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My DYN training log

Saturday 11/9/2024

Warmup 400yd

6 * 125yd @ 3:00 breathing 3/5/7/7/5/3 (1.57, 1.58, 2.00, 2.01, 2.01, 2.02)
2 * 150yd @ 5:00 (2:13, 2:14)

Cooldown 100yd

Total - 1550yd/1400m
Sunday 11/10/2024

Warmup 400yd
12*25u with 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/4/4/4/4 breaths in between (300u)
10*25uf in 10.57 (1:06/lap) (500/250u)
10*50u w/1:00 rest (500u) -- about 1:00 each

Total - 1700yd/1050u
Saturday 11/16/2024

Warmup 400yd

6 * 125yd @ 3:00 breathing 3/5/7/7/5/3 (1.59, 1.58, 2.01, 2.01, 2.01, 2.02)
2 * 150yd @ 5:00 (2:13, 2:18)

Cooldown 100yd

Total - 1550yd/1400m
Sunday 11/17/2024

Warmup 400yd
12*25u with 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/4/4/4/4 breaths in between (300u)
10*25uf in 10.58 (1:06/lap) (500/250u)
10*25uf DNF in 14:37 (1:28/lap) (500/250u) -- 5 breaths at the wall

Total - 1700yd/800u

4.02 mile trail run @ 8:22/mile
Saturday 11/23/2024

Warmup 400yd
14*25u with 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/4/4/4/4/3/3 breaths in between (350u)
10*50u @ 2:00 (500u)
10*25uf DNF in 15:00 (1:30/lap) (500/250u) -- 5 breaths at the wall

Total - 1750yd/1100u
Thursday 11/28/2024

Warmup 400yd

6 * 125yd @ 3:00 breathing 3/5/7/7/5/3 (1.59, 1.58, 1.59, 1.58, 2.00, 2.00)
2 * 150yd @ 5:00 (2:15, 2:17)

Cooldown 100yd

Total - 1550yd/1400m
Saturday 11/30/2024

Warmup 400yd
6 * 150yd @ 4:00 breathing every 5 (2.27, 2.28, 2.30, 2.29, 2.29, 2.29)
2 * 125yd sprints @ 4:00 (1.51, 1.51)
Cooldown 100yd

Total - 1600yd/1450m

It's been hard to get in any kind of workouts with consistency lately because of work + feeling tired all the time. Lucky to get these in during Thanksgiving break, but did not do a DYN workout. I'll try for a more consistent schedule the following week.
Saturday 12/7/2024

Warmup 400yd

6 * 125yd @ 3:00 breathing 3/5/7/7/5/3 (1.58, 2.01, 2.03, 2.02, 2.03, 2.05)
2 * 150yd @ 5:00 (2:13, 2:15)

Cooldown 100yd

Total - 1550yd/1400m
Sunday 12/8/2024

Warmup 400yd
10*25uf in 11.00 (1:06/lap) (500/250u)
10*50u @ 2:00 (500u)

Total - 1400yd/750u

Awful, quads were burning a lot and cold/tired. I've been lagging in my sleep and training and I think I also need to stop running (or rest more days after runs). I should be able to catch up on training with the holidays .

4.16 mile trail run @ 8:21/mile


4.16 mile trail run @ 8:25/mile

Don't want to be running anymore but I haven't had a chance to do anything else.
Saturday 12/21/2024

Warmup 400yd
14*25u with 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/4/4/4/4/3/3 breaths in between (350u)
10*50u @ 2:00 (500u)
10*25uf DNF in 14:42 (1:28/lap) (500/250u) -- 5 breaths at the wall

Total - 1750yd/1100u

Not bad today, felt pretty good on the DNF work. Happy I finally got a pool workout in after weeks.
Sunday 12/22/2024

Warmup 400yd
6 * 125yd sprints @ 4:00 (1.48, 1.51, 1.52, 1.52, 1.54, 1.54)
Cooldown 100yd

Total - 1250yd

4.03 mile trail run @ 8:35/mile

Quite awful pool workout.
Wednesday 12/25/2024 Merry Christmas!!

Warmup 400yd
12*25u with 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/4/4/4/4 breaths in between (300u)
10*50u @ 2:00 (500u)
10*25uf in 10.48 (1:05/lap) (500/250u)
10*25uf DNF in 14:45 (1:28/lap) (500/250u) -- 5 breaths at the wall

Total - 2200/1300u

Really sucked on the first workout, so made up for it in volume and hit a PR on 10*25uf. My goal is to get that one under 10:00 and the DNF set under 13:00.
Saturday 12/28/2024

Warmup 400yd

6 * 125yd @ 3:00 breathing 3/5/7/7/5/3 (2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.01, 2.02, 2.04)
2 * 150yd @ 5:00 (2:11, 2:13)

Cooldown 200yd

Total - 1650yd/1500m

The pool is warmer today
Sunday 12/29/2024

Warmup 400yd
11*25u with 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/4/4/4 breaths in between (275u)
5*50u @ 2:00 (250u)

Total - 925yd/525u

The pool guy accidentally set the pool temp to the hot tub temp, I could not do my workout at all.
Wednesday 1/1/2025 Happy New Year!!

Warmup 400yd
12*25u with 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/4/4/4/4 breaths in between (300u)
10*50u/25f/25u resting 1:00 (1000u/750u) -- 31:18 total time so 3:08/ea
10*25uf DNF in 14:36 (1:27/lap) (500/250u) -- 5 breaths at the wall

Total - 1800/1300u

Not doing too great on the first workout. Last year I was going up to 8 reps @ 3 breaths after the reps with 4. Second workout was better than expected, but also need to get it down to 3:00/ea.
Saturday 1/4/2025

Warmup 400yd

6 * 125yd @ 3:00 breathing 3/5/7/7/5/3 (all 2:00 - 2:03)
2 * 175yd @ 5:00 (2:34, 2:35)

Cooldown 200yd

Total - 1700yd/1550m
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