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Lunocet photos from DEMA

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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I've had a good read up on this and seen the testing video's on their site, would be great to see a WR holder, previous or current to try it out. I'm still not convinced this fin is any good by looking at it, it looks too clumsey and mechanical. I'm a great beliver that the sport of freediving should be "pure" and simple!

God knows how much parts would be and how often parts would simply cease up? Call me cynical?
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I'm working on several new propulsion devices, at least one of which should allow extraordinary 'breaching' capability. Not sure if they would be allowed in competitions, but I'd certainly use them in recreational diving. Ironically I'm taking a polar-opposite approach to underwater propulsion, one that does not follow mammal imitation.

However I don't have any plans on marketing them...
Any drawings or photos of these Eric????

Have any real freedivers had a chance to try out the Lunocent yet? It would be nice to get feedback from someone who knows how to dive- especially someone who knows how to dive with a monofin.

Until that happens it all apperas to be just hype to me.

Hi Eric,
would be very interesting to hear some of your ideas on monos and maybe even see some drawings or other.
in some ways i agree that imitating cetacians is a good idea, on the other hand we have VERY different bodies that work in a complete different boimechanic way. so to get inspired by them yes, but to attempt to follow or replicate them could be a step in the wrong direction.
having said that, the Lunocet looks damn sexy and these guys have done a great job making it and their site get attention. hopefully it's more than just hype.
they talk the talk, not lets see if they swim the swim...
New video up on Ted's site. Still mainly short bursts but it does show better technique and impressive thrust.
In particular he does a slow pass that shows some potential. Considering what we see there is with no neck weight and arms down the lunocet may have quite good performance in traditional monofinning posture.

Latest Lunovid
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The video of the lunocet looks okay. It seems pretty good, but I'm not sure how much better than a regular mono.
you guys are funny...

Sorry for the silence, I've been a little busy...
Chris, I'd like to join you on the 18th and bring a few lunocets to Dean's... it's about time we put a few things to rest and I'm ready. Thanks for all the support buddy.

Roger that Ted. Sounds like time for a phone call - drop me an email and I'll get details.
Wow the new Lunocet looks even better than the last model!
Can't wait to hear more on these awesome fins.
Nice - I see they're still angled outwards though! If the soles of my feet are angled like that, I'm physically unable to keep my legs together when I bend my knees. That would make for a pretty wierd looking monofin stroke. I wonder if I'm just unusual; anybody else tried this? Find some sort of wedge to put the soles of your feet/shoes on, and try to keep them stuck to it while you bend your knees...
Yes, I am beginning to wonder about it too. For myself a small angle may be perhaps fine, but the side elevation I see on the photos seems to be quite huge, and forcing the kness outside. And as you can see on the video, it seems to be the case with the user there too (Ted himself?). I am curious whether the angle is adjustable. Are pro biking shoes attached to bike pedals under such angle too?
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Now how do I convince my darling wife we need a 1000 e fin more than a baby carriage? I've tried "but it's not just a fin! It's like a sea bike!".

Or I could try the old "just intercept the mail package before she get's home"
Now how do I convince my darling wife we need a 1000 e fin more than a baby carriage? I've tried "but it's not just a fin! It's like a sea bike!".

Or I could try the old "just intercept the mail package before she get's home"

You get it deilevered to your work address silly!
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I agree, you can have one delivered to my work address too.
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