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Martin, Mandy, and Dr. George Lopez in the Caymans

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I dont think the days of bi fins are over, didnt Stephane misfud recently do like 209m with bi fins. Maybe he has the potential to dive over 100m with bi fins one day ??? :)

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DeeperBlue Friends,

Following is the day 20 log for Martin Stepanek and Mandy-Rae Cruickshank training in the Cayman Islands. Trainings now over and the record attempts happen on the 21st, 23rd, 25th and 27th. You can follow our daily logs with pictures and video at

I hope you enjoy this log entry and hope we see you on the website watching the video updates of their attempts.


Kirk Krack
Performance Freediving

Day 20 - Saturday, March 20 - Stretch, measure, check, brief

The trainings done, Martin and Mandy have met their prerequisites for most of their attempts. Martin will continue with constant ballast and free immersion and Mandy will attempt constant ballast, free immersion, static apnea and constant no/fins.

Saturday was a day to sleep in, have a leisurely breakfast and then prep for the afternoons activities. After breakfast we headed up to Cobalt Coast to use their WI-FI internet connection and quickly send important emails. It wasn't the most pleasant read with all the drama and commotion surrounding Stephan Mifsud's record attempt, but such is the world of young sport.

The judges had put the official rope in the swimming pool to soak good and through for our stretching of the line in the afternoon. This is where the judges would put the official depth marks and Mandy, Martin and Doc had put together a list of depths they would likely attempt for the judges to as to not measure 110m of line every meter.

We headed off to the Turtle Farm to our favorite location where I've stretched and measured Pipin and Audrey's line, two of Tanya Streeter's record lines, two of Brett LeMaster's lines and now Martin and Mandy for the 2nd time. We hooked a pulley onto the telephone pole after setting up a weight belt with the minimum prerequisite of 30kgs / 66lbs as required by the AIDA rules. We then laid out the line from the back of the van where we tied off the 110m mark at and then drove slowly until the line stretched, pulling the weights off the ground through the pulley. We then whipped the line to remove any surface tension/friction and now all was good. The line had the same tension on land as it would in water and therefore stretched to be the accurate measure of depth.

Bill Stromberg and Nicolas Laporte now set about marking a zero point where the plate would sit and then measured off the distance along the line. The measured out Doc's multiple attempt marks, Mandy's and then finally Martin's. Each time we stood by verifying their measures for accuracy and to insure that the tape was secured and the depth written on each mark. The following marks were set out:

Doc: 30m, 32m, 34m, 36m, 38m and 40m

Mandy: 43m, 73m, 74m, 75m, 76m, 77m, 78m, 79m, 80m, 81m, 82m, 83m

Martin: 100m, 101m, 102m, 103m, 104m, 105m, 106m, 107m, 108m, 109m, 110m

Following is a list of successful training attempts following AIDA rules for the athletes:

Doc: 34m free immersion

Mandy: 77m constant ballast, 69m free immersion (Vancouver), 6:18 static and 41m constant no-fins (current WR, Vancouver)

Martin: 100m constant ballast, 102m free immersion, 8:15 static apnea (Miami)

This now done, the judges secure the weights and line into their custody and leave it soaking in their bathtub in preparation for the next days activities. After this we head-off to Legends Cafe for a bite to eat and then home to prepare for a 7pm meeting at Sunset House with everyone involved in the event.

We arrived to a host of people waiting, EMT's/Paramedics, rebreather safety divers, rebreather videographers, still photographers, boat captains and crew, judges, media, athlete, organizers. All listened intently to the briefing outlining the next 4 record attempt days, the specifics of each day, schedules, timing, safety coordination, emergency procedures, judging procedures and much more. In the end it was great to see all the volunteers coming out to donate their precious days off for Mandy, Martin and Doc. I have especially thank Reg and Erika at Sunset House for pulling together a fantastic group of volunteer safety divers and EMT's that total over 10 people and the single largest group in our flotilla. Sincere thank you for believing in what we're doing and for helping us with this event.

All done, we head off for our last meal of the day at Bella Capri for some great pasta with our host Radimus. I've known Radimus (<spelling?) for many years and have enjoyed hearing the stories of his daughter, Isabella, who's making the transformation back to fish in the local swimming pools.

Tomorrow's just another training day in our minds, yet as I try to go to sleep, check lists spin in my head, bailout and contingency options reviewed and finally and restful nights sleep knowing everything's in place. Now it's the athletes turn.

More exciting events tomorrow,

Kirk Krack
Performance Freediving
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Mandy -- 78m

Hi all,

I just got a call from Kirk. Mandy successfully completed a 78m Constant Ballast attempt in front of the AIDA judges.

Martin was also doing Constant Ballast today and hit the plate at 100m. However, on the way up he decided it wasn't going right for him and went for the line when he was still about 25m from the surface. It's too bad but he'll do it next time round.

George "Doc" Lopez made it two out of three by successfully completing his 30m Free Immersion dive, setting a new US record.

Congratulations to all the crew in Cayman!

The PFD website now has pics and news from Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Video tomorrow!

Tom Lightfoot
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Huge congratulations to Mandy for the 78m!

To my knowledge, no one in history has broken the constant weight record by 8m in one dive...

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada
Congratulations Mandy. RESPECT !!!!
Hope you can put an extra 6 meters onto that.

Good luck to Martin in his next attempt. I am sure he will make it.
Just the way he came up already proves he is in perfect control to me. Not racing for the surface to go for gold , but prevent samba or blackout by switching to FI.
I am on the tip of my chair these days.....


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congratulations to Mandy. 78m is quite an achievement! i'm sure we'll soon have a women's 80m+ record! good luck to all for the forthcoming record attempts.
Question in the Free Immersion US record

I thought that Annabel Briseno had the US (and world) free immersion record at -71M?

Also, what is the US record for constant ballast no-fins? Since the AIDA records stipulate that:

The freediver must descend and ascend without fins or any other means of propulsion. He may pull
himself along with the aid of the rope.

Wouldn't any CBNF dive that exceeds a standing FI record also establish a new FI record?

Not intending to be negative, just wondering. Props to all of the PFD crew -- the sport has advanced so far in the last two years that it's hard to believe.
Hi Pezman,

Annabel has the US women's and World's women's record for FI but there was previously no record for US men. Similarly, Tanya has the US women's record for CBNF but there's no record on the books for US men. Dr. Lopez was therefore free to pick his number.

That was an interesting observation about the relationship between FI and CBNF. I've never heard that argument before but it's a valid point. I think AIDA was discussing the similar chain of relationships between CB, VB and NL a year or two ago. Given that Constant Ballast is a special case of Variable Ballast, and Variable Ballast is a special case of No-Limits, any CB dive that exceeds the No-Limits record would therefore be (the men's or women's) VB and NL record as well. To take things to the hypothetical extreme, if you did a 170m CBNF dive, you'd end up with the records for CB, FI, VB and NL all at once!

BTW: Kirk and Mandy's posting from yesterday's record day is now posted on the PFD website. There are also some VERY nice underwater pics for you to see as well.

I'm still hoping to get a video link to post later today.

Tom Lightfoot
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Hey Everyone,
As you may know, Mandy made 78m in constant as a new world record. Today she has decided to go for 81m constant.

Martin stopped his 100m constant attempt 25m from the surface by pulling. Today he'll go for 102m free immersion to give the legs an extra days rest.

Doc achieved 30m free immersion and today will atttmpt 34m.

Video of Mandy's 78m world record should be up in a couple hours at

Take care,
Hey Everyone,
As you may know, Mandy made 78m in constant as a new world record. Today she has decided to go for 81m constant.

Martin stopped his 100m constant attempt 25m from the surface by pulling. Today he'll go for 102m free immersion to give the legs an extra days rest.

Doc achieved 30m free immersion and today will atttmpt 34m.

Video of Mandy's 78m world record should be up in a couple hours at

Take care,
Hey Everyone,
As you may know, Mandy made 78m in constant as a new world record. Today she has decided to go for 81m constant.

Martin stopped his 100m constant attempt 25m from the surface by pulling. Today he'll go for 102m free immersion to give the legs an extra days rest.

Doc achieved 30m free immersion and today will atttmpt 34m.

Video of Mandy's 78m world record should be up in a couple hours at

Take care,
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Congratulations on your record Mandy! Way to go and I hope you are having a blast.


Congrats to the PFD team!! You guys are always amazing, not only with your constant pushing of the limits of our sport, but also with the incredible coverage you provide so everyone else can follow alonng and the way in which you comport yourselves within the community. Bravo and hats off to you all.

I was looking at the new pictures of Mandy-Rae's dives and had a couple of questions. Even though freediving isn't as equipment intensive as scuba, it still interesting to know what the World Record Holders and Competitors are using. It's clear that she is using a Specialfins blue mono with the omer footpockets that Jon has espoused as being so comfortable, as well as a paradisio noseclip. I was wondering what she was using for a looks like a set of goggles (Eric's fluid goggles perhaps?) or maybe something else? If they aren't fluid goggles I was wondering how she managed to equilize them. I have heard of people who can equilize through thier tear ducts, but have no idea how you can learn to do that, even if it is more than just an urban myth. I was just curious as what both Martin and Mandy-Rae were using, and besides, explaining why you use certain pieces of equipment is good - it's how you can attract sponsors. ;)

Thanks in Advance, and Congratulations!
Mandy is using a free pair of 'A' power fluid goggles.

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada
What’s really incredible is Martin using a regular mask and no nose clip. Not only is he the deepest person in CB history, even though it was just practice so far, but he is the only person to equalize hand free to 100 meters in CB. That maybe an unofficial record he keeps for a while! ;)
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Although Martin has certainly proven he is one of the best in history, be careful in using such absolute qualifiers as the 'greatest or deepest in history.' Doing so is disrespectful to other athletes such as Sebastien Murat, and even Herbert, who also did 100m in constant weight, even though it may have not been clean.

Concerning Martin's incredible hands-free equalization, it is amazing, but unfortunately it seems to be a genetic advantage. To my knowledge he is unable to 'teach' just 'any' person to do it, and it has already been established that being able to equalize hands free is strongly dependent on the genetics of your eustachian tubes.

I prefer to respect athletes for their hard efforts and training; these are things they can pass on to other athletes.

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada:hmm - The Worlds Largest Community Dedicated To Freediving, Scuba Diving and Spearfishing


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