig in Portsmouth, VA where they served 90 days each, forfiture of all pay and allowances, reduction to E-1 (loss of all rank) and ended up on the street with a "Big Chicken Dinner" (BCD - Bad Conduct Discharge). They also had to pay the cost of their plane tickets....

Oh, and one of them was married & had a kid! Explain THAT one to your wife.....
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I think you should apologise Said.

It is bang out of order to insinuate someone has been dismissed from serving their country due to misconduct.

I know you probably said it jokingy but some lines are not meant to be crossed.

We just had a rough time on Medfish forum due to some out of place comments and we should try to avoid this at all cost.

My 0.02C
Oh, come on!!!! He was joking! :)

We must give thought to the context of what someone says in order to truly grasp what is being communicated.

If someone pokes fun at me in a joking manner, and they have no true intent to hurt my feelings, ........I don't go yelling, "Foul"!

............I just fire back :D .
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jimdoe2you said:
Oh, come on!!!! He was joking! :)

We must give thought to the context of what someone says in order to truly grasp what is being communicated.

If someone pokes fun at me in a joking manner, and they have no true intent to hurt my feelings, ........I don't go yelling, "Foul"!

............I just fire back :D .

Thats the spirit!
Freediver81 said:
Ooh! Wonder what happened when she found out!


One word....


At least that is what I heard through the rumor mill...
Nice pictures Fonduset!
Nice waters, great visability, much fish and the mermaid looks als very nice! ;)

Love, Peace and Water!

:-D i'm matthew and i'm 15. i go to high school.......play games.. blahb albhab you know it. my major passions in life are: TRACK,now holding your breath :),and of course programing(i've kind of lost my passion,but i want it back! cuzz it's soooo cool), and playing video games. in track my favoirt event are the hurdles, along with sprints, and jump events. last year as a freshman was acutally able to three step for the hudles!! whcih is coool cuzz usually 3rd/4th year people can do so it gave me a GRAAAAT advantage. whenever you watch people running hurdles at least ONE person falls which is a sad/funny sight to see right? well... it brings tears to my eyes when i say i felll too :*( haha MY last meet on MY last hurdle run on MY last hurdle.. I whiped OUT ~_~ i feel even sader for the people who i acutally beat.. i tried to roll to the end,but i ended up getting 3rd :( it makes me super mad... and i barly even hurt beacuse of adrenelen i suppose...BLAH but track season is coming up and im gonna kick BUTTTTTTTTTTT. oh if you haven't figured out by now i'm 6 FT ish and have long legs..haha.. i have like a 27" virtical but i do not play basketball.. i hate that sport..it's boring lol,but i'd be super good at it..but i dont care. in middle schooli ireally wanted to try hudles, but my school didn't offer it soo... i just did sprints... 100m + 200m. i don't focuse on sprints a lot nowadays but im not bad at them. i really want to get good at the 400m dash.. because that's true SKILL.. it's like a sprint all the way which is insane~ yeah........i play a PC game called Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne :) if you play give me a pm /w sn and stuffff.yeah bascially me................................. i don't have a picture since i don't have a digital camera reallly...so tough luck. OOHHHHHHHh almost forgot i LOVE to bycial~~~ it's super fun and i have buff thighs loll... i'm not hardcore yet, since i odn't have speed bike + funny cloths, but i would say i bike for more then fun but love! i just really like itt specally going up hills. you know why?? the steaper the hill..the harder the hill.. the FUNE(not a word? lol) it is to go down.. the rush of wind.. the feeling of acomplishment.. oh the joy! yeah that's me haha.. currently i'm kind of struggling in school because i procrastanate/bad time managment, but i reeeealy want to improve in that. oh and the 'brun' in your thighs when you bike is the best feeling beacuse i know im getting stronger and it's hard. speed is a major factor too......

okay i didn't reallly want to write stiff so im writing w/e is on my mind.. i hope you don't disgreee :p well i belive this thread is vvery goood :) and very fourm should have it!

uuh... PS:i started a japanese/english emerstion program when i was in kindergarden so i know like 9 years of that fun stuff.. it's very very cooL! maybe if you have msn/know japanese we can talk for fun :-? kk

bye byeee

lillypod at a recent Dubai do :)


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I am working as a geologist on an offshore diamond mining ship.
Here are some pictures of me working at sea. First is of me looking at some rocks, next is me in the Jago submarine doing post-mining observations and the last is me in my safty gear sitting on top of our 200 ton mining tool.



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