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My DYN training log


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2014
Hello guys I want to post my DYN training log. I hope this is the right place. If not ..sorry I can move it.

My past PRs:
DYN 75 yards in august 2013
Static - 3:15 ... about 15 years ago. A few months ago a tried a CO2 table and I did the following just fine (under supervision): 2 min hold/1:45 breathe, 2/1:30, 2/1:15, 2/1:00, 2/0:45, 2/0:30, 2/0:15

Goals by Sept 2016:
100 meter DYN
5 minute static

My training is based upon "Methods of freediver training" by N. Molchanova. Doing mostly swimming workouts until the summer where I will do only DYN workouts. Leave tips and suggestions, as this training can get very boring and I am guilty of doing the same thing over and over!!

Rest between sets, e.g., 4x50m, is 10 breaths. Rest between each line in the log is 1 minute
After every workout I do 2.4 - 3.6 mile run at a very exhausted 8:30 - 9:00 min/mile pace.


Warmup 250m

4x50m breathe every 4 strokes

4x50m breathe every 5 strokes

4x50m breathe every 6 strokes

4x50m breathe every 7 strokes

Cooldown 250m

Total – 1300m


Warmup 200m

4x50m breathe every 3 strokes

4x50m breathe every 5 strokes

4x50m breathe every 7 strokes

4x50m breathe every 5 strokes

25m no breathe w short fins, 25/25/25 breathe every 3,5,7 strokes (2x)

Cooldown 200m

Total – 1400m


Warmup 200m

4x50m breathe every 3 strokes

4x50m breathe every 5 strokes

4x50m breathe every 7 strokes

4x50m breathe every 5 strokes

6x50m sprints

Total – 1300m


Warmup 200m

4x50m breathe every 3 strokes

4x50m breathe every 5 strokes

4x50m breathe every 7 strokes

400m breathe every 5 strokes
Total – 1200m


Warmup 200m

4x50m breathe every 3 strokes

4x50m breathe every 5 strokes

4x50m breathe every 7 strokes

8x20m breathe every 9 strokes

6x50m sprints (speed: 50m/1 min)
Total – 1300m


Warmup 200m

1x200m breathe every 3 strokes

1x200m breathe every 5 strokes

4x50m breathe every 7 strokes

4x200m breathe every 5 strokes

Total – 1600m


Warmup 200m

1x200m breathe every 3 strokes

2x100m breathe every 5 strokes

4x50m breathe every 7 strokes

8x25m breathe every 9 strokes

4x50m sprints (speed: 50m/1 min)

4x50m no fins, 25 under/25 freestyle

Total – 1400m


Warmup 200m

1x200m breathe every 3 strokes

4x50m breathe every 5 strokes

4x50m breathe every 7 strokes

2x100m sprints (time: 2:20, 2:10)

2x (w short fins) 25m under/25m free/25m on back/25m under

Total – 1200m

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Warmup 200m
1x200m breathe every 3 strokes
2x100m breathe every 5 strokes
4x50m breathe every 7 strokes
4x100m sprints (2:15 each)
Total – 1200m
Warmup 200m
1x200m breathe every 3 strokes
2x100m breathe every 5 strokes
4x50m breathe every 7 strokes
4x100m sprints (2:05, 2:15, 2:20, 2:20)
4x 25under/25free/25back/25under with fins
Total – 1600m
You seem to be doing a lot of he same thing. Maybe try some ladders with longer distances--50M swims followed by 10 breaths would not really build much CO2, esp with minute breaks every 4. For instance at your current level throw in something like warm-up then 6x100M for your main set, breathing ladder 3, 5, 7, 5, 3, 5, etc... Take maybe 15 breaths between each.

The over/unders are terrific, too. This summer I was doing 6x200 over/under, 25 uw followed by 25 crawl breathing every 5 strokes, repeated with one inhale at each wall for my main sets... Today went in and managed sets of 100's but could have probably made some 200's although rotator cuff is being fussy so didn't push it.
You seem to be doing a lot of he same thing. Maybe try some ladders with longer distances--50M swims followed by 10 breaths would not really build much CO2, esp with minute breaks every 4. For instance at your current level throw in something like warm-up then 6x100M for your main set, breathing ladder 3, 5, 7, 5, 3, 5, etc... Take maybe 15 breaths between each.

The over/unders are terrific, too. This summer I was doing 6x200 over/under, 25 uw followed by 25 crawl breathing every 5 strokes, repeated with one inhale at each wall for my main sets... Today went in and managed sets of 100's but could have probably made some 200's although rotator cuff is being fussy so didn't push it.

what is that 6x100? sprints? and what is ladder? do 50m with 3 breaths, 50m w/5, 50m w/ 7? and back down with no rest?
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6x100m crawl, breathe 3, 5, 7, 5, 3... Changing every stroke, called a ladder because it goes up and down in difficulty. When you get better you can shift it so it is something like 5, 7, 9, 7, 5, 7, ad infinitum, and upwards from there. Not sprint, just medium to easy depending on your conditioning and rest interval. You should be able to finish the set with difficulty. A worthwhile CO2 set should last you at least 20 minutes.
6x100m crawl, breathe 3, 5, 7, 5, 3... Changing every stroke, called a ladder because it goes up and down in difficulty. When you get better you can shift it so it is something like 5, 7, 9, 7, 5, 7, ad infinitum, and upwards from there. Not sprint, just medium to easy depending on your conditioning and rest interval. You should be able to finish the set with difficulty. A worthwhile CO2 set should last you at least 20 minutes.

are the 6x100 and the 3/5/7/5/3 ladder separate exercises? or is it like this:
100m breathe every 3
100m breathe every 5
100m breathe every 7
100m breathe every 5
100m breathe every 3
100m breathe every 5
You change every stroke: start to swim, take 3 strokes and breathe, then 5 strokes and breathe, then 7 and breathe, then 5, 3, 5, 7, etc. Do that for 100 yards. Repeat another 5 times.

That is 6x100 breathing 3,5,7,5...
Warmup 200m
6x100m breathe every 3/5/7/5/3 and repeat
4x50m sprints (all 1:00 or under)
2x100m 25u/25f/25u/25f with fins <--- these were tough and I didn't want to push it
Total – 1200m
Warmup 200m
6x100m breathe every 3/5/7/5/3 and repeat
4x50m sprints (all 1:00 or under)
2x100m 25u/25f/25u/25f with fins <--- these were tough and I didn't want to push it
Total – 1200m

That is a pretty decent workout. As you become accustomed you should reduce your rest interval, and/or change the breathing ladder so you go a little deeper (up to 7+). I personally like a traditional swim workout type time interval instead of breathing interval since I find it easier to gauge progress and current fitness, and it makes it impossible to slack off.

The other thing is maybe lose the fins on your over/unders for more conditioning benefit. When I have trained almost exclusively in no fins I always saw gains in swimming with fins. When I am training that way, everything is no fins, except I do some shorter distance max effort fin sprints to keep finning muscles strong.
Also, I saw you are running after your swim workout. Seeing as you are fit for enough to get through the swimming workouts, additional steady state cardio like running isn't going to help with the apnea goals. Not to say that it isn't good exercise, just that the time might be better spent doing more swimming with a mild hypoxic component. Aerobic activity after apnea is good for your muscles, they will recover faster, but you only need 10 or fifteen minutes of light to medium work.
Also, I saw you are running after your swim workout. Seeing as you are fit for enough to get through the swimming workouts, additional steady state cardio like running isn't going to help with the apnea goals. Not to say that it isn't good exercise, just that the time might be better spent doing more swimming with a mild hypoxic component. Aerobic activity after apnea is good for your muscles, they will recover faster, but you only need 10 or fifteen minutes of light to medium work.

thanks. i have no problem dropping the jogging part, i just need more things to do in the pool! also, what kind of dynamic o2 exercises can I do? I think my o2 skills are severely lacking moreso than my co2 tolerance
thanks. i have no problem dropping the jogging part, i just need more things to do in the pool! also, what kind of dynamic o2 exercises can I do? I think my o2 skills are severely lacking moreso than my co2 tolerance

Swimming longer distances between breaths and/or less rest will shift the training towards O2 and lactic tolerance. You should have a training partner if you plan to do that, or train dry. CO2 drills are fairly safe to do in water; nearly all swimming by its nature is a CO2 workout. Besides that, for better low O2 performance nutrition etc may come into play. Good luck!
Warmup 200m
6x100m breathe every 3/5/7/5/3 and repeat
Sprints – 100m, 100m, 75m, 50m, 25m (2:00,2:20,1:45,1:00,:30) rest 1 min between each
DYN warmup (short fins) 2x25m
4x25 under, 25 freestyle breathing every 5 breaths. Rest 15 seconds between each
Total – 1300m

Started to feel sick on the sprints from my coffee, that's why I didnt do 4x100. DYN work felt easy. No running today.
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Warmup 200m
6x125m breathe 3/5/7/5/3 repeat (15 second rest between each) <--- took a little under 25 minutes total
Sprints 4x50m departing every 2 minutes (1 min each or less)
5x 25u/25f/25b/25u with less than 1 min rest between each
Total – 1650m

Looking to try something different tomorrow, leave ideas or I can look up some stuff in freediving manual. Adding 500m of dyn training at the end of every workout and 100m additional every month until I am doing only dyn training between July - Sept
Warmup 200m
5x150m breathe 3/5/7/5/3 repeat (15 breath rest between each) <--- took about 27 min
Sprints - 25m, 50m, 75m, 50m, 25m <--my anaerobic sucks, these hurt. planned to work up to 100m and down, but too tired
2x25m warmup DYN short rubber fins
8x25u/25f breathing every 5 strokes, rest 10 breaths and go
Total = 1545m
Those are getting to be proper pool workouts... One thing you can start doing is thinking more on a weekly level instead of daily level; for instance 2 days a week the focus is anearobic/lactic tolerance, with sets geared towards sprinting and hypoxia, and then 2 days a week your focus is more hypoxic cardio and volume (ie very long challenging breathing ladder), then 1 day which is lighter, a recovery day with emphasis on technique.

Typically you would emphasize hypoxic cardio, cross training, maybe weights in the beginning of the season to establish a base, then begin shifting towards more lactic tolerance in the mid season, then taper off before a big comp doing much lower volume workouts, letting the body recover with emphasis on technique and just enough sprinting and hypoxia to keep the muscles and blood strong.
Those are getting to be proper pool workouts... One thing you can start doing is thinking more on a weekly level instead of daily level; for instance 2 days a week the focus is anearobic/lactic tolerance, with sets geared towards sprinting and hypoxia, and then 2 days a week your focus is more hypoxic cardio and volume (ie very long challenging breathing ladder), then 1 day which is lighter, a recovery day with emphasis on technique.

Typically you would emphasize hypoxic cardio, cross training, maybe weights in the beginning of the season to establish a base, then begin shifting towards more lactic tolerance in the mid season, then taper off before a big comp doing much lower volume workouts, letting the body recover with emphasis on technique and just enough sprinting and hypoxia to keep the muscles and blood strong.

do you have a training log somewhere i can read? what kind of workouts have more anaerobic focus? i assume the hypoxic volume cardio is what i've been doing so far, maybe more volume. since it is getting warmer now, i can swim at night after work.
do you have a training log somewhere i can read? what kind of workouts have more anaerobic focus? i assume the hypoxic volume cardio is what i've been doing so far, maybe more volume. since it is getting warmer now, i can swim at night after work.
No, sorry, no training log. Yes, most of what you do would be hypoxic cardio. Sprints are anaerobic as are long dynamics. Also shortening the rest interval will shift the emphasis towards the anaerobic end of the spectrum.
Warmup 200m
6x100m breathe every 3/5/7/5/3 and repeat

sprint pyramid
25m fast, 25m slow
50m fast, 50m slow
75m fast, 75m slow
100m fast, 100m slow
75m fast, 75m slow
50m fast, 50m slow
25m fast, 25m slow

4x25+u/25f with the turn done under water (fins)

Total – 1800m
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